Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wii Fit Plus Mania

I woke up this morning feeling like my-not-sick-self again and it was great! Krista on the other hand has been hibernating in bed with a high fever and dizziness.  Thankfully, after two days of high fever, she's much better today.  Michael is totally better (48 hours of being fever free!!! Thank you, God!!!) and happily eating everything in sight (mainly the Trader Joe's shortbread cookies!).

I'm so insulted.  By the Wii. It's one thing to know you're overweight, but it's another thing to have it announced to your entire family by the Wii that you are!!! Seriously!!! Okay, okay, I confess I have not exercised for four years.  Mostly because I hate exercising and by nature, I prefer to read than run or be on the stepping machine.  It's hereditary---I get it from my sister!!! Tee Hee Hee!!! I betcha she's not laughing now! She's probably saying "Hey!" Sorry, Jeh-Jeh, I just couldn't resist that one!!!

Sigh.  I wish I was like my dear cousin Marian.  Not only is she super fit (and looks great as a mother of two), but she's extremely disciplined about exercising and eating well.  She's an inspiration!!!

Okay, so back to the Wii Fit Plus.  The lady trainer adores Krista (I'm listening to her praise Krista about her form and balance while I'm convinced the trainer hates me.  She continues to mention my being "unbalanced" (okay, so I kept cheating during the push ups and was missing the steps in aerobics, but "unbalanced" implies mental issues and the only mental issues I have are about how much I hate exercising!!!) and she's perfect in yoga.  Those positions are not normal and my back was killing me after following her...or attempting to!  As if I had a choice.  And trying to keep the center of balance is a joke.  For anyone watching me as I wobble all over the place trying to remain on the white board!

I do love the virtual hula hooping though.  I can't do it in real life, but in the virtual world, I can do three hoops at one time! I miss all my favorite jeans (pre Michael weight) and I'm convicted about taking better care of my body so I will be exercising every day.  Michael has already agreed to be my exercise partner (I figure we're about on the same level---in reality, he's probably going to beat me in everything!) so we're in it together! 

Well, I'm so happy with myself after running (a short course) with my trainer that I'm going to celebrate with some TJ's Coffee Bean Blast ice cream (yummy!!!)...just kidding!!! relax, you exercise maniacs!!! i was just trying to raise your blood pressure a bit :oD

Late last night I started Lady in the Mist by Laurie Alice Eakes, a new series with midwife heroines and couldn't put it down until I finished it at 3 am! After blogging, I'll be reading Melody Carlson's All For One (The Four Lindas series).  I can't wait!

I'll end today's blog with this verse from 1 Timothy 4:8 (using the Amplified version) "
For physical training is of some value (useful for a little), but godliness (spiritual training) is useful and of value in everything and in every way, for it holds promise for the present life and also for the life which is to come."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Inevitable

It happened.  I woke up this morning with a fever and a headache.  Krista woke up with all that and some dizzyness and a sore throat.  And Michael?  He's fever free and cool to touch.  And very chatty while I was trying to hide under the covers from all his zillion and one questions! Fat chance.

You know, as a child, being sick is great! You can sleep, take naps, and there's always someone getting something for you and catering to your every need.  In essence, you get to be a kid.  Of course, children don't realize how great they have it and all they want to do is grow up quickly, right?!?

For any mom, being sick is just another thing to juggle.  Life still goes on.  Meals have to be made (I'm thankful my family doesn't expect gourmet and I know Jacob is great about picking stuff up on the way home for dinner), little ones (& big ones!) need to be monitored, laundry continues to multiply, etc.  Thankfully, both Krista and Michael are really easy and accommodating.  If I had one wish, it would be to stay in bed, sleep and read.

I did get to lay out on the couch (thank God for the Bob the Builder DVD!) and I got to finish The Fire In Ember by DiAnn Mills.  It's a historical suspense novel set in 1888.  What really intrigued me was the page of "Acknowledgments." Yes, I do enjoy reading the acknowledgment pages, the dedication page and the brief author bio, too!

The first sentence was in plain english.  But the rest of the page was like this... "Ectotame vit eturia aliquatieae as enem inctore peleseq uassit faccus, quos aut aut que dolore que earchil ligenda qui ut optur aliqui voluptia vellect otatem quam, sitium inctotaspere..."  See what I mean?!?  Is this a foreign language (Google was no help!) or a publishing error?!?  It's very intriguing!

Well, I'm off to bed early after I put Michael down for the night.  Thank you for all your prayers for Michael!!!

I'll end today's blog with Psalm 147:1 using the Amplified version:
"Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God, for He is gracious and lovely; praise is becoming and appropriate."


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So Close...!

Michael was fever free up until 5pm ish.  And then the low grade fever came back... We were so close to having a fever free day, but then there's tomorrow.  His nose is running.  A lot. And, he still has his cough, but giving him some breathing treatments should help.

I finished Janelle Mowry's When All My Dreams Come True (historical fiction about a girl wrangler) and couldn't stop reading (once I started) Neta Jackson's Who Is My Shelter? so I finished it, too.  I love the Yada Yada House of Hope series as much as I loved the Yada Yada Prayer Group series.  If you've never read them, I strongly urge you to get the books and start reading!!!

I'm amazed by technology.  Krista has a school trip to Washington, DC coming up and she needed to bring her nebulizer along, but that thing is too clunky to bring everywhere, so we ordered her a portable one.

Today we received Krista's new portable nebulizer and it is ADORABLE! It's so cute that I want to get one, too.  Except I don't have asthma and that little thing is way too expensive to buy just for the looks!!! 

And then, I get a kick in the pants from the Holy Spirit (major conviction nudge!) reminding me of these verses from Matthew 6:19-21 (from the NLT-New Living Translation)...

"Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 

Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 

Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Merry Christmas...Whoops!!!

Over Christmas, we decided to make a new tradition in our family.  In past years, our children received three gifts on Christmas Day (I got the idea from my sister) representing the three gifts given by the Magi.  Then, following Christmas, the kids would receive a gift each day for the 12 days after Christmas thus extending Christmas for our family.

But for this year, we decided to celebrate the meaning of Christmas on the 25th of every month.  We planned to bring out the nativity, read the Christmas story and play Christmas music.  I would make something special for dinner or dessert and then Krista and Michael would both open one present (they're wrapped and waiting in my closet!).  It was intended for us to keep Christmas in our hearts intentionally all year long.

Now, of course, I just realized about 10 minutes ago that today is the 25th!!! Oh, stink!!! Okay, well, we'll have to try again on the 25th of February...!

I should have kept a tally for the amount of times Michael asked me that question! Early this morning, he begged for cookies, so I took out the butter and eggs.  He had very little appetite and couldn't understand why I wasn't baking immediately so he could have his cookies.  I think he was asking if the cookies were ready every five minutes.  I kid you not!

He would tell me (who can resist those bright eyes and pink cheeks?!?)... 

Michael: I'm so hungry for your cookies! Are they ready yet?   

Me:  Well, have you heard the mixer on yet?  

Michael:  No.

Me:  That means I haven't started yet, my little cubby bear.  Remember, the eggs need to be at room temperature before I can start baking.  Do you want to help me hold the eggs so they'll get warm faster? 

Michael:, I don't think so.

Me:  Then you'll have to wait a little longer.  It'll be soon, ok?

And then he would ask me the original question again several minutes later! I knew he wasn't feeling well when he didn't run and put on his little baker's apron (made by my friend Beth which came complete with the most adorable miniature kitchen tools) once I started adding the ingredients together.

And when they were finished cooling off, I had the happiest little camper on this side of the world! 

As a mother, I love doing things for Krista and Michael.  I love buying them little surprises, baking and making their favorite meals.  And just like Michael was persistent in his begging quest for cookies, I was only too happy to make them for him.  It reminded me of the verse in Matthew 7:7-11 (I'm going with The Message version)...

"Don't bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn't a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we're in. If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn't think of such a thing. You're at least decent to your own children. So don't you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better?" 

I think we can all learn something about prayer from Michael's approach to getting cookies today, right?!?

Merry Christmas!!!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Up And Down

I was feeling pretty hopeful yesterday since Michael's fever was kept in control with just one Tylenol.  But today was a different story.  We saw our pediatrician (Dr. Donna Pachorek is the best!) and she confirmed what we already knew---Michael's fever is viral and there's a 40% chance he'll have another febrile seizure.  We were told on Saturday that most children out grow febrile seizures by the time they're 5 or 6; however, Dr. Pachorek said children can still have febrile seizures until they're 7.  WWWAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

But then I remind myself that there are worse things in life.

I just realized I've been forgetting to fill you in on the books I've recently read. I loved Ann Tatlock's Promises To Keep.  What a riveting story! Deadly Ties by Vicki Hinze was so suspenseful (my sister would totally love the book!) that I could barely keep reading (I was scared spitless at times!), but I did manage to finish it to my relief.  And I hate it when one of the key bad guys get away because that means there's more scary stuff to come in the next book! If only I didn't have such an overactive imagination...! This is why I don't see horror, suspenseful or action movies.  Give me a chick flick any day where I can laugh and cry all in one sitting!

I started Janelle Mowery's When All My Dreams Come True but got sidetracked with Larkspur Cove by Lisa Wingate.  What a great story! I started it as my upstairs book and couldn't put it down so it came downstairs with me, too.  I haven't been able to read too much in the past few days but thankfully, I can celebrate with a book now that I've cleared off the three loads of laundry that were piled up at the foot of our bed!

Isn't God good?  He doesn't give you more than you can handle even though you may feel like you're on the very edge of your tolerance level! He's doing a good work in you and in me.

I like the way The Message phrases Philippians 1:6 "There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears."

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Michael's Favorite Part Of The Day Yesterday

Krista and I stayed home with Michael today.  He didn't have a high fever all day (thank you for your prayers!!!) and only took one Tylenol Melt Away this afternoon.  He was playing with his Legos, eating popsicles and talking up a storm (nothing unusual about that when he's at home!) when he asked me this:

Michael:  Mommy, do you know what my favorite part of the day was when I was at the hospital yesterday?

Me:  What was that, Michael? (I was racking my brain trying to think what he would come up with.  Was it the apple juice?  The stuffed bunny from the volunteer?  I know it was definitely not the blood work part!)

Michael:  It was when I got to come home.

Krista and I agreed that was our favorite part of the day, too! Well, the seizure watch continues.  I don't think Jacob or I will sleep well until he's completely fever free (especially since we're checking on him every couple of hours through the night!). 

It's been interesting how many other parents have had the experience with their child or children having febrile seizures, too.  And it's a relief to know that we weren't the only ones scared out of our wits! 

Thanks again for your prayers, your love, support and concern.   It has meant so much to us knowing there are so many praying for us.  And I'm more grateful than ever that neither of our children have epilepsy where seizures are common.  God always knows best!!!

Psalm 145:3 says it best (from The Message):  "God is magnificent; He can never be praised enough. There are no boundaries to His greatness."


Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Body Of Christ Is A Beautiful Thing

I think Jacob and I lost about 50 years of our life this morning.  Michael has been running a fever for the past couple of days.  For the past couple of nights, he has consistently been up every four hours (after the meds wear off) which means Jacob and I haven't been getting a lot of sleep.  So, I tried to make an appointment with the pediatrician, but they were no longer open on Saturdays.  

Jacob and I decided to take Michael to Urgent Care (so I was up and dressed for the day before 8:30am on a Saturday which was a God thing!), but they weren't open until 9am (apparently, emergencies must only happen between 9am and the time they close in the evenings!).  When Michael heard we wanted to take him to the doctor, he broke out in tears (having recently been in for a check-up and vaccinations which he still remember clearly) until it was decided that we would just stay home and let the fever run its course like we normally do.

I was trying to get him to drink his chicken soup but he wasn't interested.  I called a friend I haven't been in touch with in forever and was sitting beside Michael while he was licking his popsicle.  Normally, Jacob goes to his men's group on Saturday mornings, but was so tired, he decided to stay home.  He was in the kitchen which turned out to be a God thing.  

Suddenly, I saw Michael fall backwards on the chair.  I quickly grabbed him before he hit the edge of the table and thought it was strange that he wasn't crying.  Instead, as I looked at his face, I noticed his teeth gritted together while he stayed in this arch position with his arms up.  Definitely weird.  I quickly ended the call with my friend telling her it was an emergency (she later told me she thought one of the kids had thrown up on me which would normally be categorized as an emergency any other day!) and yelled out to Jacob something was wrong. 

He rushed over and our first thought was he swallowed the popsicle--stick and all.  jacob was trying to pry his mouth open to see where the popsicle stick was (I was mentally making a note NEVER to buy those popsicles again!) and patting him on the back.  Michael started to shake, spit up and then we watched his eyes roll up while his lips began to turn blue.

Okay.  I should tell you that I realized I'm an "epic fail" when it comes to emergencies.  When my children are throwing up all over my bed, I'm usually asking them why they're not throwing up on daddy's side of the bed instead of just on my side.  I mean what kind of mother asks that while they're trying to catch their breath after emptying the contents of their stomach and beyond?!?  When as an infant and Michael was spraying the wall during a diaper change, why did I have the urge to duck and find cover?!?  Seriously, what is wrong with me?!?  Didn't I sign up for this when I became a mom?!?   Anyway, back to this morning...

I just froze.  My mind was racing a million miles a minute as I wondered what in the world was happening to our happy and normally chattering child.  I watched in mixed horror as Jacob tried to revive Michael as he kept turning bluer.  He was saying, "Come on son, don't leave us.  Come out of it, son."  I was wondering if Krista was going to lose a brother while we lost a son.  It was frightening. Thankfully,  Jacob jolted me out of my thoughts by yelling, "Call 911!"

I couldn't believe how slow the operator was talking and how much information she was asking for.  I just wanted her to send me an ambulance!!! And she did while calmly informing me to make sure we had Michael on his side.  She had me check his breathing and she told me he would probably have another seizure (wwwwhhhaaaaatttt?!?!?!?).  And would I like to hang up now or keep her on the line while waiting for the EMT?  Hello?!?  You better believe I wanted her to stay on the line because I wanted step-by-step instructions if Michael happened to have another seizure.  Thankfully, the medics arrived in a matter of minutes and we were whisked off to the emergency room.

By now, Michael was crying (he wanted to be held while in the ambulance and it was tearing my heart not to be able to do that) and he definitely didn't want to be laid out on the hospital bed.  I was only too happy to hold him in my lap. He was given ice water and some apple juice (a treat!) while we waited for the doctor.  Everybody was so nice there.

His temp was taken and at first it was 99 degrees but then the next time they checked, it was 103.1.  We had a chest x-ray taken and blood samples had to be taken.  Poor thing.  Michael was falling asleep in between things and he was so upset when we had to strip him down and put on the hospital gown.  He was NOT happy with the flowers! In fact, the gown kept slipping off his shoulders and he was sure it was "too small."  I had to reassure him the "flowers" on the gown were little suns on it (because some were yellow) and that seemed to pacify him a little bit.

It turns out that Michael had a febrile seizure which means his temps spiked too quickly for his body to adjust to causing him to have a seizure.  Now, he will have a history with seizures so we will have to keep a close watch on him these next few days and when he has fevers in the future.  

We were concerned with brain damage from the seizure but since it lasted less than :40, we were told it wasn't an issue.  The doctor was concerned Michael might have had a urinary tract infection, so we had to get a sample.  Unfortunately, Michael was resisted to the idea.  I thought after explaining what a catheter (sp?!?) was that he might be more cooperative, but nope.  Not happening.

He fell asleep again and I just held the little cup in position.  And eventually, he did provide a sample, but it took forever!!! It took another cup of apple juice and another cup of ice water and then we had more than we needed!

In the meantime, we felt the prayers and love from everyone who heard about Michael (thanks to our publicist Krista for getting the word out!).  It's times like these when I realize how sad it must be for those without the hope of Jesus Christ and without the body of Christ to support them.  

I'm thankful for Facebook, emails and a new monthly billing cycle on our cell plan!!! We were able to get the word out through friends and technology in an efficient manner.  It beats using a carrier pigeon any day.

Jacob was amazing.  I don't know how he manages to react the way he does in emergency situations, but he was born ready.  Unlike me.  But now, I feel a lot more confident that if Michael had another seizure, I will know what to do.  And I'll let Krista call 911.

Thank you again for all your love, prayer and support to our family.  We saw and felt the body of Christ in action.  And it was a beautiful thing!!!

It's amazing how the body of Christ reacts because of the love of Christ.  Our unbelieving world is missing out big time. I love how the Amplified Bible puts Ephesians 3:19...

"[That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"I Can't Get Out Because The Wind Is Going To Blow Me Away..." And Other Silly Things Children Say

Today was very windy.  I had a bunch of errands to run and each time, it was difficult getting Michael out of the car because he was certain he was going to blow away.  Finally, I had to use this logic on him...

Me:  Michael, didn't I tell you to unbuckle and come out to mommy?

Michael:  Yes, but I can't come out because the wind is going to blow me away.

Me:  I know it's windy, but are you a kite?

Michael:  No.

Me:  Well, ummm, only kites blow away and you are definitely not a kite.  Now please come out of the car.

Michael:  Oh, okay.

See?  It works every time!

I still carry Michael (Ssshhh! Don't tell my chiropractor that!).  Especially on inclement weather days.  Like today.  Michael asked me if he was too heavy for me to carry...

Me:  No, you're not too heavy for me to carry right now.  But someday, you will be.

Michael:  Oh, like when I'm 10 or 18?  Are you C-R-A-Z-Y, silly boy?!?  Good Heavens, I'm thinking by 5 is the cut off age to be carried.  10 or 18 is definitely not an option!!! Think of my poor back...!!!

I'm enjoying Michael at this cuddly stage of his life.  Krista was never this cuddly when she was little.  Once, I asked her for a hug and kiss and she walked past me with an impish grin and went to the full length mirror hanging on our door and kissed herself! Thankfully, she's now much more cuddly at 13 and a much better hugger! 

It can't get much better than this in Moms World, USA! 

When you go about your day tomorrow (can you believe that the end of January is just around the corner?!?), I want to challenge you to look for ways you can be a blessing to those around you.

In 1 Corinthians 10:31, it says that "Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

So, let's go glorify Him, okay?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sweet Words From A Four-Year-Old

Last night, we had some friends over for an impromptu dinner.  Michael and my friend Lisa were playing with the shapes puzzle thingy (you match the shapes to the picture on the different designs on these wooden boards) and they came across a butterfly pattern.  Lisa asked Michael if they could do the butterfly one (he was being a good host and letting her pick a design to do together) because she really liked butterflies.  Then she added that her mother really liked butterflies, too.  Here's how the conversation went...

M:  Well, then, we'll give it to her when we're finished with it.

L:  That's very sweet, Michael, but she went to Heaven last week. 

Me:  Michael, that means her mommy died and now she's in Heaven with Jesus.

Michael:  Oh! Well then, when I die, I'll bring this butterfly to her, okay?

I can't help but wonder if God smiled at that little comment made so innocently by a small little boy with a pure heart.  This is what I love about being with children.  Sometimes, they're really funny and say the funniest things.  Other times, they say the sweetest things that add salve over a hurting heart.

In the Contemporary English Version, Proverbs 25:11 says, "The right word at the right time is like precious gold set in silver." What a great word picture!

Today we spent the day in LA visiting some of our favorite places.  Beard Pa Pa's (the world's best cream puffs!!!) is fast becoming an addiction in our family.  We intended to visit The Getty (it's an art museum for those of you not from LA) but unfortunately, they were closed today.

Since my last blog (sorry, but it's pretty impossible to blog on a daily basis unless God decides to supply me with a nanny, a chef, a maid and a chauffeur and that's so not happening any time soon!), I've started and finished Robin Caroll's Deliver Us From Evil (mystery and suspense fans will love this one!) and Hatteras Girl by Alice J. Wisler (a fun read that I thoroughly enjoyed!).  My upstairs book is Ann Tatlock's Promises To Keep and my downstairs book is Vicki Hinze's Deadly Ties which is not suitable reading material before going to bed!

I'm a big sissy when it comes to reading scary things, but the saving grace about the suspense and mystery novels I review are the faith elements woven in reminding me there's always hope in Christ! Hallelujah!

Don't you just love what Lamentations 3:25 says?  Here's the Amplified version of this verse:  "The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him [inquire of and for Him and require Him by right of necessity and on the authority of God's word]."

"God is good all the time.  All the time God is good." 


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bargain Shopper's High

I really meant to blog yesterday, but by 10pm, I would barely keep my eyes open because for two nights in a row, I was wide awake until after 3am and then the night before, we had a nocturnal visitor (the one night I was finally able to sleep again!) that woke me up to the sounds of howling wolves and loud construction (Michael was banging his door because I had the safety door knob on).

Then, I went downstairs to heat my pillow (thank you Kerrie & Sierra!) in the microwave and ended up watching The Locater (have you seen that show?!?  It's seriously addicting!!!) until 12:30.  So much for my good intentions to sleep early!

Yesterday Michael and I were running errands and I stopped at Marshalls to look at what they had.  It's usually a hit or miss for me at Marshalls (usually more miss than anything else!), but I went to the luggage section to find a carry-on piece for Krista's upcoming school trip.

I couldn't believe my eyes!!! There in navy blue with white piping (very nautical!) was a carry-on by Nautica (retail price for $299) with a price of $9.99 from Marshalls.  At first I thought it was $99.99, but then after staring at it for :30 longer, I realized it did say $9.99! 

I brought it to the counter and I knew something was up when they whisked it away and all gathered around the price tag.  It confirmed my suspicions.  The Nautica bag was incorrectly priced.  After the manager was paged, he came and looked at it and then told the sales person that they had to honor the incorrect price tag.  People, it was Nautica and I got it for a steal!!! What a great feeling!!!

Of course, that is NOT going to be the bag Krista uses for the trip (we do have 3 other carry-ons she can choose from including her own :oD).  I may just save it for Michael when he outgrows his Thomas the Train carry-on...Maybe.

I finished The Amish Midwife by Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould yesterday.  It was a great story with an intriguing mystery.  Today I started What Are You Waiting For? by Dannah Gresh (I love her and can personally vouch that she's godly and writes the best stuff on relevant topics like purity and modesty!!!) and I have to tell you, it blew me away. 

Hands down, this is the BEST book I have ever read on the topic of sex, romance and God.  This is a book for young women about the one thing no one ever tells you about sex.  Dannah shares a life-changing truth from scripture that I have NEVER EVER heard before.  And for single young women, knowing this truth has the power to transform their thoughts, dreams and decisions in future relationships and romance.  That's all I'm going to say because I'm saving it for my February review in Five Star Books & More by The Reading Mom newsletter.  Okay, three words...Get The Book (don't even bother waiting to read my review on the book and take my word that it's well worth the investment of $10.99 or whatever!!!)

Today I got to hear a Holocaust survivor (Yolanda Entz) share her testimony on God's protection and mercy in her life.  I was moved by her testimony and how she's turned her pain into something God uses to touch lives wherever she speaks at.  Yola lived most of her youth in fear and it made me think of the verse in Isaiah 41:10 that I memorized when I was a kid.  I like how The Message puts it...

"Don't panic. I'm with you.  There's no need to fear for I'm your God.
I'll give you strength. I'll help you.  I'll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you." 

I don't know what you're going through, but I do know this.  God is with you, so let Him have your fears.  He will take care of you.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Thank You, God That It's 2011!!!

Ever since we switched Michael from Duplos to the big boy Legos, he's been busy building up a storm! I love seeing all the interesting vehicles and animals he creates.  Sometimes, he looks at the Lego map thingy and builds off of what he sees and other times, he just does his own thing.  That's why I'm a HUGE fan of Legos.  It fosters creativity and it gives adults and older siblings a good reason to play, too! I'm thinking that I would use some of that million dollars (mentioned in a past blog) to buy Legos, too (I'm crazy about those houses!!!)!

I forgot to mention all the great fiction books I've been reading and have finished! I finished His Other Wife by Deborah Bedford (I'm a HUGE fan of Deb and loved this new one inspired by the biblical character Hannah), Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones (the dialogue had me constantly cracking up!) and Words by Ginny L. Yttrup (this was a moving story that's written on a subject that makes my blood boil) which will all be in my February edition of Five Star Books & More by The Reading Mom newsletter.  I just started The Amish Midwife by Mindy Starns Clark (another author I love!) and Leslie Gould and can't wait to get back into it!

This morning, the temperature in my car read 39 degrees.  No wonder our heat was running nonstop! I've been "breaking in" Krista's new coat (purchased to use for her school history trip) and I'm so glad she doesn't mind me wearing it since it keeps me warm and cozy! 

A couple years ago, I watched a PBS special called "Frontier House."  It was a reality show of sorts where families could go back in time and live as pioneers.  The families and couples that participated in this show had to leave all their modern conveniences behind.  I'm talking about important things like indoor plumbing, 100% cotton clothing, comfy shoes, grocery stores, etc.!  It was fascinating to watch them live their new lives after being used to modern day conveniences.  They had to work together to cut logs for their homes, grow their food (did I mention how much I hate gardening?!?), slaughter their chickens (eeeooowwwww!!!) and hand wash their clothes (I did that when I was in Antigua and hated it with a passion!)! No wonder they didn't own more than two pieces of clothing at a time! It was exhausting watching them put so much effort in order to do the simplest task.  It was really interesting to watch the series (watch is the operative word!) and every time I caught an episode, I was so thankful I wasn't there!!! I would have been kicked off the show because everyone in my family would have perish from hunger (coming up with meals are challenging enough without having to grow, grind or slaughter my food and then cook it over a fire pit) or have to go naked because I can't sew (remember I mentioned that before?!?).  

Better yet, I wouldn't have even considered being on the show because I NEED my indoor plumbing, electricity (hello, central air and heat!!!) and my washer and dryer!!! Which is why I don't do camping.  Unless it's at a five-star hotel.  I'm just saying.

God knew what He was doing when He created me AFTER indoor plumbing and electricity were invented.  And it goes without saying that I would have never survived as a pioneer woman.  My deepest respect, admiration and kudos go to Laura Ingalls Wilder and other incredibly brave and resourceful men and women who lived that life!!!

I'll end with the Amplified version of one of my favorite set of verses from Lamentations 3:22-23.
22It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.

23They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My New Year Begins Today: Part 2

I'm spending my birthday in bed.  Under the covers.  Thanks to our new laptop and a "bed desk," I can take calls, work on press releases, my newsletter and blog while staying warm and cozy!

I finished hand stitching Michael's blanket (which seemed to grow larger by the minute!) as a gift to myself.  In reality, I was tired of it sitting on the end of the bed silently pleading to be finished.  That and being asked several times a day by you know who if his blanket was ready yet.  I managed to stab myself only half a dozen times this time around (even drawing blood from my poor thumb causing me to shriek while scaring both children was a powerful moment!)Having a needle hang out of my thumb was a divine sign for me to give up the blanket business now that I have completed this project.  Gladly!

If you're trying to call, sorry.  I disabled the ringer in my cell and I took out the batteries from the cordless.  I wish you could see what I'm seeing.  At the foot of my bed, wrapped in her skating blanket is my sweet daughter asleep.  On the left of my side is my snuggly little boy Michael still in his asleep.  I should be joining them so why am I still blogging away?!?  

LOL! I need to get the camera because this is a historical moment (2 children out like a light after much protesting that neither were tired) except if I get out of bed, I'm sure both would wake up! Thankfully, I have my phone and got a few snapshots which means I have to figure out how to download those pictures now.  Oh, Krista is going to so kill me when she sees the pictures I've taken...!!!

I LOVE being a mommy.  It's the best job in the world!!!

By the way, if you enjoy baking and making or creating desserts, then be sure to check out a new contest (just go to the tab) with author Vicki Hinze I've posted for you!!! May the best dessert chef win!!!

Okay, if you were following my previous post started at 1 something this morning and finished at 2am, you'll know that I'm on #30.

30.  I love sharing my reviews of books and family-friendly resources in my newsletter, Five Star Books & More by the Reading Mom to help women know what to read, watch and buy. 

31.  I'm a mediocre cook.  In fact, my talents are more in the area of making reservations, calling for take-out, etc.  You get the idea! I do have a few dishes that are easy to make and edible enough to share.

32.  If I had a million dollars, I would pay off the mortgage and set aside enough funding to live off of so Jacob wouldn't have to work so hard and be able to pursue his dreams of going to pastry school or something (!).  I would also share some with our church for the building expansion project, the Uganda Buyamba home for children, buy a home for my parents and one for my sister and her family.  I would also share some of that million dollars with my brother's family, my friend Beth, young families in need of a little extra, families out of jobs, orphanages in China, and wonderful ministries like Helping Hands, the Women's Resource Center, etc.

33.  I've always wanted to go to Europe on a Disney Cruise!

34.  I'm grateful for the privilege of parenting.  Funny thing is, I never grew up with a dream to be married (I never planned my wedding as a kid which is why I was grateful for a wedding coordinator for ours!) or have a family.  I was more than happy getting my "children fix" by babysitting and teaching Sunday school to the little ones.  Probably because I have a low threshhold of pain, plus, hearing everyone's stories about their childbirth pains did a doozy on my brain (which is why I'm a firm believer in Epidurals).  I'm here to tell you single girlfriend, everything they say is true!!!

35.  I love doing laundry.  I'm weird, that's why.  I think it's the miracle of getting clothes clean and fresh smelling that appeal to me.

36.  I have an addiction.  To salted popcorn.  I am happy to eat it anytime, anywhere (except for during a church service!), in the bag, out of the get the picture.

37.  I love stickers.  They make me happy!

38.  I'm a firm believer in staying connected to the people who've impacted my life in some way.  It's why I still stay in touch with my H.S. English teacher, my M.S. Science teacher, my youth pastor and their family, my campus mom and her family, friends from school, etc.

39.  I have a low tolerance for ungrateful attitudes, bullies, attitudes of entitlement and moochers.

40.  Sometimes I wish you could hear what I'm saying in my head (I'm easily amused).  And sometimes, I'm glad you can't!

41.  I love cute things like our Iwako food erasers.

There.  41 random facts about me.  Thanks for joining me on this blogging adventure!!! I'll end with one of my favorite passages from Ephesian 5:1-2 using the Amplified version:

 "THEREFORE BE imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father].    

And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance."

My New Year Begins Today

It's true.  I am officially 41 years old.  Today.  My back (thanks to a few herniated discs) feels like it's 51, but that's besides the point! So, I thought I would share 41 facts about ME so you can get to know me better (and so you'll have something tangible and in writing to remember about me when I die!).  I should clarify that they're not necessarily in any particular order except for the first couple...

1.  I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, God's Only Son, Our Savior.

2.  I am a mother of two AMAZING children:  Krista (13 who is still up and I'm wondering why...!) and Michael (4)

3.  I have been married for 16 years to Jacob who happens to be a great father, an amazing chef, provider, math wiz, etc. (there's very little he can't do well).

4.  My favorite color is blue, but my favorite color to wear is black.

5.  I was born in Massachusetts and grew up in Pennsylvania where the Chinese population were definitely the minority.

6.  I always wanted to live in California and now here we are!

7.  I worked in a Christian radio station for 11.5 years and met some wonderful people while working there.

8.  My favorite sister Mei lives in Indonesia with my favorite teen nephews and brother-in-law.

9.  My favorite aunt Mei lives in Maryland and better NOT be engaging in international affairs!!! I'm just saying.

10.  I'm not a morning person.  At all.  In fact, it drains my energy having to wake up early.  Thankfully, Jacob is a morning person and takes care of Michael before going to work at 7:30am.

11.  I like to sleep and be buried under lots of thick comforters!

12.  I love to read.  Reading uninterrupted is a hot commodity these days and pretty impossible at this season in my life...!

13.  I really love to write letters when I have no deadlines hanging over my head and other such responsibilities required of me (which interpreted means I don't really get to write to many because I'm too distracted by what needs to be done and what should have been done...yesterday!).

14.  On rainy days, I just want to stay in bed (obviously, in my dreams, right?!?)

15.  I enjoy classical music and instrumental music by Richard Clayderman.  But I also like music by groups like Audio Adrenaline, SonicFlood, Third Day, etc.

16.  I really like love talking!!! In fact, I only had two jobs in college that  allowed me to do lots of talking.  One was working as an admissions counselor and the other was being a campus tour guide (Hello, my name is Susan...!).  Being paid to talk is a great perk!

17.  I don't do window shopping.  If you can't buy, then why look?!?

18.  My favorite stores are Pottery Barn Kids, Barnes and Noble bookstores, Crate and Barrel,Hallmark Stores, Restoration Hardware, Papyrus, The Paper Source and of course, last but NOT least, The Container Store (why isn't there one closer here?!?).

19.  I am an undercover prankster at heart.  I have some great memories of pranks I played on unsuspecting friends while at BJU...!

20.  The only things I miss about NJ (where we lived prior to moving here) are friends, tax free shopping on shoes and clothes and full service gas stations!!! I had to learn how to put in my own gas when we moved here...ick.

21.  I don't drink coffee unless it's accompanied by LOTS of cream and sugar.  I'd rather have coffee ice cream though.

22.  Playing the piano de-stresses me.

23.  I really, really like Precious Moments, Hello Kitty, My Melody, Tuxedo Sam and Little Twin Stars!

24.  I had a rare form of heart murmur when I was born and should have died.

25.  I had an accident in '94 (which is the reason my back feels like it's 51!) which should have left me either paralyzed or dead (according to the medics) but instead, I was able to walk off once I was rescued.  I'm alive because of GOD!
26.  Which is part of the reason why I've come to embrace Jeremiah 29:11 so much.

27.  I have a younger brother whom I write letters to.  I email my sister and hope she's reading this blog since it's my way of "talking" to her!

28.  I used to keep a diary and would regularly update my last will and testament (I can't imagine what "worldly possessions" I had from 5th grade to 12th grade that anyone would want!).

29.  As a 41 year old, I really want to love mercy, do justice and walk humbly with God (thank you, Micah 6:8).

...To Be Continued after 8am (or whenever I have a chance to blog again!)...
p.s.  My latest book reviews are featured in my newsletter, Five Star Books & More by The Reading Mom! Just click on the tab that says, "Five Star Books And More Newsletter."

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Look At Me! I'm Lucky" And Other Snippets of Conversation

"Mommy! I went to the bathroom!" is normally something every toilet-training-in-progress-mother would be overjoyed to hear, right?!?  Except that Michael was in the tub.  And I happened to be in the hallway on my laptop in a live Elluminate session with a teacher from CAVA!
To my relief, he remembered to step out of the tub first. 

My plans were to work on Michael's blanket which my neighbor Pat helped me sew for Michael's birthday.  But then the size of the blanket motivated me to procrastinate the finishing touches on the blanket (Hello! What WAS I thinking to make such a huge blanket for him?!?).  I had some simple hand stitching to do (a partial blanket stitch) so I started working on it for his Christmas present.  But it's taken me about 3 hours to get one side and a half done so I abandoned the project.  Until tonight.

I have speared myself about a dozen times now.  I really need body armor or something because that needle is SHARP! It's been about 3 hours now and I still have a little more than one whole side left to do.  I'm thankful that Michael's PoPo Torey made him a similar size fleece blanket for his birthday (hers has this nice smooth finished edges all around the blanket making it look so polished.  Unlike mine, of course!) so he has a comfy blanket to sleep with.

Apparently, Michael had called for me while I was occupied and Jacob went in and brought him to our bed while I was trying to work on his blanket.  Michael kept rolling around on the bed and when I asked him what was going on, he replied, "I'm trying not to get poked by the needle!"  I assured him he was not in any danger of that happening.

I told him he needed to try to go to sleep (yeah, right) and when I looked over, his eyes were wide open.  I asked him why his eyes were open when he's supposed to be going to sleep and he told me this:  "This is the way I sleep."  O-k-a-y now.

I finally sent him downstairs to say goodnight to Jacob.  He came back a while later with a hand full of Cuties (those adorable little oranges).

Michael:  "Look at me, mommy! I'm lucky!"
Me:  "Why are you lucky?"
Michael:  "Because I get all these oranges to eat all by myself because I'm big now!  I'm four!" 

Yesterday, Michael did the funniest thing with Jacob.  Jacob whispered to him that it was time for his nap.  Michael pretended to have selective hearing issues and exclaimed with a huge grin on his face, "WHAT?!?  You want me to go play the piano?!?" This was repeated several times.

He had us all rolling in laughter! These are the mommy moments I cherish.

Psalm 127:3 says in the CEV, "Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord."


Sunday, January 2, 2011


It's hard to believe the first day of the new year is nearly over (in 4 minutes!!!)... We've been reorganizing Michael's room (aka Big Time Cleaning!) and I've been doing endless loads of laundry!

Hmmmmm...I must have missed a week or something because there seems to be more laundry than usual.  Of course, it could be because I've let the sheets pile up...! You know the secret to being able to take a break from doing laundry so often?  Buy everyone a month's supply of undergarments and socks and keep three to four sets of bedsheets on hand (oh, and don't forget the spare towels you'll need!) and PRESTO! Enjoy your laundry free day!

Every time Jacob put away the baby blankets in the Rubbermaid container, Michael would snatch them out insisting he needed them (he plays with them in his Thomas & Friends tent)! I finally took them all so I could wash them.  I started folding them all to put them away tonight, but then I decided why not?  He loves his blankets and if he wants to keep them in his little tent, then I'm going to let him have them all!

It's the little things in life, right? Well, I haven't had time to read today, but that's because I've found that it's counter productive to read a book while trying to fold laundry and talk on the phone all at the same time! Talking to 3D people is a lot more fun anyway!

Tonight my favorite aunt and I were talking about love.  Love that's based on 1 Corinthians 13 is all about respect, consideration of others and self-LESS-ness.  I love this version of it...

I Corinthians 13 from The Message
If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.
If I speak God’s Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps, but I don’t love, I’m nothing.
If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere.  So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
Love never dies.  Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit.  We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete.  But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.
When I was an infant at my mother’s breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant.  When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good.
We don’t yet see things clearly.  We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist.  But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!
But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation:  Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly.  And the best of the three is love.
Sometimes love means letting go for a season or longer and allowing others to grow on their own.  

I've been sharing some personal stories with Krista during some of our nighttime chats in bed.  They're stories about the mistakes I made when I was in the dating phase of my life.  Some of them have us cracking up and practically rolling off the bed in laughter! Some are more serious in nature.  My prayer is that my daughter will grow up with a discerning heart when it comes to the opposite sex.  In the meantime, I've got my bat ready... OH! Did I say that out loud?!?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Top Ten in 2010

Last night, Krista and I decided to stay up until past 2:30 am watching a Hallmark TV special.  It was her reward for getting caught up in her school work (besides being given the privilege to be back on her new DS playing games).  I was thinking of blogging with her this morning, but then decided she needed to get to bed.  

I finished reading Never Been Kissed by Melody Carlson (I started the day before yesterday and then got distracted with Bake Until Golden) and thought it was definitely worthwhile reading for Krista.  In fact, I would highly recommend it for my 8th grade girls.  It's just that kind of book.

Okay, here's my list of the Top Ten in 2010 (I'm hoping I can come up with that many now that my brain has been fried after the last couple of very late nights...!):

10.  Searching for a dainty turtle necklace after 11:30pm New Year's Eve on the AYSO soccer field while trudging through the mud...!

9.  Making plans the week before to surprising my parents with a visit on the  4th of July for a week visit.

8.  Pushing and shoving (watch out for my killer elbows!) my way through throngs of people while shopping in Hong Kong with my sister-in-law.

7.  Krista qualifying for the State Games of America this summer in San Diego.

6.  My favorite Aunt Mei's visit this past summer.

5.  My favorite sister and her family's visit to Cali during their furlough (it was way too short!!!).

4.  TPing raids with the LOMSAA 8th grade girls.  Enough said!

3.  Christmas at Lego Land!!!

2.  Michael turning 4 on December 23rd.

1.  Krista's birthday blessing dinner at Blue Stove on September 26th.

Let's begin the New Year reflecting on these verses from Isaiah...

Isaiah 43:16, 18-19 (NASB)

 16Thus says the LORD,
         Who makes a way through the sea
         And a path through the mighty waters,
        18"Do not call to mind the former things,
         Or ponder things of the past.
    19"Behold, I will do something new,
         Now it will spring forth;
         Will you not be aware of it?
         I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
         Rivers in the desert."