Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Post Christmas and A Joyous New Year!!!

It's really the last day of 2012.  Can you believe it?!? We spent the last week of the year celebrating the gift of meaningful relationships.  A few days before Christmas, we spent two days in Georgia catching up with friends from my college days basking in Southern hospitality (and renewing my love for sweet tea!).  The rest of the time was spent in Orlando with the Tse family from NJ (we've been friends since Krista was a toddler!)---a trip we've dreamed about for at least 8+ years!!!

And tonight we spent time with some new friends God has brought into our life!  As I washed the dishes, I couldn't help reflecting on 2012.  I mean, that's what we do at the end of the year, right?!?

I want to thank God for His constant care, provision and grace.  And so I dedicate this blog to God because He is a faithful Father.  Blogging is a convenient way to help me record the fingerprints of His faithfulness in 2012 since my brain doesn't have the capacity to retain everything...!

2012 Highs

  • Girls Bible Study Sleep Overs (I love you, girls and miss our monthly times together!!!)
  • MOMSnext steering leadership team Christmas Party (fun times with Nicea & Missi!!!) & weekend in Solvang (Nancy was the best roomie ever!!!)
  • Chat Group #2 (FABULOUS moms and friends of my heart!!! I miss you all!!!)
  • Betty & Michael's small group & friends (miss you all!!!)
  • Jacob's new job
  • Getting plugged in and connected at Willow North Shore
  • Finding a house with great potential for ministry opportunities :o)
  • Krista turning 15 and Michael turning 6
  • Being a part of our new small group family
So, I'll end this blog with one of my favorite passages in Lamentations 3:22-23 from the Amplified Bible...
22 It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.

I pray that you will recognize God's faithfulness and unconditional love toward you :o) Wishing you a joyful and blessed 2013!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Six Things I Love About Michael, Our Six-Year-Old

I was three months into my pregnancy before I found out I was pregnant.  By the time I was used to the idea we would be starting all over again with diapers, midnight feelings, etc. I figured God would give us anther girl.  I mean, I know and understand girls.   I love little girl clothing (I had a bunch of plastic bins filled with adorable clothing from Krista's growing up years), love the toys, accessories and doing girly things so surely God would make it easy for me... or not! Ummm, yeah, about that delusional thought... God's ways are NOT our ways nor are His thoughts our thoughts, right?!?

I remember feeling fear when every sonogram confirmed we were having a boy! I had no idea what to do with little boys...!

And then Michael was born - 6 lbs and 2.4 oz --- a perfect fit to our family! He was an easy baby relatively speaking and a born cuddler! I love that!!! And today, I can't even imagine life without Michael in our life!!! I'm so glad God brought him to us :o)

Here are six favorite things I love about Michael...

1.  I love how cuddly he is!
2.  I love how he's always asking me how he can help me!
3.  I love the dimples in his smiles!
4. I love his heart for God!
5. I love that he loves books!
6. I love that he has a heart to help others!

Happy 6th birthday, Michael :o) You are loved!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Updates Posted at Five Star Books & More by The Reading Mom newsletter

I've got some more reviews for you, so click on the tab, "Five Star Books & More Newsletter" and you'll find them :o)

Warning: Blogger is unhappy with me adding my updates, so please pardon the crazy spacing between reviews.  Aarrggghhh.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"Mommy, I Love You Forever!!!"

Today was so peaceful! I played Christmas music while indulging in a favorite past-time: making a beaded ornament. Then I finished Courting Cate by Leslie Gould (LOVED it!!!), started Nicole O'Dell's The Embittered Ruby and spent most of the evening on the phone catching up with good friends.  All in all, it's been a great day!!!

I can't believe Christmas is only a few weeks away! And for the life of me, I can't figure out where our tree stand is located.  So I set up our tree skirt and the tree box is beside it :o) Our Little People Nativity set is on the kitchen island instead of around the tree (we're setting up the tree where the non-existent kitchenette is) and our Playmobile Nativity set is now in the piano room.  We have our Advent calendars and wreaths around the house and we're burning the cinnamon candles downstairs and the spiced plum candles upstairs.  Oh, I just love the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas!!! And being here, it actually feels like Christmas with the frigid temps which I know are nothing compared to what they can be...!!!

Michael is so cuddly and lately, he's been convinced he loves me more than I could ever love him! I wish I could keep him at 5 and Krista at 15 forever! I'm so thankful for these two sweet and snuggly children!!! As much as I love them both, I know that God's love for them is a gazillion times more! Don't you find it comforting knowing how much God loves us?

I love how the Amplified Bible puts 1 John 3:1a...
See what [[a]an incredible] quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are! 

It's a beautiful privilege, isn't it?!? Happy 12.12.12!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Family-Friendly Resources is updated :o)

Yes and finally!!! I have added some updates to my newsletter, Five Star Books & More here, so click on the link and check out the latest Family-Friendly resources.  I'll be posting more things in the days to come :o)

Happy viewing!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November - December issue of Five Star Books & More by The Reading Mom has been posted

I'm still posting new reviews for November & December's issue of my newsletter, Five Star Books & More, so click on the link and check out what I have so far :o) Christmas is just around the corner so come get some ideas for the loveys on your list!!!