Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sweet Words From A Four-Year-Old

Last night, we had some friends over for an impromptu dinner.  Michael and my friend Lisa were playing with the shapes puzzle thingy (you match the shapes to the picture on the different designs on these wooden boards) and they came across a butterfly pattern.  Lisa asked Michael if they could do the butterfly one (he was being a good host and letting her pick a design to do together) because she really liked butterflies.  Then she added that her mother really liked butterflies, too.  Here's how the conversation went...

M:  Well, then, we'll give it to her when we're finished with it.

L:  That's very sweet, Michael, but she went to Heaven last week. 

Me:  Michael, that means her mommy died and now she's in Heaven with Jesus.

Michael:  Oh! Well then, when I die, I'll bring this butterfly to her, okay?

I can't help but wonder if God smiled at that little comment made so innocently by a small little boy with a pure heart.  This is what I love about being with children.  Sometimes, they're really funny and say the funniest things.  Other times, they say the sweetest things that add salve over a hurting heart.

In the Contemporary English Version, Proverbs 25:11 says, "The right word at the right time is like precious gold set in silver." What a great word picture!

Today we spent the day in LA visiting some of our favorite places.  Beard Pa Pa's (the world's best cream puffs!!!) is fast becoming an addiction in our family.  We intended to visit The Getty (it's an art museum for those of you not from LA) but unfortunately, they were closed today.

Since my last blog (sorry, but it's pretty impossible to blog on a daily basis unless God decides to supply me with a nanny, a chef, a maid and a chauffeur and that's so not happening any time soon!), I've started and finished Robin Caroll's Deliver Us From Evil (mystery and suspense fans will love this one!) and Hatteras Girl by Alice J. Wisler (a fun read that I thoroughly enjoyed!).  My upstairs book is Ann Tatlock's Promises To Keep and my downstairs book is Vicki Hinze's Deadly Ties which is not suitable reading material before going to bed!

I'm a big sissy when it comes to reading scary things, but the saving grace about the suspense and mystery novels I review are the faith elements woven in reminding me there's always hope in Christ! Hallelujah!

Don't you just love what Lamentations 3:25 says?  Here's the Amplified version of this verse:  "The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him [inquire of and for Him and require Him by right of necessity and on the authority of God's word]."

"God is good all the time.  All the time God is good."