Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Post Christmas and A Joyous New Year!!!

It's really the last day of 2012.  Can you believe it?!? We spent the last week of the year celebrating the gift of meaningful relationships.  A few days before Christmas, we spent two days in Georgia catching up with friends from my college days basking in Southern hospitality (and renewing my love for sweet tea!).  The rest of the time was spent in Orlando with the Tse family from NJ (we've been friends since Krista was a toddler!)---a trip we've dreamed about for at least 8+ years!!!

And tonight we spent time with some new friends God has brought into our life!  As I washed the dishes, I couldn't help reflecting on 2012.  I mean, that's what we do at the end of the year, right?!?

I want to thank God for His constant care, provision and grace.  And so I dedicate this blog to God because He is a faithful Father.  Blogging is a convenient way to help me record the fingerprints of His faithfulness in 2012 since my brain doesn't have the capacity to retain everything...!

2012 Highs

  • Girls Bible Study Sleep Overs (I love you, girls and miss our monthly times together!!!)
  • MOMSnext steering leadership team Christmas Party (fun times with Nicea & Missi!!!) & weekend in Solvang (Nancy was the best roomie ever!!!)
  • Chat Group #2 (FABULOUS moms and friends of my heart!!! I miss you all!!!)
  • Betty & Michael's small group & friends (miss you all!!!)
  • Jacob's new job
  • Getting plugged in and connected at Willow North Shore
  • Finding a house with great potential for ministry opportunities :o)
  • Krista turning 15 and Michael turning 6
  • Being a part of our new small group family
So, I'll end this blog with one of my favorite passages in Lamentations 3:22-23 from the Amplified Bible...
22 It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.

I pray that you will recognize God's faithfulness and unconditional love toward you :o) Wishing you a joyful and blessed 2013!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Six Things I Love About Michael, Our Six-Year-Old

I was three months into my pregnancy before I found out I was pregnant.  By the time I was used to the idea we would be starting all over again with diapers, midnight feelings, etc. I figured God would give us anther girl.  I mean, I know and understand girls.   I love little girl clothing (I had a bunch of plastic bins filled with adorable clothing from Krista's growing up years), love the toys, accessories and doing girly things so surely God would make it easy for me... or not! Ummm, yeah, about that delusional thought... God's ways are NOT our ways nor are His thoughts our thoughts, right?!?

I remember feeling fear when every sonogram confirmed we were having a boy! I had no idea what to do with little boys...!

And then Michael was born - 6 lbs and 2.4 oz --- a perfect fit to our family! He was an easy baby relatively speaking and a born cuddler! I love that!!! And today, I can't even imagine life without Michael in our life!!! I'm so glad God brought him to us :o)

Here are six favorite things I love about Michael...

1.  I love how cuddly he is!
2.  I love how he's always asking me how he can help me!
3.  I love the dimples in his smiles!
4. I love his heart for God!
5. I love that he loves books!
6. I love that he has a heart to help others!

Happy 6th birthday, Michael :o) You are loved!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Updates Posted at Five Star Books & More by The Reading Mom newsletter

I've got some more reviews for you, so click on the tab, "Five Star Books & More Newsletter" and you'll find them :o)

Warning: Blogger is unhappy with me adding my updates, so please pardon the crazy spacing between reviews.  Aarrggghhh.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"Mommy, I Love You Forever!!!"

Today was so peaceful! I played Christmas music while indulging in a favorite past-time: making a beaded ornament. Then I finished Courting Cate by Leslie Gould (LOVED it!!!), started Nicole O'Dell's The Embittered Ruby and spent most of the evening on the phone catching up with good friends.  All in all, it's been a great day!!!

I can't believe Christmas is only a few weeks away! And for the life of me, I can't figure out where our tree stand is located.  So I set up our tree skirt and the tree box is beside it :o) Our Little People Nativity set is on the kitchen island instead of around the tree (we're setting up the tree where the non-existent kitchenette is) and our Playmobile Nativity set is now in the piano room.  We have our Advent calendars and wreaths around the house and we're burning the cinnamon candles downstairs and the spiced plum candles upstairs.  Oh, I just love the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas!!! And being here, it actually feels like Christmas with the frigid temps which I know are nothing compared to what they can be...!!!

Michael is so cuddly and lately, he's been convinced he loves me more than I could ever love him! I wish I could keep him at 5 and Krista at 15 forever! I'm so thankful for these two sweet and snuggly children!!! As much as I love them both, I know that God's love for them is a gazillion times more! Don't you find it comforting knowing how much God loves us?

I love how the Amplified Bible puts 1 John 3:1a...
See what [[a]an incredible] quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are! 

It's a beautiful privilege, isn't it?!? Happy 12.12.12!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Family-Friendly Resources is updated :o)

Yes and finally!!! I have added some updates to my newsletter, Five Star Books & More here, so click on the link and check out the latest Family-Friendly resources.  I'll be posting more things in the days to come :o)

Happy viewing!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November - December issue of Five Star Books & More by The Reading Mom has been posted

I'm still posting new reviews for November & December's issue of my newsletter, Five Star Books & More, so click on the link and check out what I have so far :o) Christmas is just around the corner so come get some ideas for the loveys on your list!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Daddy, Can I Have A Brother? I Mean Two Brothers?" inquired the 5-Year-Old

Okay, to be honest, I nearly had a heart attack when I heard Michael ask Jacob that question! I decided to hear how Jacob would handle that hot question when Michael continued... "I mean, I want two brothers and their names are Daniel and Jason!" Jacob told him that they couldn't be brothers for him because they were his cousins already, but Michael insisted they could be both.  Don't you just love a 5-year-old's logic?!? So, Daniel and Jason, consider yourselves the big brothers of a little five-soon-to-be-six-year-old-brother :o)

I have been dying to blog because I have so much stuff floating around in my head wanting to be released!!!  But circumstances have kept me away from the computer and after today's amazing event, I knew I would have to fight for time here in order to capture my memories in this blog.

First, let's rewind to Thanksgiving Day...
For the first time in a gazillion years (translation:  more than 8 years & counting!!!), we celebrated Thanksgiving with my favorite sister and her family and our extended family (Go Kok, Tan & Chu clan!!!).  This meant an 11 hr and 47 min road trip (the time is exact because Michael was present when Jacob mapped it out and he informed us how long the trip would be) divided up into 2 days to go up and 2 days to come home.  Thank goodness for Jacob's planning because any trip over 6 hours would have killed us all! This was our first road trip for this length of time and I'm kinda liking the idea of man's modern invention called airplanes...!

I loved spending time with my sister and the family and it was great seeing so many of my aunts and uncles and cousins again!!! I just wish we could have more time together and less stress in planning mini rendezvous! But all in all, we really maximized our time in MD & VA, so I'm very grateful that it happened :o)

On the day after Thanksgiving, Jacob and I introduced my sister to Black Friday shopping---she had no idea we would be shopping so early (I'm still yawning from getting up at such an ugly hour!!!)!!! If only we could have shopped longer in MD where the sales tax is lower than the North Shore...!!! Oh well.

Coming home, we stopped in Pittsburgh and when we woke up the next morning, a mini blizzard introduced Michael to his first snow storm! He informed us he was ready to move back to California!!! As you can see, he doesn't do cold and bulky coats very well!

Now, fast forward to the present...
Wednesday, November 28, 2012: I took Michael to see a Pediatric Orthopedic doctor regarding some random leg issues he's been having.  The visit went well and thankfully, there's nothing serious.  Michael is pretty flexible so his leg issues are from his joints locking up occasionally.  Thankfully, he can do 10 squats a night to build up strength in his legs so it was a painless visit (except for the fact that he had to remove his socks and change out of his pants to wear these huge disposable shorts that were ugly and uncomfortable!!! And surprisingly, I think he was more traumatized by the weirdo shorts than having to remove his socks since he's my mini sock boy!).

I was trying to make a left turn against the traffic to get out of the medical office complex (where are traffic lights when you need them?!?) and it was C-R-A-Z-Y!!! We had to make a run to Trader Joe's so I was trying to figure out the best way to get there. Then, out of the blue, Michael goes...

Michael: "Mommy, I want to accept Jesus as my personal Savior.  Can you help me?" Oh. My. Stars. Here, my little boy is asking me about the most important decision he will make in his life and I was in the middle of trying to maneuver through crazy traffic!!!  I wish I could have handled this holy moment better, but I was half-way out of the lot and half-way in the road already!

Me:  Michael, that is such an important decision you're making but can you please hold your thoughts while mommy focuses on getting us alive and safely on the road first?!?

There was finally a break in traffic and as I drove toward Trader Joe's, we talked again about what it meant to accept Jesus as his personal Savior.  This has been an ongoing conversation for the past two years.  We have been reading books about Heaven and God and this past summer, we introduced Michael to The Jesus Film project for children from Krista's younger days.  I've been debating internally about walking him through the steps to accept Christ (he's been asking to do it for the past 2 years) because I want him to clearly understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

We talked through basic theology 101 again (sin separates us from God, we need a Savior because we deserve death, Jesus paid the price through His death and resurrection, etc) and I knew Michael understood what the Gospel is about.

We came home and after putting things away, we both headed upstairs to the office.  I called him over to me and asked if he would like to pray and accept Jesus as his personal Savior.  He climbed into my lap and said he was ready to accept Jesus and we prayed together.  It. was. unbelievably. amazing!!! I will continue to talk to him about what it means to be a follower of Jesus and as he grows up, I pray that he will understand the importance of deepening his relationship with His Savior through Bible reading, prayer and connecting with other like-minded believers in church, serving, etc.

For now, I know the angels in Heaven are rejoicing over one little five-year-old boy who made a decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ :o) I know this because the NLT (New Living Translation) puts Luke 15:10 in this way:  "In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”

What a GOD thing!!! I am so excited for Michael!!! :o)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"I Just Want to Snuggle. Do I Have to Go to School Today?"

The past couple of days have been perfect days to stay home and read in bed! Michael was sick for a few days and he was happy to stay home for another day if given the opportunity.  He loves staying in his comfy pj's and just snuggling in bed.  It's a luxury to stay in bed all day and read and one of these days, in a different season of my life, I want to experience that, too!!! As I leave with Jacob in the mornings or chauffeur the kids to school, I love looking at the silhouette of bare trees against the backdrop of a gray cloudless sky.  It's simply beautiful!!!

We've been busy whipping the lower level of our house into shape.  The other day, while my parents, Michael and I were organizing, I uncovered a stack of pictures I fully intended to scrapbook when Krista was in Kindergarten.  They're beautifully cut and stacked nicely, but they'll be lucky to see the inside of my Creative Memories scrapbook album at this point in my life!  There were pictures of Krista at 3, 4 and 5 years old.  From a tiny child in the pictures to the young woman she has blossomed into, I wonder where the time has gone.  Have you noticed that the older you get, the faster time seems to go by? 

It seems like just yesterday when Krista was crying over my writing assignment in 5th grade and now she's discovered a passion for writing her own stories and other things.  And it really feels like just yesterday when Krista was holding Michael gingerly in her arms on the couch and now he's 5.5 years old and soon-to-be 6!!!

How do you make the most of every moment when you're caught up in living life?  There are kids to drop off, music lessons, sports activities, play dates to organize, homework and more homework! Life can get busy and whiz by you if you're not careful about it and intentional in your relationships.

It's why I love being a part of a small group fellowship.  You have to slow down to make plans to meet regularly, share a meal and grow together as a community.  Consider investing in people, and not so much in things.  After all, the only things you can take to Heaven with you are the people you've lead to Jesus, right?  God's plan for us is in Micah 6:8, "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God?"

Now that's a legacy worth leaving behind :o)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"I'm Not A Fan, I'm A Super Fan!!!" exclaimed the Five-Year-Old Cyberchase Fanatic

My coat was put to the test the other night.  And it failed.  We went to our church's Trunk or Treat Extravaganza and were warned that it would be cold (thanks, Grace!), so we layered up and all wore our winter wear.  But it wasn't enough, obviously, because we were all freezing!!! I'm not kidding.  After being out in the West Coast for the past 8 years, we've been spoiled and our blood has gotten thin.  And it's not even the temps at this point, but the chill-to-the-bone wind that's killin' me!!! I know what you're thinking---this is nothing because winter will be much worse.  Oh.  We are so in BIG trouble...!!! We pitched in to help with the Kettle Corn station and the continuous scooping action kept me moving so I didn't turn into a block of ice (even Michael was involved in helping serve the bags of kettle corn but after helping out for about an hour, he wanted to accomplish his main mission:  getting candy!!!)! Yay for Kettle Corn!!!

When we returned home, Michael poured out all his candy onto the island and divided it up for himself and Krista WITHOUT being asked!!! Of course, I was on hand to snag the Butterfingers and the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups :o) He knew Krista had been with her small group from Impact manning a trunk as a Care Bear (great idea, Melissa!!!) so he wanted to share his loot with her.  I. LOVE. That!!!

AAARRRGGGHHH! I've been feeling very cranky today---it's evidenced in my multiple calls to my sister for therapeutic conversation and the excessive sarcasm running through my brain. I believe I'm feeling the stress of the 2 week visit from my parents which has upped my schedule in trying to get one bedroom and one bathroom in habitable shape for their stay.  And while I'm really glad to finally have one complete room set all done down there, it drives me crazy that the organization of the basement area is taking me so long!!! I dream of 3 days of uninterrupted time to organize down there, but the reality is... there are errands to run, floors, kitchen counters, dishes and bathrooms to clean (5.5 bathrooms are too many---I totally wouldn't recommend it!!!), meals to prepare (I wish we could eat via osmosis!!!), laundry (why, oh, why can't someone invent disposable clothing?!?) and driving back and forth 6 times a day which takes up valuable organizing time (I'm pretty certain that travel by portal is just a blink away... mainly in my dreams, I admit!)...!!!

Okay, I've got to focus on praise before my brain completely derails....! So, #1. I'm blessed I don't have to juggle a job outside of the home right now AND try to get settled in a new home.  #2 House cleaning, food stuff and driving mean my husband is gainfully employed so we can afford cleaning agents, groceries and gasoline, right? And to put things in perspective since all my ranting and ravings were therapeutic but unnecessary (!), I'm thankful that having to clean, cook and drive means that I'm enormously blessed with a home and a family to take care of :o) I just took a deep cleansing breath and I feel like me... again :o) And honestly, normally, none of this ever bothers me in the way it has like today.  I need some time to just read...!!!

When Krista was in PreK, she discovered Cyberchase on PBS and couldn't get enough of it.  Now, I'm seeing Michael absorb Cyberchase ( intensely and he's constantly telling me about the episodes and giving me a beyond detailed play-by-play of  it.  I notice that this happens a lot when I'm starting to go through his bedtime routine...

It gets pretty comical as I listen to him in his unbridled enthusiasm recite dialogue... word for word (Boy, what I would give to just have a portion of his memory skills!!!)!!! I mentioned that he must be a fan of Cyberchase to which he promptly replied, "Mommy, I LOVE Cyberchase! I'm not a fan, I'm a Super Fan!!!" I confess I couldn't help bursting out in laughter at his sincere declaration!!!

And then it hit me.  Wouldn't it be great if we---believers of Jesus Christ, exhibited that same excitement about the Gospel and the hope found in Christ?  Wouldn't it be great to share Christ and what He's doing in our life without any inhibitions?

I love how The Amplified Bible puts Hebrews 6:19, "[Now] we have this [hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it—a hope] that reaches farther and enters into [the very certainty of the Presence] within the veil,"
Hope.  It's intended to be shared...! :o)

Friday, October 19, 2012

"I Told My Teacher that for Halloween, I'm Going to Be Happy Because I'm Not Into Costumes or Dressing Up!"

Last weekend I attended my first WOW luncheon where I had the opportunity to share a story of God's faithfulness.  I was trying to figure out how I should introduce myself when I came across Michael's take home folder.  I read his teacher's newsletter and she mentioned that school pictures were sent home.  Hey what school pictures?!?  I hadn't seen Michael's and I knew I had ordered a package...

I was curious to see how the pictures turned out because the last picture his teacher took on the "Meet your teacher day" was of Michael glowering at the camera! He absolutely hates getting his picture taken and since birth, he has rarely been cooperative in front of a camera.  Naturally, Krista was quite the opposite and unlike Michael, I have a ton of pictures of her!

Then I flipped his folder over and what I saw cracked me up...! Take a look... 

Michael's brain:  Why is that strange person telling me to smile for my picture?  What is THAT thing and what is he going to do?  It doesn't look like Krista's camera or the iPhone camera...?
 I'm certain that instead of this dazed expression he would have glowered with hostility had he known his picture was going to be taken (I'm pretty certain he was trying to figure out what that machine would do as the photographer was sweating bullets trying to make him smile for his picture) !!! 

He looks so much older in his school picture compared to this one I took the other day (yes, he caught me taking a picture of him with my iPhone!)...

I caught him with my iPhone cam before he had time to duck under the table!
Anyway, after seeing his school picture, I knew exactly how I would introduce myself at the luncheon! It's the kind of picture that's guaranteed to make you smile and laugh out loud---especially when you're having "one of those days!" Not to mention the fact that it will make you feel better about your child's school picture!!!

This has been a banner week for Michael because he has been the "Star of the Week" and on Tuesday, he was "Helper of the Day!" He was thrilled to pieces because no one else has been "Star of the Week" AND "Helper of the Day," too!!! We had a big "About Me" poster to color and fill in with his favorite things and he's looking forward to bringing it home soon.

Yesterday was our first parent/teacher conference with Michael's teacher.  I love his teacher! God gave Michael the perfect teacher that's just right for him and he adores her and Kindergarten! Jacob moved a meeting so he could join us and he got to hear how Michael is doing in school, too.  Michael is adjusting well to Kindergarten and is helping his friends when they're struggling with their school work.  We saw his journal and were amazed by the difference in his penmanship and artwork from his first journal entry to his most recent one.

It's amazing because last year when we were working on Kindergarten through CAVA, he hated penmanship! He loved everything else (especially math and Science!) except for writing and drawing.  Now, his favorite center is handwriting and he loves making his letters "perfect." He now also loves drawing and adding detail. It's so much fun drawing and coloring with him now! We've been noticing he has an eye for color combinations and interesting design composition so I'm curious to see his creativity grow.

I love how the leaves are bursting with their fall colors even though my allergies have been going c-r-a-z-y!!! What I dislike about this time of the year is  Halloween and all the scary images that are everywhere as we go out and about.  Michael gets scared seeing all the gory images and I dread taking him into stores as I run errands.  Ugh.  In school, the children will get to come dressed in their costumes and Michael confided that they had to write down what they would be for his teacher.  We had this conversation...

Michael:  Mommy, we had to tell Miss Wallis what we would be for Halloween. She said we can dress up and wear our costumes to school.

Me:  Oh, so what did you tell Miss Wallis you would be?

Michael:  I told her I would be... happy...for Halloween.  I'm not really into costumes or wearing stuff for dress up, you know.

Me:  That's great, Michael! I love your answer!!! Your friends will dress up and that's fine for them because it's their choice, right?

Michael: Yup.  Every family does things differently and they make their own choices.

So, there you have it.  Michael is going to be happy for Halloween---especially when he gets all that candy!!! I love how his brain works, don't you?!? 

I love that he doesn't care that everyone else in his class will be dressing up as something and wearing costumes.  It's never easy choosing to be different and making choices that go against public opinion, right?  I think of what Paul says in Romans 12:2 and I love how The Message puts it... 

"Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."

I pray that both of our children will learn to stand strong for their convictions and live their lives as God pleasers and not as people pleasers.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"This Is the Best Day of My Life!" said the Five-Year-Old Boy

This past weekend was all about getting the top part of Michael's bunk assembled (yes, all 927 pieces of it thanks to IKEA!!!).  Once we were finished, I put up the glow-in-the-dark stars on the slats of the top part of the bunk that we had purchased eons ago.  Then Michael and I took turns charging them up with my flashlight and turned off the lights.  It was magical! Of course he wanted more stars, but I promised we would add more after his "real bed" aka the mattress arrived.

Today was a special day for Michael because the mattress we ordered for him finally arrived!!! He got to feel his new flannel sheets this morning (I had just gotten them out of the dryer this morning so they were all toasty warm) and helped me mop all the floors after the delivery guys came through.  I'm training him for his future wife (the one we've been praying for)!!!

While I put the sheets and blankets on, Michael went into his closet and got out the huge bag of animals we've put away until "the bed" arrived.  Then we added more glow-in-the-dark stars and put up the blanket to make his "fort." It's the world's coziest set-up!

Michael told me that today was the best day of his life because we would get to snuggle in his bed now that he had a real mattress (he's been sleeping in our bed or on the air mattress in his room)! I was expecting him to say it was the best day of his life because his bed was finally ready.  He has very good memory---I had told him a long time ago that I would only snuggle with him in his bed IF his real mattress was on his bed! 

I love these tender moments! The other day, he came to me sobbing (part of the reason was because he had gotten in trouble with Jacob) because he didn't think we would still be able to be a family when he grew up and had his own house! I was thankful he didn't keep that question inside him and happily assured him that we would continue to be a family no matter where he and Krista lived.  And I told him that our family would grow as he and Krista got married and then had children.  After they go to college, grad school and have a job...!!!

Is it so terribly selfish of me if I want him to stay 5 forever?!? His sweet words make me smile :o) Have you noticed that words have the power to bring life or death (thank you, Solomon!).  I like how he puts it in Proverbs 25:11...: "A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver." (The Amplified Bible, of course)

I encourage you to use your words wisely and when you don't have anything good to say, zip it so you won't regret what came out later!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

15 Things I Love About My 15 Year Old :o)

1. I LOVE how she makes me laugh

2. I LOVE that she loves Jesus and wants to live her life to please Him

3. I LOVE that she has a tender heart

4. I LOVE how insightful and mature she is

5. I LOVE that she understands the value of developing godly relationships

6. I LOVE how focused and disciplined she is with her school work

7. I LOVE her imagination

8. I LOVE her color choices

9. I LOVE her wit

10. I LOVE that we have fun laughing together

11. I LOVE our conversations

12. I LOVE her eye for photography

13. I LOVE watching her grow, stretch and adapt to change

14. I LOVE how understanding she is when I'm going in a thousand different directions...!

15. I LOVE our relationship

Happy Birthday, Krista!!! Every day with you gets better and better than ever!!! I LOVE You, bunny :o)

Jeremiah 29:11-14a
11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
12 Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you.
13 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
14 I will be found by you, says the Lord...

 (The Amplified Bible)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"When Can I Get A Facebook, Mommy?" asked the Kindergartener

Out of the blue while on our way home from AM Kindergarten, Michael wanted the answer to the blog-post-title-question! I asked him why in the world a five-year-old would need a FB account and he replied, "So I can stalk Krista!" Say WHAT?!?  I explained that he didn't need a FB account to stalk his sister when we're all together practically 24/7!!! What a crazy child!!!

While waiting for Michael to finish his 2.5 hours of Kindergarten, I've been reading With Every Letter by Sarah Sundin (loved the WWII time period it was written in) and Brandt Dodson's The Sons of Jude (an addictive and pulse-pounding police thriller set in Chicago!).  I'm trying to savor the time I have now for reading because when we close, reading will be a distant memory in the light of everything else that needs to get done in the house!!!

I can't believe we'll be moving in a few weeks!!! I'm elated about the move and yet, I'm concerned about the financial pressure we're under because of the huge purchase and all the expenses that go with being home owners again. Ugh.  You can't have one without the other, right?!?  But my excitement wins out and I can't wait to organize everything!!! And while we're not in the house yet, I still like to plan ahead so I have all my appointments lined up for the things that need to get done before our things come out of storage. My good friend Beth is helping me figure out which Melaleuca cleaning products can be used for hard wood flooring, granite and marble, etc. so I don't wreck the countertops, tiles and flooring! 

Here, take a look at a few pics of the interior...

The 1st floor great room/family room
Here's the kitchen
The lower level great room
 I'm definitely hiring out for someone else to clean the baseboards, windows & window sills and other hard to reach areas, but I want to clean everything else because I'm picky! Of course, I may regret being so OCD about cleaning when my back begins protesting...!

I already know that I'm going to miss the bi-weekly housekeeping service we currently have!  I'll also miss our community room with the three large tables where we can hang out with friends and share a meal.  I think the kids will probably miss the theater room and being so close to Yard House!  I'll miss the Glen vibe.

But! I'm excited about having our own place again. Hearing the neighbors through the walls is tiresome!  I'm excited to have space and privacy again...finally! I'll be able to resume my 1st Thu of the month calls to Beth again...Yippee!!! I love organizing so I can't wait to get things put away in their right place.  It's  so much fun to start over in a new house!  And I can't wait to be back in my own bed snuggled under my five comforters again.  Boy, I've missed those blankets!  I'm looking forward to upgraded bathrooms and counter tops after viewing so many houses that needed face lifts these past few months! It's so easy to get attached to our comforts and things, isn't it?!?

But I hear God's whisper that He's all I need.  And, He has a better place prepared for me.  The mansions in Heaven will surpass anything I've ever seen or dreamed of!!! 
I don't want our family to be attached to this house or to our "stuff."  I want to keep things in perspective---this house isn't to be the object of our desires but merely a tool for kingdom ministry and opportunities. 

John 14:2-3 reminds me that my soon-to-be-new-home is just temporary---yup, it's temp housing in the light of eternity!!! I like how the NLT puts these verses...

There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.

Now that's worth getting excited about!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

"I Love School As Much As I Love the iPad!" said the 5-Year Old Kindergartener

I'm in a new season of life here.  It's called the "Help!" season! I hate not knowing whom to turn to for stuff, but God has sent some wonderful new friends---Linda C., Grace Z., Sue A. and PoPo Grace.  Each of these amazing women have been so helpful in giving me referrals for everything from landscapers, handymen, carpet cleaners to painters and more! I've been up to my eye balls in researching house repair stuff, getting estimates, comparing prices and mapping out a plan for when we can move in.

Consequently, I haven't had the time to blog, read a book or do much other than making my lists, making calls or surfing and  It's exhausting!!! I miss reading! I miss talking on the phone to friends and family for fun! But, I'm grateful because this means we're one step closer to moving in our new house :o)

Krista started 10th grade at her new school and lived to talk about it!!! She's not only surviving transitioning from a smaller private school to a public high school of 2700, but she's thriving---a total God thing! I am excited about this year for her :o)

Michael started Kindergarten on Wednesday, 8/22.  He stood in line wearing his new Ninjago shirt (thank you Uncle Jesu's and Yee Yee!) while holding onto his Thomas & Friends roller backpack.  I couldn't believe he didn't cry! But more hugely, I couldn't believe I didn't cry!!! There was an orientation for parents and their Kindergarteners on Tuesday so they went over the routine of a typical school day.  Everything was going fairly well until it was time for pictures.  Sigh.  He hates cameras.  He is a cute little boy with the best smile (dimples and all!) until you put a camera in front of him.  And then he glowers at the camera.  The picture came out looking like a hostile little boy and I was mortified!

Of course, I had a little chat with him about behaving appropriately when your teacher wants to take your picture so he went to his teacher, Miss Wallis and said, "Would it be alright with you to retake my picture?"  I was so proud of him! And then he made a face that was a cross between his look of pain and a horrific grimace that made us laugh! Jenna and I decided to keep the first picture of him glowering! The other one was just indescribable! Mercy! I will post those pictures when I can retrieve them from Krista's camera! Oh, I can't wait until school picture day...! LOL

Later, I told him that he can always save his sweet smiles for me and I was rewarded with a smile I wish I could capture on film!  We have always joked that he was a director's nightmare (back in the day when we auditioned for commercials) when the cameras turned on!

I love that he had such a wonderful first day! He came to me and exclaimed, "I love school as much as I love the iPad, Mommy! I can't believe it because I love the iPad!" I love that he has a really nice teacher who's young, expressive, pretty and engaging! I know Michael is going to adore her! He told me how he made three friends and we had the sweetest conversation...

Michael: Mommy, I'm surprised I didn't cry because I cried when I went to PromiseLand (Sunday School) by myself, remember? ummm... yes, who could forget those tears?!?  

 Me: Michael, when you first went to PromiseLand, you weren't a Kindergartner yet.  But now you're a big boy Kindergartener and you don't have to cry! See how that works?!?

Michael:  Oh. You're right! Oh, he's our wild card child---you never know what he's going to say or what he's going to think up next!

Usually, both Krista and Michael prefer to stay at home than going out.  I'm thinking it's probably because we do a fair amount of running around on a regular basis anyway! But the one day Krista was interested in school clothes shopping, Michael wasn't a happy camper! He came and begged to stay in his jammies all day.  When I told him he needed to change, he held my face to his and said, "Mommy, you never listen to me because you always listen to Krista.  I want to stay home but we have to go out because Krista wants to go out and I don't! Mommy, you always do what she wants and not what I want and that's mean of you, Mommy!" Gotta love his reasoning skills!!!

It's funny until I think of how often we treat God that way---a Somebody who will grant our wishes and do what we want! It's easy to go "Yeah, God!" when things are going well, but when they start falling apart, well, that's another story, right?

Matthew 5:45 reminds us that "He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike]." 
The Amplified Bible

It's not about feelings.  It's not about what we want.  It's not about what is fair and what isn't.  It's about God, the Eternal Creator of this universe.  He's God and He's just.  And when we surrender to His Will, we'll be able to live our lives in joy, peace and contentment! It's very liberating!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Home Sweet Home: It's A GOD Thing!!!

We have a home!!! We have a home!!! We have a home!!! 
Right now I am jumping up and down for joy internally!!! 

As you recall, we put an offer for an amazing house in June and then lost it.  That house was beautiful but needed upgraded bathrooms, new doors and interior and exterior painting done.   Plus, when we put our offer in, I was hoping they would leave me their super cool bar stools :oD

Then in July, we stumbled on another amazing short sale home that was really roomy with the perfect sized yard.  I loved the flow of the rooms but all four bathrooms needed a new face lift, new appliances were needed and definitely repainting was necessary before it was move-in ready.  We were one of three offers and after three weeks of waiting, we were still in the dark as to whether or not our offer was the one they chose.

Meanwhile, a house came back on the market that I had seen in May with a lower price.  It had a pool, spa, BBQ & dry bar, a half-court basketball and fire pit in the backyard.  The house was move-in ready and beautiful---except for one bathroom that had a distinct 90s feel to it and needed a makeover! We loved the house but the location was near a busy road and backed up to an elementary school (only visible when you looked out the bedroom window).  But, we decided to make an offer since the house was great and the location wasn't terrible---it just wasn't ideal compared to the other houses we had put offers on.

Our offer was accepted over the weekend and through the days that followed, I would drive back and forth to get a feel for the area.  The more I drove through the neighborhood (it was a great neighborhood!), the more I starting hating the location (the traffic because of the elementary school had the potential to be a huge nightmare!).  Jacob and I both agreed that we loved the house but hated the location (we prefer to be in a cul-de-sac or somewhere deeper in the neighborhood away from busy roads and schools).  Plus, a friend who lives in the area shared some insider information about a neighborhood around that area that raised some red flags in our minds.  So, on Wednesday, Aug 8, after dinner (and the day before our scheduled inspection), I called the realtor and we withdrew our offer.  

I felt horrible in the pit of my stomach because I could only imagine how the owners felt (and we found out they had tickets to fly out to AZ for house hunting that night) and the frustration our realtor was feeling since we were so close to finding a house (we looked at 50+ houses in 19 days!). We had been praying that God would show us clearly if this was "the one" and we felt He did.  We regretted the impact our decision had on others but we didn't regret the decision we made together.

We decided to broaden our search and look for houses 30 minutes away from Jacob's work.  Then we found out that our offer was chosen for the short sale house.  Our concern was that it took 3 weeks for them to make that decision.  Who knows how long it would take for the short sale process before we could even close?!? Plus, there were bathroom renovations needed before we could move in which would mean more time in temp housing (the lease was expiring on Sept 11).  We decided to look outside of the area to see if anything interesting was available before making the decision about the short sale house.

I was online looking at houses until 1am on Thursday, 8/9.  On Friday, 8/10, I did something very uncharacteristic of me.  I went online to check if anything new had come on the MLS before running errands in the morning.  Normally, my online house hunting is at night so I have unlimited time at my computer with minimal interruptions.  All I can say is that it was a God prompting because a new house came up on the MLS that I had never seen before.  It looked too fabulous, was too new (built in 2006) and the price was within our budget which made me all the more suspicious about the interior and foundation of the house.

My fear was that it was a nightmare underneath that beautiful exterior!
And, the realtor had only posted pictures of the main floor on the MLS which led me to the conclusion that the upper and lower level part of the house were probably a nightmare to update or finish!

I sent a link to Jacob and contacted the realtor.  She already pulled it up that morning and thought we should check it out.  She had a crazy schedule that day so the earliest we could see it was that afternoon at 4pm.  We wanted Jacob to see it, too, but his schedule was usually packed so we didn't expect him to make it.  Surprisingly, he was able to leave early  to join us.  We drove around the neighborhood to get a feel for the location and area and really liked what we saw.  What we found disturbing was how many cars were parked in front of the house---there were a gazillion and one people streaming in and out of the house, too!

We were shocked by the price of this house and the condition of the house. The main floor was as beautiful in person as it was in the pictures! There were upgraded appliances, Pella windows, wood floors throughout, a fireplace in the great room and an upgraded and beautiful kitchen with a little walk in pantry.  The upper level had four bedrooms suites complete with  beautifully upgraded bathrooms (hello, heated floors, granite counter tops and lovely tiling!) and built-in organizers in every closet!!!  You have to understand something---bathrooms and closets are a HUGE deal for me---I like them upgraded and I like them pristine! Plus, Krista has wanted a bedroom with her own bathroom ever since she was 3 years old (she wanted to trade bedrooms with us when she was at that NOT happening!).  

Seeing a house with a bathroom and closet organizers in every bedroom was beyond what we could even think, imagine or dream about (Eph. 3:20!!!)!!! The lower level was amazing too.  There were three separate rooms (one had a walk-in closet with a door leading to a full bathroom) and a great room with a fireplace! Other than the backyard (I want one with less grass), this house was perfect, empty and move in ready (there had been renters for 2 years).  It was so perfect for ministry opportunities :o)

We made the decision to put in an offer immediately and on seemingly impulse, added that we would take the house "as is" with a 30 day contingency.  And something that our realtor had never done before was putting an expiration date to our offer---midnight on Saturday. We left the house as another realtor and client walked in and quickly went to a nearby school to finish up the contract in the parking lot.  

At 10pm, we found out that the owners verbally accepted our offer but couldn't get the paperwork in because they were at an event.  Plus, they knew their house had generated a ton of traffic and were expecting other offers so we were realistic to the fact that the owners could change their mind.  But by late Saturday afternoon, we got word that the paperwork came through from the owners (Wow! We were thankful for owners with integrity who keep their word!!!). The key to accepting our offer besides the fact that it's all about GOD?  Our willingness to purchase the house in "as is" condition---a total GOD thing and stroke of genius suggestion from our realtor.

The house is still showing (there were already 18 showings by the time we saw it that day!) and there are back-up offers on it.  We just had the inspection today and found that there are no structural issues!!! What a GOD thing!!! Our realtor and the owner's realtor told us how lucky we were to get the house but I told them it was because of God and all our friends and family who were praying for us!!! They were amazed by what happens when God's people pray!!!

When we saw this house, we knew this house was "the one" and it was further confirmed by the inspection today.  It's such a GOD thing!!! I feel like the words in Psalm 89:5-17 and I actually love how The Message captures this passage...

God! Let the cosmos praise your wonderful ways,
      the choir of holy angels sing anthems to your faithful ways!
   Search high and low, scan skies and land,
      you'll find nothing and no one quite like God.
   The holy angels are in awe before him;
      he looms immense and august over everyone around him.
   God-of-the-Angel-Armies, who is like you,
      powerful and faithful from every angle?
   You put the arrogant ocean in its place
      and calm its waves when they turn unruly.
   You gave that old hag Egypt the back of your hand,
      you brushed off your enemies with a flick of your wrist.
   You own the cosmos—you made everything in it,
      everything from atom to archangel.
   You positioned the North and South Poles;
      the mountains Tabor and Hermon sing duets to you.
   With your well-muscled arm and your grip of steel—
      nobody trifles with you!
   The Right and Justice are the roots of your rule;
      Love and Truth are its fruits.
   Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise,
      who shout on parade in the bright presence of God.
   Delighted, they dance all day long; they know
      who you are, what you do—they can't keep it quiet!
   Your vibrant beauty has gotten inside us—
      you've been so good to us! We're walking on air! 

And this concludes our House Hunting Adventures in the great Midwest.  Now you can make your plans to come visit Chicago and stay with us... in a few months after we're settled!  I'm open to taking reservations now (and no surprise plans to visit without informing me first...ahem, family!There are 5.5 bathrooms and 50+ windows to clean first!)... :o)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Five Star Books & More by the Reading Mom Newsletter: August 2012

If you're looking for something good to read or for some family-friendly movie fun, check out my latest newsletter here---click on the tab that says "Five Star Books and More Newsletter" and enjoy!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Overheard....: "My Heart Has More Love To Share With Mommy Than You!"

I've been slowly reviewing Dr. Mary Manz Simon's new book for children, Little Visits at Bedtime:  105 Devotions and Prayers.  She sent it with an adorable little teddy bear that Michael has been playing with! So far, I'm loving it and it couldn't have come at a better time either!!! Last night I finished Annie Wald's Walk with Me: Pilgrim's Progress for Married Couples.  I loved reading of Peter and Celeste's lifelong journey to the King's City (her story was inspired by the timeless classic, Pilgrim's Progress)! Oh! I better get my post up with all my new reviews for this month's edition of Five Star Books & More by The Reading Mom!!!

I was in my room putting away laundry when I overheard this conversation....

Michael:  Krista, I love Mommy more than you.

Krista:  That's impossible because I'm older than you and you've only loved mommy for 5 years .

Michael:  Oh yeah?  Well, (brief pause) I have more love in my heart to share with mommy than you do!

The "I Love Mommy More" wars have been pretty constant lately.  I had to have a talk with both kids together and individually because they haven't been treating each other with love and with respect.  I sure miss my couch of lovingkindness!  But I'm sure being together 24/7 in such close quarters has been quite the challenge while testing their limits.

I expect things will change once we get into our own home again, but it won't be the house we thought it would be.

Tonight, Jacob and I withdrew our offer from the house I had told you about in my last blog.  While we both really liked the house, we felt the location would be an issue when we needed to resell it in the future.  Today, we found out some information that raised some red flags about the surrounding area and we decided that withdrawing now would be better than regretting our decision later.

I'm feeling a plethora of emotions in my head and heart!  Uncertainty (how long will it take before we find the right house for our family?!? It appeared like we had found the right house God had for us, but...).  Relief (I liked the house but hated the location where we would encounter a lot of traffic everyday in the mornings and in the afternoons because of the school there).  Peace (both Jacob and I have been praying that God would clearly show us His direction and we're both in agreement over our decision to walk away from this house).
 So, I choose to trust God and His Word from Psalm 37:4-6.  Here's how The Amplified Bible puts it...
Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.
And He will make your uprightness and right standing with God go forth as the light, and your justice and right as [the shining sun of] the noonday.

And so the house hunting adventures continue on :o)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thanks for Praying!!!

A few days ago, I revisited a house that I had seen in May.  I wasn't crazy about the size of the master bedroom, bath and closets, but liked everything else.  When comparing it to the "not-so-short-sale" house, this house was definitely hands down much more move-in ready.  It's smaller, but a really great size for our family.  There's a pool, a fire pit, a dry bar with a granite top and grill and a basketball half court on the other side of the pool---perfect elements for ministry opps :o)

Jacob saw it on Friday, liked it and we made an offer. We started the dance again and gave our best offer.  Then we went out and met up with some new friends and had a great time together! We got the call from our agent that we got the house!!!

Thank you for praying!!! We prayed for a house with a nice flow and space for ministry opportunities and God provided!!!  We knew we wanted a nice finished basement for a playroom (hello, pool table!) and for overnight guests and God provided!!!  I was wishing and hoping for a beautiful kitchen with more cabinets (!!!) and God provided!!!  I was wishing and hoping we would be able to move in by sometime in September (preferably before Krista's birthday on 9/26!) and God provided!!! I've always wanted space for a baby grand and God provided in more ways than one!!! I love the look of a classic red brick home and God provided!!!

I'll post some pictures once we get through the attorney's review, inspection and sign everything.  Then, reality will hit... we're going to be up to our eyeballs in moving boxes!!!

I love the prayer of Samuel in 2 Samuel 7:28-29 (I am using the Amplified Bible courtesy of

28 And now, O Lord God, You are God, and Your words are truth, and You have promised this good thing to Your servant.
29 Therefore now let it please You to bless the house of Your servant, that it may continue forever before You; for You, O Lord God, have spoken it, and with Your blessing let [his] house be blessed forever.


Monday, July 30, 2012

"Krista, When Are You Starting a Tweeter Account?" asked the 5 year-old

August is just around the corner and in the blink of an eye, school and a more rigid routine will be here.  This is the first summer Michael and I haven't been at the ice rink everyday waiting for Krista  while she skates.  I'm sad for Krista who wishes she could skate more; but at the same time, I confess that it's been a nice treat to just hang out with the kids at home, new friends and have very little on my schedule!

We picked out a Lego set for Michael and he's been having so much fun building again! I love what he said as we were building and talking about growing up...."Maybe I'll be an engineer when I grow up.  Then I can build houses for people who are poor and they can have it for free."

I love his heart! I miss our Legos which are somewhere in storage in Somewhere, USA! We've been collecting Lego Creator houses (I think we have 3 now) and have the fire station, the police mobile station and the marina.  Our intentions are to build a Lego city in Michael's bedroom once we are moved into our "real" house... someday!  

House Update:  Well, we are still waiting to hear what's the hold up on our latest offer.  We upped our offer a week ago and our realtor is trying to get some answers from the listing agent.  And in the meantime, we're plagued with questions such as "Should we withdraw our offer?"  "Should we continue to wait?" "Is this delay in action a divine sign to move on?"  I don't know!!! I am still looking as new inventory comes up on the MLS, but there hasn't been much to look at lately.

Every day I'm assaulted by doubts and questions, but I have to make a mental effort (Phil 4:13) to recall God's faithfulness and choose to trust in Him even when things don't make sense.  Or when they're not going as fast as I'd like! It's a daily battle and we're taking it one day at a time! I love knowing that God's Hands are on us whatever season in life we're in.  I'll keep you posted with updates when I can :o)

I opened a facebook account for Krista so she could stay in touch with her friends. We talked about boundaries and friend policies now that she has an account.  But one day, Michael asked her, "Krista, when are you starting a Tweeter account?" When she responded by laughing hysterically because he pronounced it "Tweeter" instead of "Twitter," he said, "You know, the one with the little bird?" None of us have a clue on how he even knows about Twitter!!! Don't you love his pronunciation of it?!?

We have been so blessed!!! Here's a quick recap...
We are meeting so many new friends and reconnecting with old friends!!!  Krista is getting plugged in with the youth group and loves Impact. Michael is enjoying Promise Land and his new friends Daniel and James :o) Jacob is overloaded with work, so please keep him in your prayers.  I'm grateful he's employed and I'm thankful I get to stay home with my favorite daughter and son, catch up on correspondence with friends and enjoy a relaxed schedule!!! We currently have no mortgage (yet!) or car payment hanging over our heads.  My favorite sister is coming to visit with the family in a few weeks!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Wish you were here, too :o)

 I love what Psalm 108:3-6 says from the New Living Translation (thank you,

I will thank you, Lord, among all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations.

For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth.  

Now rescue your beloved people. Answer and save us by your power.
The praise song by The Maranatha Singers, "Be Exalted, O God" is running through my head right now!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The House Hunting Roller Coaster Adventure Chapter 2

A brief recap:  Earlier this month, we saw a house that had the potential to be "the one."  But, two other offers came through and the owners opted to take the 3rd offer.  I continued to look at houses that weren't even close to "the one that got away"  and then we stumbled on a short sale house that was even better than the original "the one that got away...." Jacob saw it and we put in an offer on Saturday afternoon.... Fast forward to NOW...

Current mini update:  As I mentioned in my most recent email, our offer was one of three offers.  We found out that our offer was the highest one but one of the other offer's was an all cash offer that was low. The seller's attorney is talking to the lender to see which offer should be submitted.  Of course, this doesn't mean it will have formal approval.  It will still have to go through the process but will determine which one the seller signs and submits. Translation: Keep waiting :o) 

NOTE:  Short Sales should really be renamed Long Sales because I fail to see the short in this process! Of course, I'm aware that in Real Estate terms, it probably means something totally different...

So, please keep praying for these specific items....

1. The lender will find favor with our offer
2. There will be minimal delay for approval from both lenders (the present owners have 2 mortgages)
3. This entire process will be wrapped up in less time than the usual time a short sale of this nature takes (it would be nice to be in the house by October at the latest!!!)!!!

Years ago, we heard a sermon at our church, LOCC, on the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).  After the service, we were all handed little cards with the original Lord's Prayer from the KJV on one side and on the other side, a "today's" version of The Lord's Prayer...

I wanted to share both of the versions of The Lord's Prayer with you from Matthew 6:9-13.  Here's the "Today's" version:

     My Father, always near me, always available to me, may Your Name be treasured, loved and respected beyond any other I know.  More than anything, I want Your rule to be completed in my life.  May Your will be done all around me today just like it is done in Heaven.  Give me today the thing that I need for today.
     And please forgive me for the ways I have offended You, and give me the strength to forgive everyone who offends me in any way.  Keep me out of trouble and deliver me from everything that's bad.  For You are the One who is in charge and I need Your power in my life every moment of the day.  All the credit for who I am and what I will be is Yours.  And that's just the way I want it, today and forevermore. 

And, here's the original from the King James Version of the Bible:  Matthew 6:9-13 (Thank you,

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We're trusting God that His timing will be perfect.  He knows our needs and the desires of our heart and so we choose to rest in the Shadow of the Almighty.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Psalm 27:13-14!!!

Krista returned from SandBlast yesterday evening with rosy cheeks, a tan and lots of hilarious stories!!! She made some great friends and absolutely LOVED it at SandBlast!!! I love that she can't wait to return next year---Our prayers were answered :o)

Okay, yesterday was "the day" we were supposed to find out which offer the owners decided to accept.  But nothing happened.  Then, we found out that the husband was out of town and was returning late last night.  I felt a peace about waiting because I knew choosing to trust in God was His Will for me as opposed to spending my free time dreaming about my renovation plans for the house!

I posted our prayer request on Facebook and through email (thanks for praying and for all the encouraging words!!!) and felt your love!!!

A few minutes ago, our realtor called me and delivered the news:  Another offer came in and the owners took it.  In the span of a few seconds, a flurry of emotions swept through me.  Finally! We got an answer instead of being in limbo land.  I felt a sting of rejection.  Ouch!  I felt disappointed. Oh man! I was so ready to move out of here and get settled! I felt doubt.  Should we have upped our offer?!?  And then, I gave myself a mental kick in the pants.  Duh! STOP the doubts! STOP the whining! Get OUT of Egypt, you Moron (a reference from my Bible study on Hebrews in the fall with one of the most hilarious Bible teacher's ever, Lauren Rush)!!! 

As quickly as those other emotions came in and then got quickly booted out, I felt God's peace flood through me. God. Is. In. Control.  Either He IS or He's not, right?  Trust is a daily choice and when you think back through God's Word and his record of keeping promises and being faithful, you can know with peace that He's got you covered.  God knows our needs and He knows what's best for us because He's our faithful Father!!! Letting go and surrendering the desires of your heart equates to pure freedom in just letting God do His thing!!! 

An email from Bible teacher, Michele Telfer is a nugget of wisdom I want to share with you if you're waiting on an answer from God, too.  She said, "If the answer to this is "No" ... I always say don't see it as God's rejection, but God's protection."  Amen, Amen and Amen!!!

I love!!! The Amplified Bible puts Psalm 27:13-14 in this way...

13 [What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living!
14 Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.

So, get out of that pit of doubt, and come to Jesus!!! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Walking Worthy of Our Calling...

Tonight, Jacob, Michael and I were playing some crazy rounds of Bejeweled on the iPad (it's such a relaxing and brainless game!) and Michael recounted a funny conversation he had with Jacob. Jacob had asked Michael what rock stars do and Michael started strumming his stomach (his version of air guitar!) and Jacob asked him, "Are you itchy?"  Michael just thought that was the funniest thing ever!!!

As I was getting Michael's toothbrush ready, he exclaimed, "Mommy! I just looked at the time and it's past 10pm.  No wonder Bejeweled was so much fun!" We have an early morning tomorrow so it definitely wasn't wise to let him stay up so late.  But then, I think he'll always remember snuggling with us on the bed while we talk, laughed and played Bejeweled! This is the stuff memories are made of, right?!?

We picked up some cookies from this specialty cookie shop near our place and we were talking about favorite cookies.  I asked the kids what they would pick if they only had one last cookie to eat.  Krista's answer was dependent on who made the cookies and when it was Michael's turn to talk, he replied like this...

Michael:  My last cookie would be... (long pause) I wouldn't have a last cookie because I love cookies and sugar too much! Don't remind me!

Since most of our stuff is in storage in Somewhere, USA, we've been shopping like crazy so Krista can leave for camp with everything that's on the "Things to Bring" list for SandBlast.  We got the last three things today---a sleeping bag (this one isn't like the one in storage that's perfect if you're stranded on a mountain when the temps drop!), batteries for her nebulizer (I'm glad she thought to check the current batteries before going to camp!) and a beach towel (Never mind the gazillion of beach towels that are boxed away, but then I think, oh, what's one more, right?!?).  Whew!

We will miss her terribly while she's away... having the time of her life for the first time at SandBlast!!! It makes me think about the future and how we have her for only 3 more years before she embarks on her college adventure.   Where does the time go?!?  I wonder what I will regret over when she grows up and moves out of the house.  I'm pretty sure I won't be regretting that I didn't clean the house more!!! Have I scarred her emotionally?  Mentally?!? Will she make wise choices?!?  Will she remember that the man she marries has to have a mother that I can be friends with?!? How can we adequately prepare her for surviving in our world "harmless as a dove but wise as a serpent?"

Ahhhhh, but the reality is that Krista isn't mine.  Or ours.  She never was.  She belongs to God and only He knows the plans for her life and how long she will be here touching our lives every single day.

Our job in the meantime means that we lead by example, mirror God's love before her, admit our failings (and ask for forgiveness!), teach her in the ways of God, admonish her in love and encourage her to walk worthy of her calling.

As Paul writes in Ephesians 4:1b-3 (I love how The Amplified Bible says it!)...
"...walk (lead a life) worthy of the [divine] calling to which you have been called [with behavior that is a credit to the summons to God’s service,
Living as becomes you] with complete lowliness of mind (humility) and meekness (unselfishness, gentleness, mildness), with patience, bearing with one another and making allowances because you love one another.
Be eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of [and produced by] the Spirit in the binding power of peace."

Imagine what the body of Christ would be like and what an impact we would have on our world today if we all lived this way!


Monday, July 9, 2012

"Bad Card, Bad Card, Bad Card, Good Card, Bad Card, Good Card, Good Card!" and Other Things Said By A Five-Year-Old Boy

When Michael was four-years-old, we got him his very own "My First UNO Cards with Thomas & Friends" but we found the cards to be limited compared to a regular deck of UNO cards.  We recently located the UNO cards and Monopoly Deal cards (we sent them ahead with Jacob when he was flying back and forth between here and Cali on weekends) and have been playing with Michael.

I think it's so funny when we're dealing out the cards that he rates every card out loud as either "good card" or "bad card" so we all have a good idea if we're going to get creamed with the Wild Draw Four cards or with the Draw Two cards in his hand.  And, it's hilarious when he wins, because he raises his two little arms up in the air and waves his hands! He's learning to win and lose gracefully and with good sportsmanship :o)

Today in the middle of an UNO game, Michael put his face in front of me so we were touching noses and he remarks, "I observe your eyes are blurry!" He is a hoot! He's learning how to play Monopoly Deal so that he can join in our Monopoly Deal marathon when my sister and her family come to visit sometime in the future!

I am loving this season of  transition and life with the kids! We're spending time with old and new friends, catching up on playing games that we normally don't have the time for (hello, iPad, Tri-Ominoes and card games!) and just hanging out.  We have so much to be grateful for and so often, it's easy getting caught up in the busyness of life that we don't take the time to stop and praise Him! We try to play something we call "The Thankful game" where we randomly take turns giving God thanks for the big and mundane things in life. 

I pray that our children will learn to be grateful in good times and in tough times.  I pray that they will observe and remember God's faithfulness as they grow up and praise our Heavenly Father for every good gift.  And hopefully, they will share our stories of God's faithfulness with their own children, too, someday.

I love how David puts it in Psalm 79:13 (from the NLT)...
"Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will thank you forever and ever, praising your greatness from generation to generation."

How about you? Are you leaving a legacy of thankfulness behind?

Monday, July 2, 2012

July Edition of Five Star Books & More by the Reading Mom

Happy July!!!

My newsletter for this month is posted, so click on the tab above for Five Star Books & More and you'll find it :o)

Happy Reading!!!

Blessings & Love,

Susan Choy Lee aka The Reading Mom
Jer 29:11-14a

Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's A God Thing!!!

Jacob and I are so grateful for all our praying friends and family!!! We fell in love with this house (but not with the bathrooms since they are in need of a face lift or possibly major surgery!!!) because the floor plan allows us to host a nice sized small group comfortably,  have a space for the children to play in a separate area from our small group and have room to host visiting friends (yes, YOU!). The ministry opportunities in this house are endless!!!

After putting in our offer (and signing and initialing lots of paperwork!), we got a counter which we responded to immediately.  Another counter was offered and last night, we made our final counter offer to their counter offer (whew! It's sounding a little crazy so I hope you're able to follow this!)! Meanwhile, I've been researching  bathroom vanities, counter tops, sinks and hardware, toilets, etc.!

Well today in church (during our Tough Questions Sunday School class), we got a call from our realtor.  Now normally, I would have run out of the room to take the call, but I felt a peace about just leaving things in God's hands knowing that this call would confirm that this was "the one" God intended for us... or not, right?!?  I sent a text to our realtor that I would take her call after class because the class was so interesting I didn't want to miss any of it!

When class was over, I contacted the realtor and she informed me that the owners weren't ready to accept our final offer (they had only been on the market for a few days so I can understand where they're coming from).  She encouraged us to talk about it and see if we wanted to change our offer, but Jacob and I felt a peace about the decision to walk away from the house now.  The peace I felt about the decision to walk away can only be explained that it's a God thing since I had already envisioned myself in that beautiful house (with the beautiful bar stools and everything updated, of course!!!)...!!!

As much as I loved that house, I'm extremely excited about these two things...

1. God has clearly shown us His Will by closing the door at this time (seriously, how much clearer can He be?!?)

2. God must have something even better for us so I'm content to let Him be in control and let go (again, so NOT me!!!)!!!

Ephesians 3:20 is the Scripture verse that continually resonates in my heart.  I love how The Amplified Bible puts it (thank you,!!!)...

20 Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]—

21 To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).

Thank you for your prayers and walking with us through this journey of faith!!! You.  Are.  Loved!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

"I'm So Glad My Friends Could Come Watch Shaun The Sheep With Me."

One of the deep prayers of my heart is that Krista and Michael will find like-minded friends to connect with. And, God has been so faithful, as always! Last Sunday, we joined a class called Starting Point.  I had understood it to be a class to discuss faith and build community, but it was more of  an Intro to Christianity class.  Although it wasn't what we were looking for curriculum wise, we did meet a new family (who relocated the same time) who had a 7 yr old and a 5 yr old boy.  Both boys and Michael have hit it off and we've been doing things together ever since! They're also living in the same community where we are, so getting together is really easy.

In fact, tonight we invited our new friends to join us in our theater room to watch Shaun the Sheep DVDs! It was really heart-warming to watch the boys interact with each other! I love how God answers prayers!!!

Krista loved being at youth group last Sunday night and met some great people, too! Even though there are about 75-100 kids that show up, she felt really comfortable there (a total GOD thing!).  I'm excited to see her get more involved with the youth group and make some amazing relationships that will impact her for the rest of her life. 

Yesterday, the kids and I went house hunting with the realtor.  We saw 8 houses and found 2 that we really liked.  Jacob was able to come with us to look at the 2 houses today and we loved the second one. I liked it even more the second time around and felt like it was calling me "home" there (especially when I saw that great walk-in closet in the master bedroom!!!).  But the bathrooms need to be updated (ick!) and we have to make some cosmetic color changes to the kitchen cabinets, the kids' bedrooms, the front door and to the exterior of the house.  So, we put in an offer.  Now, we'll just have to see if this is "the one" God has for us!

I love what the Psalmist said in Psalm 36:5 (I like the NLT version of this verse), "Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds."

I'm grateful for God's unfailing love, faithfulness and grace.  And, I'm grateful for friends and family who will stand in the gap and pray for us!!! Thank you, Jesus.

Monday, June 25, 2012


We were at the mall with some new friends.  The boys share a love for legos---specifically the Ninjago ones! Later when I was bringing Michael over to the tree house play area, Michael saw a woman with a black hijab manning a kiosk.  She looked like this...

 Michael exclaimed to me, "Mommy, look! Ninjago!" I didn't even bother trying to explain what he was seeing!!! 

I think it's amazing how God is interested in the big things and in the little things of life.  There is nothing impossible for Him to handle.  When your circumstances threaten to overcome you or pull you under, remember what Isaiah 40:26 says.  I think the Amplified Bible says it best...

"Lift up your eyes on high and see! Who has created these? He Who brings out their host by number and calls them all by name; through the greatness of His might and because He is strong in power, not one is missing or lacks anything."

Since God cares about and knows the name of every star, think how much more He cares about every little thing YOU'RE going through.  Turn your worries over to God.  He's got you covered.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Wow, Mommy, Your'e Right! We Do Learn Something New Everyday!"

The kids have gotten me hooked on this game called Gardenscapes, a find the hidden object game on the iPad.  I am so not the garden type in real life, but building a virtual show garden has been really fun with all the options for fountains, fences, bridges, etc.!  I'm so glad I didn't know about this game when we were in Cali prepping the house for showing and then for the move!

I've been reading some really interesting stuff lately.  I loved reading Life Without Limits:  Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life by Nick Vujicic! He is so inspiring!!! I just finished reading Tracy Groot's Flame of Resistance, an intense WW II story that's up to the eyeballs in espionage, danger and intrigue.  And now I'm reading Josiah for President by Martha Bolton where an ex presidential candidate meets an Amish man who inspires him to be a better man and has the backbone to make a great president... except for the minor fact that it's against his way of life.  I can't wait to see what happens!

House hunting has been rather slow.  I have a Plan B house but I am still looking for "the one."  God is certainly testing me on patience!!! Everyday, I have to make the choice to trust Him.  He brought us this far and I know He has plans for us, but I'm dying to find out what they are...NOW (would be nice, God!)! I think I have a ways to go in my patience training, eh?!?

We checked out a school today that obviously has no problem with funding issues. The facility alone was amazing (they have an enormous auditorium and 2 indoor pools!) and all the programs they offer make me think of them as a small college!

Krista noticed we haven't had to get gas in a long time.  Good point! 1.  We're not making daily multiple treks to Simi  2.  The speed limit is SO painfully slow---about 30 mph to 40 mph.  Everything is local and very close by so I haven't even driven on the highway yet! The other day I actually got to drive on a road where the speed limit was 45 mph.  It was such a rush compared to the snail's pace I've been driving at!!!  I'm learning to slow down in more ways than one, I guess! And, I think my lead foot is melting in this heat...!!!

I've been learning how ignorant I am about this area! Case and point:  It's really windy here.  IThe other day, we stepped out of the apartment to pick up some food and the wind was extra C-R-A-Z-Y! If we were in a dessert, it would have made sand dunes around us.  Anyway, it was whipping our hair into knots and I was so grateful that neither Krista nor I have to wear wigs because we would have lost them, for sure! Thankfully, it wasn't a day we decided to pick up popcorn from the theater to bring back to our movie room here! Everyday has been really windy and I was wondering out loud if it's because Chicago is known as the "windy city." Our knowledgeable realtor's manager pointed out that Chicago's nickname had nothing to do with the weather but with the politics. Interesting, right?!?  And Michael turned to me and remarked, "Wow! You do learn something new everyday!" 

I'm always looking for a shady place to park the car because it's been between 96 to 98 degrees here.  I'm grateful for parking garages and for air conditioning! When I'm in the shade or when Michael's walking in my shadow, I can't help but think of the verse in Psalm 91:1-2.

I really like The Message's version of these verses...

“You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow, Say this: "God, you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!" That's right—he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you're perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day, Not disease that prowls through the darkness, not disaster that erupts at high noon. Even though others succumb all around, drop like flies right and left, no harm will even graze you. You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance, watch the wicked turn into corpses. Yes, because God's your refuge, the High God your very own home, Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door. He ordered his angels to guard you wherever you go. If you stumble, they'll catch you; their job is to keep you from falling. You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes, and kick young lions and serpents from the path.” 

What a powerful image you get from these verses, right?