Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Flashbacks... So Ready for the Adventures of 2014!!!

This is bad. It's been so long in between blogs that I keep forgetting my password and having to reset it. Again. And again. I'm hoping this one will stick in my brain or better yet, I'm hoping to blog more in 2014 so my password will be forever ingrained in my memory :o)

I can't believe that in a few short hours, 2013 will end. It's been a year of building new relationships, dealing with pain & loss and yet, it's been full of God's grace & healing. I have seen God's faithfulness through all the ups and downs, so here are a few memorable highlights from 2013...

Dec 31/Jan: Last New Year's Eve, we celebrated with friends over for a "Make-Your-Own-Pizza" party where everyone brought their favorite pizza toppings. It was such a fun night!!! Every weekend following included having friends over for a meal or two. After all, why have a house if you can't share it with others?!?

Feb: We hosted our first Super Bowl Sunday party!!! The week leading up to it, we were hit with the realization that we had intentionally decided to forego a cable service...  No cable, no Super Bowl game, right?!? Jacob improvised and we bought the Apple TV gadget and hooked it up to the iPad and Taa Daa, the party was on again!

My first WOW Women's Retreat where I was away for the first time pre-children for (*gasp*) 3 days & 2 nights. It was SO much fun!!! What a blessing it was to have the best table group ever!!! 

Mar: We hosted our small group for the month & had the world's most adorable Japanese foreign exchange student staying with us. Michael adored Yume and had so much fun teaching her games on the Wii! There wasn't a language barrier between them :o) During Yume's stay, Krista had a few of her friends (who came over with the Japanese students they were hosting) for a cookie baking & decorating experience. 

I think this was also the month my lap top died. A very sad night since I hadn't backed up my reviews... lesson learned :o)

April: I met my friend Marti D. at a WOW Wednesday event. Her husband was willing to check out my laptop and see if he could resurrect it. But before I could send it out to him, we were hit with 5.5 feet of water in our basement. That ended all our entertaining plans. In one moment, we lost over 50% of our possessions and to this day, I still grieve over the loss of my library, Krista's special toys (I loved those doll houses!!!) and our beautiful ornaments!!!

God was faithful in providing us with the last 2 bedroom suite at a local hotel for a month, wonderful friends who either brought us food or had us over on weekends for meals and so much more!!!

May: My dear friend Nancy B. from Cali was able to spend the weekend visiting. She and I had a sleep over at the hotel :o) We bought a new car and three days later, unfortunately, I had my first accident since '94! Thankfully, God protected Michael and I from getting injured but the car needed a new body & system overhaul!

June: We were one day shy of being home for a month (after our extended stay at the hotel from flood #1), when we were hit with 4 feet of water in the basement. Deja Vu, anyone?!? Thankfully, Jacob was in town and our family was safe. God is good!!!

July: My closest friend, Un C. from Cali came and we were able to have dinner together. It was so nice to catch up with her!!! Krista got to go to SandBlast again and had a wonderful time bonding with her friends in youth group. We are so blessed by Impact here!!!

Michael modeling Krista's orange frames with dangling mustache creation on the way to SandBlast
Aug: After 14 months of pure stress and traveling, Jacob started a new job God provided. What a blessing and what a change in Jacob!!!

We were able to return to Cali and be with the friends we have missed so much!!! Krista celebrated her 16th birthday early with Teal C. and we had the best afternoon having tea and pastries!!!

Jacob and I had our first Global Leadership Summit experience at Willow and we already purchased tickets for next year's Summit!!!

End of Aug/Sept: Jacob unearthed a time capsule that impacted the state of our marriage. To make a long story short, God has resurrected our marriage and now, thanks to His grace, instead of just  surviving, our marriage is thriving!!! I'm not going to lie. There have been a lot of tears and a lot of pain through the process, but God is drawing us closer to Him and *to each other. *Now that's a miracle!!!

For the first time ever, I have more time to myself with Michael having normal school hours now that he's in 1st grade!!! I fill my time with making cards, a 1,000 Gifts book study, a mentoring training study, One Pot Wednesdays (purely social!) and BSF!!! Although it's an intense Bible study, I've loved digging deep in to God's Word and bonding with my friend, Diane J and May S :o) 

We spent a weekend with friends in Door County, WI. What an unique and fun experience!!! We can now check that off our "Things to Do in the Midwest" list...

Krista turned 16. She is and continues to be my favorite 16 year old ever!!! We surprised her with 16 presents---a present a day leading up to her big day :o) It was as much fun for me as it was for her!!!

Oct: We were one of the last in the country to get on the Rainbow Loom bandwagon. Michael has been ecstatically watching youtube.com video how to's and cranking out the bracelets for his friends! His big friend Luke J. taught him his first fish tail Rainbow Loom bracelet and he's been hooked ever since!

Krista's small group leader, Melissa & Impact's pastor, Andrew had their first baby: Evan!!! He. is. adorable!!!
Michael introduces Baby Evan to his very first Rainbow Loom bracelet :o)
Nov: We invited my favorite collegiate nephew, Daniel to spend his Thanksgiving break with us. On Thanksgiving day, we had Alice, a new friend from Northwestern over for Thanksgiving Lunner (Lunner: the meal that's not quite lunch and not quite dinner) and afterwards, we had a great time playing multiple games of Monopoly Deal!

Krista survived round 1 of the ACT's :o)

Michael won a trophy (1st Grade Chess Champion) in Chess club at school!!! Only 40% of his Chess comrades won a trophy so he was in trophy Heaven with his big one :o)

Dec: Krista had surgery to remove her tonsils & adenoids, a turbinate procedure and to fix a deviated septum from a rude encounter with a volleyball during a game of Dodge Ball when she was in 9th grade attending GBHS in California (ironically, the initials to Krista's high school here are GBHS!).

We thank God she had an infection free recovery with a minimal need for her pain meds. She can breathe normally again and sleeps better at night, too :o) What a blessing to have so many friends from all around the world praying for her and for us!!!

So, I'm ready for whatever adventures 2014 will hold... but hopefully, it will not include more water in our house...!!!

I'll end this blog with a verse from Romans 15:13...

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound [overflow] in hope." 

Wishing you JOY in 2014!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

"Mommy, I Dropped My Shirt in the Toilet!" and a Merry Christmas to You, too!!!

One day it was a little warmer than expected and Michael was hot. We came home from school and I helped him take off his undershirt giving him instructions to take it upstairs. Meanwhile, I headed to the kitchen to start making dinner. I think I was peeling potatoes when I hear this voice from the bathroom in the hallway...

Michael: "Mommy, I dropped my shirt in the toilet!!!" 

Me:  "Did you drop it in before or after you went to the bathroom?!?" I'm thinking, WHAT?!? How does that happen?!? Please let it be #1 and NOT #2!!!

Michael: "I already went to the bathroom!"

Me: Okay now. "Just don't flush the toilet or we will have a HUGE problem!!!"

I ripped off my gloves and ran over to him. He was standing at the toilet proudly holding one sleeve (the one that didn't fall in) and told me he "saved" it from falling in! Thankfully, it was a bladder issue or I would have been even more grossed out!!! And just for the record, this is the LAST time I plan on fishing anything out of the toilet!!!

The other day, Krista and Michael were verbally sparring. I interrupted them and asked if they needed to change the tone of their voices or be on the "couch of loving kindness" (the original one drowned in flood #1 but basically any part of the couch will do!). Of course, they both denied what they were doing, so I asked, "Then why are you talking to each other with that attitude?" And they both said in unison, "That's tough love!!!"

Gotta love those moments, right?!?

Okay, so I had this grandiose idea to hand make all my Christmas cards this year...FAIL!!! I made about 30 of them and then ran of out of steam, time and creativity!!! Thankfully, I had 2 boxes of back-up cards (I then ran out of those, too, so I'll start making some more once my second wind kicks in again); otherwise, your Christmas card may or may not arrive until Easter 2014!!!

I had an epiphany this year after helping Krista's 3rd grade girls learn their Bible verse in Promiseland from Isaiah 9:6. This verse comes to mind the most during the Christmas season, but I don't really reflect on it any other time. But then I realized, I've been missing out on a message that's meaningful for now and forever!!! I've added my thoughts in red and when you read it, you'll see why this verse has become one of my favorite verses to meditate on.

I grew up on the King James version of Isaiah 9:6 and love it this way...

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor (I love that we can pour out our fears, our sorrows and our longings to Him... and He listens), The mighty God (He's Omnipotent---all powerful so there isn't a problem too large that He can't handle), The everlasting Father (I'm reminded that He's a God who keeps His promises forever and ever!!!), The Prince of Peace (When we ask, He provides us with His presence and peace in the midst of the disappointments and uncertainties of this life!!!)."

This verse is clearly relevant all 365 days of the year :o)

Merry Christmas with Love, Joy & Peace!!!
from the Lee's
Jacob, Susan, Krista & Michael
Jer. 29:11

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Goodbye, Summer break and Hello, 2013-2014 School Year!

As a result of Michael's anti-photographing behavior, I have a pretty good collection of pictures of his ear/side profile. Sigh. I need him to outgrow this phase. AND soon (as in BEFORE school pictures are taken again!).

I can't believe it. Summer break officially ended today as I hugged my little 1st grader goodbye.  Michael waved and followed his teacher into the school building and I wondered all day how he was doing. After being in kindergarten for 2.5 hours last year, I wondered how he would handle being in school for most of the day! We expected him to come home exhausted, crying, starving and grumpy (we were told in orientation that this is normal for the first few months of school!) so I was prepared! Earlier, Krista and I picked up a Superman Ice Cream Milkshake and a mini pizza (thank you, Trader Joe's!) for him. But instead of a crying & grumpy child, Michael got in the car with a big smile and told us he had a great day! It was an answer to prayer!!!

Since the last time I blogged, a ton of things have happened!!! Let me list them in no particular order... 

1. Michael lost 2 bottom teeth (they were growing behind the baby teeth so once they came out, he already had a new set of permanent teeth in place!) after the school year ended.

2. Jacob accepted an offer with another company in the area (his stress level has gone down considerably!).

3. Krista finished two semesters of Chemistry in summer school (between her class and constant tutoring in Japanese, she's been very busy with very little time for relaxation!).

4. Michael finished a Lego robotics class, a hands on geometry class, a chemistry class for kids, an art class and a puzzles class over the summer (I'm convinced those three hour days trained him for the new school year!).

5. We flew back to California for a visit with friends and celebrated Krista's pre-16th birthday there (we had such a fantastic time with our friends in soCal & noCal!!!).

6. After completing the final paperwork for flood #2, I rediscovered the joy of making my own cards again (it's been very therapeutic and so much fun to create for friends and family!!!).

7. Our house was under siege by a gazillion of nasty flies whenever the temps were up in the 80's or above (I have ALWAYS hated germy flies. Having them invade our house is plain disgusting!!!).

8. The basement continues to be in a state of incomplete while we are contemplating our options (hopefully, we will find a solution before the next flood...!!!).

9. Jacob and I attended the Willow's Global Leadership Summit and left highly impacted & motivated (I can't wait til the next one!!!).

10. I discovered a great recipe for cake online that doesn't need eggs or butter (after discovering I ran out of both ingredients on the day I planned to bake!)! Of course I tweaked the recipe and made some mini chocolate cupcakes with chocolate chips inside and some mini raspberry lemon cupcakes and a strawberry whipped topping for both cupcakes.

11. Krista and I planned a baby shower for Melissa B with her small group that turned out great!!! What a God thing!!!

Tomorrow is a monumental day.  Krista starts her junior year (I'm praying that God will clearly show her His plan as she embarks on another exciting chapter of her life at GBS) and for the first time since in forever and ever, Amen, I will have nearly 6 hours of time to get things done. This. Is. Huge.

I'm in a new season of life now (it's the season of life known as "both kids in school full-time now!") and I can't wait to see where God leads me!!!

In Ecclesiastes 3:1 (The Message), King Solomon said it best, "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven..."

Now, I need to sit and make a list of everything I want to accomplish...!!! 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

"Deep and Wide. Deep and Wide, There's a Fountain Flowing Deep and Wide..."

I know it's been forever and ever, amen since I last blogged. I've been a little bogged down with stuff from the flood, stuff for the insurance and everyday life stuff! My last blog entry was on Friday, April 19th and so much has happened since that time. I'll separated a few of them into "Highlights" and "Lowlights...: 

Highlight: My friend Nancy B from Cali visited!!! It was SO much fun catching up late into the night :o)

Lowlight: We bought a new car on Memorial Day weekend and on day 3, I had a car accident... long story short: Michael and I and the other drivers involved were fine---a total God thing! 

Highlight: Both kids finished their school year and started their summer programs.

Lowlight: Jacob tried to save a box of things for me that I didn't get to take care of in time. It was filled with notebooks of interviews from 2000 and beyond from my past life at the radio station---all muddy and moldy. Ick!!!

Highlight: All but one box of CDs and DVDs Jacob & our friend Brad rescued have been separated from their cases and sanitized.

Highlight: After what seems like forever, all the necessary documents have been turned to the insurance & FEMA. (HUGE sigh of relief!!!)

Highlight: John D retrieved some important files for me from my lap top that died last summer!!! He's a miracle worker!!!

While documenting pictures and filling out spreadsheets for the insurance company I had a gazillion and one things I've wanted to do like reading and blogging (I have a ton of things swirling around in my brain begging to be put down in writing!), but fun stuff has to take a back seat to the massive wall of responsibilities in front of you sometimes. In times like these, who wants to be the adult?!? I know I don't!!! I think I want to be Michael for the day...!!!

SO! After reading the title of my blog, have you found that tune running through your head?!? You're welcome :o) lol

This classic Sunday School song was a staple when I was growing up and then again when I was teaching my own Sunday School class. I mean, who doesn't remember stretching out their arms at the "Wide" of Deep and Wide and trying to hit the person next to you?!? Ummm... Okay, I hope I'm NOT the ONLY one guilty of that!!! Little did I know how this song would be the theme of our family's life since moving here...!!!

On Wednesday, June 26th, I was jerked out of a deep slumber at a little after 5 am (definitely an ungodly hour to be awakened for those of us who are NOT morning people!!!) by these words, "It's been raining outside and water is coming into the basement. We need to pack and may have to evacuate..."Groundhog Day, anyone?!?

"NoooooooOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The day before I had scheduled the restoration company to begin filling up the cracks in the foundation and to cap off the exposed exhaust pipe in the basement bathroom (where the water had gotten in before in the last flood in April). It was a two day project and was supposed to be finished today. Fat chance now!!!

The thought that we might flood AGAIN so soon (April 18 was the date of flood #1) and the fact that it was nearly one month since we were able to move back home after living in the hotel threatened to be joy robbers... But, God showed me how much I have to be grateful for again so here are some Splashes of Joy I want to share...

Splashes of Joy #1: I swung out of bed in record time, headed over to my closet to get the suitcase and turned on the lights and they worked this time!!! We still had POWER! It's SO much easier to pack when you can actually see what you're doing unlike the last time we had flooding!!!

Splashes of Joy #2: I knew the routine this time around as I called the plumber, the restoration company and the insurance company. After going through flood #1, I'm much better prepared for this time around with flood #2!!! I'm happy to dispense advice to anyone going through a flood for the first time...

Splashes of Joy #3: Jacob was in Japan last week so he was home this week. 

Splashes of Joy #4: We only had 4 ft of water this time around compared to the 5.5 ft of water last time.

My view of the basement as I watched the water rise up on the stairs
The view from the front door of our house!

Here is a view of what it looked like from the side of the house leading to the backyard

We hadn't started finishing the basement yet because we were still researching our options. We knew if the village storm system gets charged again, our streets will flood which would impact our home again so we were taking our time trying to figure things out. We had replaced the furnace and the air purifier, the hot water tank, the back-up battery and sump pump, so when we were hit with 4 ft of water and realized there goes the furnace and air purifier again, it threatened to be a joy robber, but...

Splashes of Joy #5: We replaced the hot water heater with a tankless so it could be mounted on the wall and the back up pump was up on the shelf that was built for us so we had hot water and the back-up pump working as our other sump pumps got overwhelmed! I wonder if we can suspend the next furnace from the ceiling...?!? We were so thankful we didn't replace the electrical stuff yet (it was on my "things to schedule next" list) because the water reached the breaker box again!

Splashes of Joy #6: The cracks in the foundation were being fixed and that's all that was happening in the basement---formally furnished but now down to a big 'ole slab of cement and ugly studs. You should see the lovely plastic wall with the big red zipper mounted that separates the main floor from the basement...!

We loaded the car and tried to drive out but the water level was too high on the roads, our driveway, our lawn... so we drove back in the garage and closed it. Then the sensors went out. We went back inside the house and it sounded like a waterfall downstairs in the basement. A pane of glass got shattered/cracked from the water (there are double pane windows downstairs) and I started calling the village's engineer requesting that the locks be opened so we wouldn't flood like last time! I calmly left new messages as the water started rising in our basement.

He never returned my calls; instead, he paid us and our street a visit.

Splashes of Joy #7: The plumber was finally able to make it (so many roads were flooded and closed down) and the slow process of pumping the water out took all day. Thank God for my rain boots! They came in handy when I went downstairs to inspect the damage in the basement and measure the water line :o)

Splashes of Joy #8: Jacob had to get our other car (parked in the driveway) to higher ground. The water was up to the doors so he drove through the neighbors yard (sorry, Tom!) to get to a street further up from us that hadn't been flooded. Next on the shopping list: Buy Jacob and the kids some rain boots, too. It comes in handy when the entire neighborhood goes underwater!!!

Earlier, after we had packed the car, we started moving things frantically from the main floor of the house knowing that the water might come in. Jacob was carrying boxes from the garage and taking them up on the landing of the stairs single-handedly! And then at the end of the day, he wondered why he was so exhausted!!! 

Splashes of Joy #9: No water came in on the first floor so we were able to stay here instead of returning back to the hotel. Hot water and power (hello, internet!) are things we never want to take for granted!!!

Splashes of Joy #10: I got a call from the insurance adjuster that day and she was the same one from flood #1 so it was great to have already worked with her before!!!

Yes, we flooded again, yes, there's stuff to do for the insurance again, and yes, my list of "things to do" again has grown, but we have so much to be thankful for!!! Losing a basement is nothing compared to those who lost their homes in the fires out West or the flood in Canada. We have our family intact and we have food, shelter and clean water---it's more than what most people have around the globe.

I love how the Amplified Bible records the words of Job in Job 1:21...
Naked (without possessions) came I [into this world] from my mother’s womb, and naked (without possessions) shall I depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed (praised and magnified in worship) be the name of the Lord!
I'm totally not comparing myself or our situation to what Job went through, but I LOVE his attitude!!! He chose joy!!! :o)

P.S. I was determined to blog today knowing that in the days to follow, I'll be pretty swamped again and may not make it back to blog in a long time...

Overheard: "Daddy, I leveled up to first grade!" Clearly, someone is spending too much time playing on the iPad, right?!?

Finding the time to read has been a challenge in the past couple of months! Here are the only books I've read in no particular order...

Unveiling Grace: The story of how we found our way out of the Mormon church by Lynn K. Wilder is a gripping story that's sure to impact you as you see the Wilder family touched by the power of God. Their story is amazing!!! The differences between Christianity and Mormonism are clearly laid out (I like the doctrinal comparison index in the back of the book) and it answers so many questions I've had about Mormons, their culture, rules and their belief system.

The Heiress of Winterwood by Sarah Ladd has plenty of faith, action and romance! Amelia Barrett, heir to an estate, is plotting to get baby Lucy's father to marry her so his child's future will be secure. But his refusal to her proposal creates a complication that makes him realize what a mistake he made. Deception, danger and death---you'll find these elements keeping you on the edge of your seat!

Catch a Falling Star by Beth K. Vogt was a great read! Dr. Kendall Haynes is a caring doctor looking for the right man. And it seems like she's found her man, but the prickly & pig-headed guardian of one of her patients has her confused when she sees a rare tender side to him, too. Romance, tragedy and a mystery will keep you hooked to the end!

The Offering by Angela Hunt is one of those stories that makes you think. One discovered mistake has the potential to change everything in Amanda Lisandra's future and now she has the power to make things right.  I've always believed that you can never go wrong with anything by Angela Hunt!!!

If the Shoe Fits: A Contemporary Fairytale by Sandra D. Bricker is charming and a fun read. Julianne has been searching for Prince Charming and her desperation to protect her pride is agonizing to read about! But, there's a happy ending and it turns out the Prince Charming has been there all along! I loved it!!!

Jennifer: An O'Malley Love Story by Dee Henderson is a powerful love story that made me cry at the ending! Jennifer O'Malley hasn't really gone looking for love because she loves her job so much, but one man is about to change everything for her. And then the surprise ending caught me by surprise... it was totally not what I expected. It's true love, girlfriend!!!

The Face of the Earth by Deborah Raney is an incredibly intriguing read. When Mitchell Brannon's wife Jill never shows up for dinner after being away at a conference, the police suspect foul play. Mitchell and his next door neighbor (his wife's best friend) search relentlessly for her but every lead seems to be a dead end until jewelry is recovered from Jill's hotel room. This is a story about redemption and second chances. Loved it!!!

When the Morning Glory Blooms by Cynthia Ruchti covers three woman's lives in three eras where they are faced with a dilemma that seems like there's no hope. The stories are fascinating as you go in and out of each woman's life. Becky is the mother of a teen daughter with a secret. Ivy has a secret that she's afraid to admit. And Anna is giving out her secrets so they can be remembered. It was a great read!

A Healing Heart by Angela Breidenbach is a story about one woman's desire to reconnect with her daughter. Her idea to make a photo memory quilt for her daughter incorporating some of the techniques from her heritage excites her but running her late husband's company drains her. Enter new business consultant partner: Joel Ryan---a man Mara doesn't trust! Mara needs to figure out if Joel is out to steal her company or something else!

An Unholy Communion by Donna Fletcher Crow is the third title of The Monastery Murders. This series is addicting! Something strange is going on when Felicity stumbles upon a dead body with something held tightly in his hands. The sinister image haunts her as she and her fiancé Father Antony try to solve the murder while leading a group of youth on a walking pilgrimage.  I love a good mystery and it's always fun to try to guess the "whodunnit" in the story!

Afloat by Erin Healy was an interesting book to read while our basement was flooding from the overcharged village storm sewers! In this story, architect Vance Nolan has designed a one-of-a-kind floating apartments concept that's funded by a wealthy developer interested in luring wealthy residents. But the unthinkable happens and suddenly, a handful of residents, builders and investors are desperately trying to survive. This is a suspenseful story about faith, spiritual warfare and deliverance!

Friday, April 19, 2013

"Water, water every where, nor any drop to drink" (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)

Thursday, April 18th, 2013:  I was quickly awakened by the news that our basement had  flooded. What a rude awakening! When I looked down the stairs I was shocked to see that the water had nearly reached the landing of the stairs going down into the basement! The water was a murky brown and I remember thinking "Ick! My poor books will never survive this!" For a brief moment I wanted to cry but I also didn't want to traumatize the kids. Jacob told me to look out the window in the backyard and what I saw was a pool the size of our entire backyard! It was shocking. It didn't even enter my mind to take a picture of what I saw until the water started receding from the pump our neighbor lent us. It was a crazy morning!!!

We rushed out of the house frantically grabbing what we could in the dark (no power because the breaker box was downstairs and there was a possibility it was under water). Okay, I realized that being rushed around while half-asleep and being told, "Hurry!" every couple of minutes are real joy robbers... But I knew we had so much to be grateful for, so in keeping with my water theme, here are some splashes of Joy I'll share!!!

Splashes of Joy #1: We were all safe and Jacob was home and not away on business!!!

Splashes of Joy #2: We have our wonderful brothers & sisters in Christ all around the world praying for us. And many friends here have offered us a place to stay or to share a meal :o)

Splashes of Joy #3: We met our neighbors! Everyone flooding at the same time has a way of quickly bonding you! And one neighbor lent a pump which was instrumental in helping us get our basement water pumped out!!!

See the water line on the wall? That little pump was amazing!!!

Splashes of Joy #4: Our wonderful plumber Ed Struck who came out before his next job to help us rig up pipes to get the water away from the house. He came by twice to check on us and help us with the pump.

Splashes of Joy #5: Our wonderful carpenter/handyman Dave Ratajczyk forwarded info about a Flood Restoration Company to contact. Our plumber Ed put in a call for us with a company he's worked with in the past. Krista's friend Michelle's dad has a flood restoration company (Castino Restoration) and they came on Monday, 4/22!!!

Splashes of Joy #6: We have flood insurance!!!

Splashes of Joy #7: Our sump pumps were still working (imagine how much more water we might have gotten had they been out of commission?!?)!!!

We called 911 to report our power box being underwater but they didn't want to cut the power because the sump pumps were all still working and that was a GREAT thing to know!!! We did lose the majority of my books (we rescued 25% of them), the furnace, the air purifier, the hot water tank, the sump pump back-up system, all the furniture downstairs, the TV, Wii game system, the games, special toys in the play room, all the craft stuff, all my Creative Memories pictures and papers, albums, etc. I guess I could go on but you'll notice they're all "just stuff" and stuff doesn't go to Heaven with us, so I'm learning to let go even though it hurts!!!

We had dinner with a wonderful family, the Chang's and they were so gracious to let us borrow their showers!!! Hot water is a luxury!!! My sweet friends Mary Ann W., Cheryl S., Esther C. and Vicky W. extended their kind hospitality, but we figured we would try to stay one more night in our house before staying somewhere else while Ed and Roberto (his heating and cooling expert) brought in a new furnace and hot water tank this weekend. Or so they thought...

The big bummer in all of this was that this weekend, our long-time dear friends, the Wong's were supposed to stay with us while checking out colleges through Wednesday. We had this planned to host them for months and I had been looking forward to spending time with my friend, Mary!!! But the flood changed everything---no heat, no hot water, no internet access and limited power are joy robbers when it comes to hosting personal friends!!! But then I realized how much I have to be grateful for...

Splashes of Joy #8: I intended to clean the guest bedrooms and bathrooms and wash all the linens from a visit the weekend before with our dear friends, the Beccue family (CA). My plan was to do it closer toward the end of the week. If I had cleaned pre-flood, I would have been annoyed that all my efforts were wasted, but since I didn't do anything, I have no regrets!!!

Splashes of Joy #9: We had a $40,000 plan for the yard and it's flooding issues but didn't start the first phase yet.  Had we spent the money, it would have literally washed away because the storm drains were charged and couldn't hold all that water (no thanks to the village who haven't cleaned the drains in 10 years according to our informative neighbors!)!

Splashes of Joy #10: We were flooded with rain water complete with mud and all. But other homes were flooded with city sewer... Triple Icky!!! I'll take mud over poop any day!!! Thank you, God!!! See, He never gives you more than we can handle!!!

Friday, April 19th, 2013: It was hailing and snowing today.  In April. This weather is so kooky here!!! Thank God the water got drained out of our basement! Ed and Roberto came by to check on the house and realized it was impossible to put in the new furnace and water tank without an electrician on hand to take care of stuff since the breaker box had been immersed in water. Their concern was mold forming if a flood restoration company didn't get here soon... Then, the entire basement has to be gutted and once construction starts, well, it will definitely mean we need to be away from the house for a few weeks.  I put on my rain boots and sloshed through the basement with my iPhone and what I saw were definitely some joy robbers...

This is the water mark on the door to the boiler room!!!
Here is the water level that's marked on the wall in the boiler room where the water tank is.  Can you imagine?!?
See ya TV, Wii game system and bookcase!
Here's a better view of that collapsed bookcase from the picture above
I found it comical that a bunch of books landed in the fireplace and the couches were pushed by the water into strange positions!
The guest bedroom #1: I couldn't get the door opened anymore because of the downed furniture and books!!!

But I found more splashes of Joy to reflect on...

Splashes of Joy #11: Once we have a flood restoration company come clean up the mess, Ed, Roberto, Dave and Tony and his own crew will take care of demolition and rebuilding the basement!!! What a blessing this team of men have been to us :o)

Splashes of Joy #12: See that white table in the third picture? That was our temporary fix while searching for the perfect entertainment system armoire... I'm so glad we didn't invest the money or put the effort in searching for the right one yet!

Splashes of Joy #13: Michael and I stopped by an extended stay hotel nearby and they had one 2 bedroom suite left. We reserved it and later, while having dinner with our lovely friend's, the Cesario's, Brad informed us that when he checked about availability at the hotel, they were fully booked. We got the last suite!!! And we finally have internet access again!!! It will be our home away from home... literally!

Splashes of Joy #14: We're on another adventure as a family!!! Thank you for your continued prayers!!! God is faithful and His provision, care and grace never cease to amaze me.

I have so many more Splashes of Joy I would love to share, but it's after midnight and I need to get some sleep because tomorrow, we'll be hanging out with our friends from NJ!!! 

Here is one of my favorite passages from Isaiah 43:1-5 The Amplified Bible:

But now [in spite of past judgments for Israel’s sins], thus says the Lord, He Who created you, O Jacob, and He Who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you [ransomed you by paying a price instead of leaving you captives]; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you.
For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt [to the Babylonians] for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba [a province of Ethiopia] in exchange [for your release].
Because you are precious in My sight and honored, and because I love you, I will give men in return for you and peoples in exchange for your life.
Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east [where they are dispersed] and gather you from the west.

And with that, I'll say thank you, Biblegateway.com and Good Night!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

"You See, I Only Have 10 Spaces in My Brain..." and Other Extraordinary Insights by A Six-Year-Old Kindergartener

Since our "big" move across the country, I've come to realize that I have entered another season of my life. I've defined it as the season of children. For the past couple of months, I've been wondering where all my time is going. I haven't been able to read more than one book at a time or finish it in a day (this drives me the craziest I think!), keep up with my newsletter or blog anymore. Why?!?

And as I reflect on life here, I realize that there are a few factors that weren't present when we were living in California.  One being the fact that Michael no longer takes his 2.5-3 hour naps now (prime reading time!!!). I've tried giving him quiet time, but he is a child that craves company (translation: being in the same space as me!). And when he's in his room having quiet time, he's forever asking when he can come out of his room while asking a host of hilarious questions that makes "quiet time" anything but quiet! He is so funny! I love this stage he's in---he's cuddly, snuggly, hilarious and so inquisitive!!! He loves conversation so I spend part of my day hanging out with him and when Krista gets home from school, it's her turn to hang out with me.

It's a wonderful life! The other day, we had some stuff going on in the morning that created unnecessary stress. When I picked Michael up from school I asked him how his day went and as I expected, he replied, "It was terrible!"He wasn't happy about the morning and I asked him what happened that made him so unhappy about it. So, this is how our conversation went from there...

Michael: I don't remember what happened this morning. I just know that I didn't like it. Mommy, I only have 10 spaces in my brain so when something happens in the morning, it goes into the first space in my brain.  And then I can't remember it because then I go to school and I can only remember what happened it school because it takes up three spaces in my brain.

Me: Oh. So what goes into the other spaces then?

Michael: Well, then after school, I put things in the fifth, sixth and seventh space and then at the end of the day, everything else goes into the eighth, ninth and tenth space.

Me: Then what happens when you need more spaces?

Michael: Oh, then I start over again.

Me: Michael! Did you know that most boys and men do what you just said? The grown-up word for that is compartmentalize! You put your thoughts into little spaces like the spaces of a waffle. Do you know what most women do?

Michael: No. What?

Me: We don't do spaces because all our thoughts are joined together and manage to run all over and connect together.

Michael: Oh, you mean like a giant spaghetti?

Me: Yes!!! I can't believe you get it! There's a book by this author I interviewed and her book is called, "Men are Like Waffles and Women are Like Spaghetti! And it's totally about how we think differently!

I was totally blown away by my Kindergartener's perspective on how males compartmentalize their thoughts!!! I wish I could get a peek into his little brain...!!!

The other day, he was saying something in the car and I couldn't hear him, so I asked if he could repeat it a little louder. And this is what he says to me...

Michael: Oh, I get it. You couldn't hear me because sound bounced off the window and then never got to you and that's why you couldn't hear me, right?

Me: Yeah. It kinda works like that. How did you know that anyway?!?

Michael: Oh, I just thought it up. It's like the light and how it reflects the moon and then bounces back to us so we can see it.

And then we got home and talked about his day at school! This little baby is growing up fast! I want to hold on to these years and savor the moments we have together. Meanwhile, after Krista finishes this year, it will mean that we only have two more years left with her before she leaves for college. I love hearing about her day! She shares details class by class and it gives me a glimpse of what her day has been like in her shoes. We laugh a lot and her unique perspective and insight on life makes me smile! I can't wait to see what God's plans are for her!!!

So, when you come visit me here and don't see a blog update, you'll know why :o) Here are the ten things I choose to be joyful about today...

1. Sparkly crystal beads---they make me smile :o)

2. A full dishwasher reminds me of a wonderful weekend we had with our friends, the Beccue's visiting from California.
3. Our basement is still dry despite the frequent rainy days!!! I am praying for God's protection over our basement :o)
4. Today marks a milestone for Jacob: He's been with the company for exactly 1 year today!
5. Two sick children meant that I got to spend another lovely day with them!
6. While Michael was doing some school work, I had time to post some reviews on BarnesandNoble.com and on Amazon.com.
7. A refrigerator full of left overs are nearly finished :o)
8. Monopoly Deal---a game Michael loves to play and usually beats me at, but today, I won all the rounds. We're practicing good sportsmanship---being a good winner and a good loser.
9. Time out with my friend Mary Ann planned for tomorrow to do art! I can't wait!!!
10. Jacob came home after picking up Krista from her tutoring session at school with a milk tea boba drink for me!!! It was an unexpected surprise :o)

I loved what Paul said to the church in Ephesus in Ephesians 1:15-19.  I like how The Message puts it...

"That’s why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldn’t stop thanking God for you—every time I prayed, I’d think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength!"

And I thank God for you, too :o)

Monday, March 4, 2013

"I wouldn't last one day in the old days!" said the six-year old Kindergartener

This past weekend was incredibly FANTASTIC!!! I attended my first WOW retreat and the experience was uplifting, encouraging and so joy-filled!!! The Worship music lead by Karla, April and Melissa set the tone for the weekend while the amazing table center pieces (LOVED the candy!!!)  and room decorations made you drop your jaws in awe (Mary Ann's talents and creativity ROCK!!!)!!! Our theme Pathway to Joy with Nancy Beach reminded us that joy is born from gratitude and so not an option! And then, I was given the best table group (the rumor is true that our table 5 had the best women ever... and I'm not biased either!!!)...!!! I loved every minute with them!!! I'm looking forward to reuniting with my group in two weeks... can't wait!!!

I came home and caught up with the kids.  Krista filled me in on everything I missed and Michael filled the rest of the time with random topics in conversation! While driving home after dropping Krista off at youth group, he informed me, "I wouldn't last one day in the old days!" Well, me neither! I have no idea where these random thoughts of his come from! But they keep me amused!!! That started a conversation on what it was like looooooong ago and we both agreed we were thankful to be born in a time where there's indoor plumbing, refrigerators, washing machines and dish washers! He also wanted to hear every detail about the games we played at the retreat (Unique & Shared and the Minute-to-Win-It) and decided he liked the Cookie Face challenge because he loves Oreos! It was a lovely weekend but I'm glad to be back home because I want to implement the Gratitude Jar idea where we write what we're thankful for everyday and put it in the jar. It's something fun to do with the kids but I want to write out my own list of 10 things I'm thankful for  everyday, so here goes...

1. I'm thankful that I get to be home with the kids and relax with them!
2. I'm thankful for new friends and for old friends :o)
3. I'm thankful for gluten free bread because I love toast with butter and mango butter (it's really a jam from Trader Joe's)!
4. I'm thankful that technology allows us to stay in touch with the ones we love!
5. I'm thankful for the beauty of an overcast day where the snow on the ground and the silhouettes of trees against the sky paint such a breathtaking picture by our Creator.
6. I'm thankful that I get to hear my six-year-old randomly exclaim, "I can't wait to go to Heaven!"
7. I'm thankful I got to hang out in bed with the kids this morning and listen to them chatter about Pokemon!
8. I'm thankful that being away this past weekend allowed my sink counter top to dry for more than 24 hours so I was able to finally spray the sealing stuff on the granite top this morning!
9. I'm thankful for heat because I get cold easily!
10. I'm thankful that both of my children love to snuggle in bed :o)

I like what Colossians 3:15 says from the Amplified Bible (thank you, biblegateway.com)...

 "And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]."

Got thanks???

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Not everything fried is tasty to the palate

It finally happened. My computer gave up the ghost thanks to a fried hard drive (who knew writing my February reviews could be so sizzling hot?!?).  AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!
My newsletter Five Star Books & More by the Reading Mom is put on hold indefinitely. All my documents are...eeks! I'm afraid to think that they may be lost in cyberspace forever. Oh, stink.  Double AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!! Sigh.

I refuse to dwell on the fact that I didn't back up my latest documents on the Passport like I had intended... I know, I know, I know! I can hear your thoughts!!! Unfortunately, "If only I..." doesn't change anything and I'm determined that this will not happen again because I'm the kind of girl that doesn't make the same dumb mistake twice!!! Hopefully, this will not be a bath of famous last words....!

Okay, the other day, Krista gave me a heart attack.  She came up behind me and I heard a loud *gasp* from her (the sharp inhalation of air when she sees a bug... so NOT a good thing).  She was looking over my head and I thought there was a bug on me judging by the volume levels of her*gasp*-o-meter. I immediately asked her what was it and she replied, "Mommy, you have a white hair on your head." Oh! Horrors!!! Actually, I felt such relief that it wasn't a bug on me!!! And, Hello! Of course, I gave her permission to immediately pluck it out!!! *Gasp* I hear that you're not supposed to pluck them out or more will grown in.  Well, I don't care! I'm going to war against those babies and I'm not ashamed to admit that I will be using my tweezers until they multiply beyond my control! And then it will be time to look into getting low lights, high lights or something!

This weekend will be the first weekend I've ever been gone from the family for the e-n-t-i-r-e weekend. Come to think of it, it will be the first time in a super long time (as in since Krista was born) that I've gotten away for a women's event. Yup. I'm going to a woman's retreat with the women from our church and I am so-over-the-moon excited about it!!! It'll be like one gigantic sleep-over---without the pranks (I'll have to contain myself) and with nicer accommodations :o) There will be food, games, a great speaker, meaningful discussions and a time to connect with other women without being rushed!!! Can you tell I'm a little excited?!?

I like how The Message phrases Proverbs 27:17, "You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another." I'm looking forward to sharpening and getting sharpened this weekend!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Take a hike and get lost, Mr. Pneumonia!!!

I don't bother taking Michael's temperature anymore. Thanks to Krista's frequent bouts of illness when she was younger, I can pretty much guess how high Michael's temps are by feeling his head with the inside of my wrist or by placing a kiss on his forehead. Recently, his low grade fever changed overnight and I detected a change in his coughing (yep, the Mommy Radar strikes again!), so off to the doctor's we went. And as we suspected, there was fluid in his lung so now he gets to drink 2 teaspoons of bubblegum pink medicine twice daily. And, we get to add extra stuff in his nebulizer to help with the asthma issues he's having. He's finally sleeping through the night again... whew, thank God for medicine!!!

Yesterday, Michael and I came home from dropping Krista off at school and noticed something weird about the water when we went to wash our hands.  It was barely coming out of the faucet and then it stopped altogether.  I had no idea what to do! I called the village to talk to someone in the water department but no one was answering. Then I ran upstairs to see if I had forgotten to pay the water bill but that wasn't it either.  I sent a text to see if my friend Sue was experiencing anything odd with her water, but their water was fine. I was so relieved I did the laundry and ran the dishwasher the night before!

I finally did get a hold of someone at public works and was relieved to find out that the water was turned off because of a water main break nearby (and not because of something I did!). And as I pulled out of the garage and down the driveway, I noticed there were bright red fliers stuck on everyone's front door in our neighborhood. Oh.

You know, I had noticed and ignored a piece of that red flyer stuck in our door earlier that morning.  I didn't open the front door to get it because it was a cold day and I didn't want to let in the cold air inside. Did I mention I hate being cold?!? Had I just checked it out, I could have solved the mystery of the water issues sooner. And then I remembered that over the weekend, Jacob had pointed out that all the water on the side of the street was probably because of a water main break...

I see a parallel here...have you experienced those times in your life where you feel so far away from God? I've been there. The thing is, God never moved away from me, but instead, I've been the one shifting away from Him because of my sin. Satan is the great deceiver (the father of lies) and he wants us to get our value from pleasing others, idolizing our careers, our status, etc.   It's the sin of pride. Satan wants us to believe we've messed up so much we don't deserve grace (so NOT true!). He wants us to believe in the lies we tell ourselves and in the half-truths we tell others.  He relishes in the fact that we have time to watch our favorite TV shows, play video games, be on the computer, iPad, etc. but don't have the time or desire to spend time in God's Word (OUCH! I'm guilty!).

No matter how you may slice it or dice it, it's sin! I tell my children that sin is like a big door and it separates us from God and His Holy presence. When we choose sin, we are ignoring the warnings of the Holy Spirit (kinda like me ignoring that red flyer warning about the water main break). The Holy Spirit teaches and reminds us of God's truth in His Word. He has a way of "nudging" our conscience when we make those poor choices. I'm not a theologian or an expert on the Holy Spirit, but John 14:26 is a great verse that gives us some insight on the Holy Spirit. I like The Amplified Bible's version of John 14:26...

"But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you."

Have you felt a "nudge" lately? Don't ignore it!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

"Daddy let me have strawberry shortcake for dinner!" exclaimed the 6-year-old

This was an eventful week! It started with Sunday where we hosted our first Super Bowl party.  It was so much fun!!! I tried out my friend's (thank you, Sue K for introducing me to some of the yummiest recipes ever when we served together on Wednesday nights!!!) tried and true "Tangy Beef BBQ" recipe and it turned out really well. What a relief! The best thing was definitely not the Super Bowl (though I'm sure the game was exciting).  It was being with our friends and just hanging out :o)

On Monday night, we reunited with our good friend from California, Phil B (next time, we insist the entire B clan visit, too and not just via Skype :o) !!!). He brought over a student from Japan (Hey Taku!) visiting Chicago to stay with us for the next couple of nights.

Tuesday: So. I had my first car accident since my last car accident in '94. The Good News: I'm fine and no one was hurt.  Bad News: Our poor car! While backing out of the garage and being in another zone (perhaps it was an alien abduction), I managed to break off the rear view mirror completely off the car (yup. I had the rear view mirror carcass dangling by a few wires) by scraping up against the garage divider that separates the two spaces. So. Not. Brilliant. I hate that divider feature in our garage because I'm sure it won't be the last time I bump into it!!! I took Taku to the train station after lunch so he could explore Chicago and am learning that 21 year old's can eat...  a lot! I'm amazed that Taku has traveled all over the states staying with friends of friend's, couch surfing, sleeping on the ground at the Amtrak station, etc! He is definitely having the adventure of a lifetime before he has to return back to college in Tokoyo!

Wednesday: Today was Michael's 100 days of Kindergarten.  The weather was beautiful (I think it was in the 30's) so when we came home, I let him try out his new shovel on the driveway (I posted some pics on my fb) if he changed into his boots.  He had so much fun!!! We made snow walls, carved out his name on the snow with his shovel and had fun being together outside!!! It was also WOW (Women of Willow) Wednesday so it was up to Jacob to take Taku and Michael out for dinner.  When I saw Michael, I had to ask what he ordered and he excitedly exclaimed, "I had strawberry shortcake for dinner!!!" Yeah. These are not exactly the words any mother wants to hear from their child's lips right?!?  I was sure he meant for dessert but nope, he was adamant it was what he got for dinner and he told me that he saved half of it in the refrigerator! I checked and it was there! Dessert for dinner would have remained a dream had Krista or I been there!!! Oh well! I'm sure he'll have great memories about this dinner!

Today:  It poured snow and freezing rain or sleet this afternoon. Ugh. My least favorite conditions to drive around in. Thankfully, it was only raining when Taku left this afternoon on the train to his next destination.  We all made it home safely and lounged around on the couch in front of the fire.  It was so cozy! I have a baking project that I wanted to accomplish today but unfortunately, I never got to it. I've been trying to finish reading Fatherless by Dr. James Dobson and Kurt Bruner (it's so good!), but there's always so many things I'm juggling! It's the life of a mom, right?!?

There are always things I want to get to but the other stuff like housework, laundry, etc. seem to just take over! It's easy to get bogged down with the challenges we all face day in and day out, right? I'm so thankful for the hope we have in Jesus Christ!!! Someday, all this stuff will cease to exist because we'll get to spend eternity with our Savior!!!

I love how the Amplified Bible puts Hebrews 6:18b-20a (thank you, Biblegateway.com)...

"18 ...we who have fled [to Him] for refuge might have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and hold fast the hope appointed for us and set before [us].
19 [Now] we have this [hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot [c]break down under whoever steps out upon it—a hope] that reaches [d]farther and enters into [the very certainty of the Presence] within the veil,
20 Where Jesus has entered in for us [in advance]..."

Isn't this SO encouraging? Someday, that's us, guys! I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Since I only had 6 grams of sugar, can I have another one?" he asked.

Michael and I got a head start on Valentine cards for his classmates.  We found ones that didn't have a super hero, pop star or a popular cartoon character theme (no easy feat!) and packaged them with a mini fruit roll-up snack. It was a total treat because I don't even buy those for my kids! We had a few extra and of course, Michael was salivating over them.  So, I let him have one with the strict instructions that we had to brush his teeth right after because they're a cavity-inducing sweet treat. After he had one, he turned over the package and read how many grams of sugar it contained and asked if he could have another one since there were only 6 grams of sugar! In your dreams, baby boy!

The other day, the eye doctor had given me drops to dilate my pupils for a screening. Unfortunately, I had to go grocery shopping right afterwards and discovered I couldn't read my list or coupons because the drops blur your vision for a few hours.  Aaarrrggghhhh! It was one of the most frustrating moments ever!!! I had to rely on Michael to read me the labels from the coupons and then find the right product with the correct ounce that the coupon listed! He also had to read my list for me---he was a life-saver for my sanity! He kept remarking, "Wow, mommy! I can't believe you can't even see that!" Yeah, me either! Boy was I ever so happy when my vision returned to normal later that evening!

I was reading Philippians 4 today and it struck me that when we get caught up in worrying about the future, our finances, our careers (or lack of one!) or get stuck in lamenting over what used to be or what could be, we're setting ourselves up for discontentment and turmoil. These negative and ungodly attitudes are like the eye drops that prohibited me from seeing clearly that day! We need the peace of God to guard our hearts just like the Word of God puts it in Phil. 4 to clear our eye sight! I love the NLT's (New Living Translation) version of Philippians 4:6-8...

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

So, in this new year, let's both strive to replace our discontentment, fears, doubts and worries with thoughts that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and things that are worthy of praise :o) Thanks, Apostle Paul for your timeless message!