Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Body Of Christ Is A Beautiful Thing

I think Jacob and I lost about 50 years of our life this morning.  Michael has been running a fever for the past couple of days.  For the past couple of nights, he has consistently been up every four hours (after the meds wear off) which means Jacob and I haven't been getting a lot of sleep.  So, I tried to make an appointment with the pediatrician, but they were no longer open on Saturdays.  

Jacob and I decided to take Michael to Urgent Care (so I was up and dressed for the day before 8:30am on a Saturday which was a God thing!), but they weren't open until 9am (apparently, emergencies must only happen between 9am and the time they close in the evenings!).  When Michael heard we wanted to take him to the doctor, he broke out in tears (having recently been in for a check-up and vaccinations which he still remember clearly) until it was decided that we would just stay home and let the fever run its course like we normally do.

I was trying to get him to drink his chicken soup but he wasn't interested.  I called a friend I haven't been in touch with in forever and was sitting beside Michael while he was licking his popsicle.  Normally, Jacob goes to his men's group on Saturday mornings, but was so tired, he decided to stay home.  He was in the kitchen which turned out to be a God thing.  

Suddenly, I saw Michael fall backwards on the chair.  I quickly grabbed him before he hit the edge of the table and thought it was strange that he wasn't crying.  Instead, as I looked at his face, I noticed his teeth gritted together while he stayed in this arch position with his arms up.  Definitely weird.  I quickly ended the call with my friend telling her it was an emergency (she later told me she thought one of the kids had thrown up on me which would normally be categorized as an emergency any other day!) and yelled out to Jacob something was wrong. 

He rushed over and our first thought was he swallowed the popsicle--stick and all.  jacob was trying to pry his mouth open to see where the popsicle stick was (I was mentally making a note NEVER to buy those popsicles again!) and patting him on the back.  Michael started to shake, spit up and then we watched his eyes roll up while his lips began to turn blue.

Okay.  I should tell you that I realized I'm an "epic fail" when it comes to emergencies.  When my children are throwing up all over my bed, I'm usually asking them why they're not throwing up on daddy's side of the bed instead of just on my side.  I mean what kind of mother asks that while they're trying to catch their breath after emptying the contents of their stomach and beyond?!?  When as an infant and Michael was spraying the wall during a diaper change, why did I have the urge to duck and find cover?!?  Seriously, what is wrong with me?!?  Didn't I sign up for this when I became a mom?!?   Anyway, back to this morning...

I just froze.  My mind was racing a million miles a minute as I wondered what in the world was happening to our happy and normally chattering child.  I watched in mixed horror as Jacob tried to revive Michael as he kept turning bluer.  He was saying, "Come on son, don't leave us.  Come out of it, son."  I was wondering if Krista was going to lose a brother while we lost a son.  It was frightening. Thankfully,  Jacob jolted me out of my thoughts by yelling, "Call 911!"

I couldn't believe how slow the operator was talking and how much information she was asking for.  I just wanted her to send me an ambulance!!! And she did while calmly informing me to make sure we had Michael on his side.  She had me check his breathing and she told me he would probably have another seizure (wwwwhhhaaaaatttt?!?!?!?).  And would I like to hang up now or keep her on the line while waiting for the EMT?  Hello?!?  You better believe I wanted her to stay on the line because I wanted step-by-step instructions if Michael happened to have another seizure.  Thankfully, the medics arrived in a matter of minutes and we were whisked off to the emergency room.

By now, Michael was crying (he wanted to be held while in the ambulance and it was tearing my heart not to be able to do that) and he definitely didn't want to be laid out on the hospital bed.  I was only too happy to hold him in my lap. He was given ice water and some apple juice (a treat!) while we waited for the doctor.  Everybody was so nice there.

His temp was taken and at first it was 99 degrees but then the next time they checked, it was 103.1.  We had a chest x-ray taken and blood samples had to be taken.  Poor thing.  Michael was falling asleep in between things and he was so upset when we had to strip him down and put on the hospital gown.  He was NOT happy with the flowers! In fact, the gown kept slipping off his shoulders and he was sure it was "too small."  I had to reassure him the "flowers" on the gown were little suns on it (because some were yellow) and that seemed to pacify him a little bit.

It turns out that Michael had a febrile seizure which means his temps spiked too quickly for his body to adjust to causing him to have a seizure.  Now, he will have a history with seizures so we will have to keep a close watch on him these next few days and when he has fevers in the future.  

We were concerned with brain damage from the seizure but since it lasted less than :40, we were told it wasn't an issue.  The doctor was concerned Michael might have had a urinary tract infection, so we had to get a sample.  Unfortunately, Michael was resisted to the idea.  I thought after explaining what a catheter (sp?!?) was that he might be more cooperative, but nope.  Not happening.

He fell asleep again and I just held the little cup in position.  And eventually, he did provide a sample, but it took forever!!! It took another cup of apple juice and another cup of ice water and then we had more than we needed!

In the meantime, we felt the prayers and love from everyone who heard about Michael (thanks to our publicist Krista for getting the word out!).  It's times like these when I realize how sad it must be for those without the hope of Jesus Christ and without the body of Christ to support them.  

I'm thankful for Facebook, emails and a new monthly billing cycle on our cell plan!!! We were able to get the word out through friends and technology in an efficient manner.  It beats using a carrier pigeon any day.

Jacob was amazing.  I don't know how he manages to react the way he does in emergency situations, but he was born ready.  Unlike me.  But now, I feel a lot more confident that if Michael had another seizure, I will know what to do.  And I'll let Krista call 911.

Thank you again for all your love, prayer and support to our family.  We saw and felt the body of Christ in action.  And it was a beautiful thing!!!

It's amazing how the body of Christ reacts because of the love of Christ.  Our unbelieving world is missing out big time. I love how the Amplified Bible puts Ephesians 3:19...

"[That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!"