Thursday, January 20, 2011

"I Can't Get Out Because The Wind Is Going To Blow Me Away..." And Other Silly Things Children Say

Today was very windy.  I had a bunch of errands to run and each time, it was difficult getting Michael out of the car because he was certain he was going to blow away.  Finally, I had to use this logic on him...

Me:  Michael, didn't I tell you to unbuckle and come out to mommy?

Michael:  Yes, but I can't come out because the wind is going to blow me away.

Me:  I know it's windy, but are you a kite?

Michael:  No.

Me:  Well, ummm, only kites blow away and you are definitely not a kite.  Now please come out of the car.

Michael:  Oh, okay.

See?  It works every time!

I still carry Michael (Ssshhh! Don't tell my chiropractor that!).  Especially on inclement weather days.  Like today.  Michael asked me if he was too heavy for me to carry...

Me:  No, you're not too heavy for me to carry right now.  But someday, you will be.

Michael:  Oh, like when I'm 10 or 18?  Are you C-R-A-Z-Y, silly boy?!?  Good Heavens, I'm thinking by 5 is the cut off age to be carried.  10 or 18 is definitely not an option!!! Think of my poor back...!!!

I'm enjoying Michael at this cuddly stage of his life.  Krista was never this cuddly when she was little.  Once, I asked her for a hug and kiss and she walked past me with an impish grin and went to the full length mirror hanging on our door and kissed herself! Thankfully, she's now much more cuddly at 13 and a much better hugger! 

It can't get much better than this in Moms World, USA! 

When you go about your day tomorrow (can you believe that the end of January is just around the corner?!?), I want to challenge you to look for ways you can be a blessing to those around you.

In 1 Corinthians 10:31, it says that "Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

So, let's go glorify Him, okay?