Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Daddy, Can I Have A Brother? I Mean Two Brothers?" inquired the 5-Year-Old

Okay, to be honest, I nearly had a heart attack when I heard Michael ask Jacob that question! I decided to hear how Jacob would handle that hot question when Michael continued... "I mean, I want two brothers and their names are Daniel and Jason!" Jacob told him that they couldn't be brothers for him because they were his cousins already, but Michael insisted they could be both.  Don't you just love a 5-year-old's logic?!? So, Daniel and Jason, consider yourselves the big brothers of a little five-soon-to-be-six-year-old-brother :o)

I have been dying to blog because I have so much stuff floating around in my head wanting to be released!!!  But circumstances have kept me away from the computer and after today's amazing event, I knew I would have to fight for time here in order to capture my memories in this blog.

First, let's rewind to Thanksgiving Day...
For the first time in a gazillion years (translation:  more than 8 years & counting!!!), we celebrated Thanksgiving with my favorite sister and her family and our extended family (Go Kok, Tan & Chu clan!!!).  This meant an 11 hr and 47 min road trip (the time is exact because Michael was present when Jacob mapped it out and he informed us how long the trip would be) divided up into 2 days to go up and 2 days to come home.  Thank goodness for Jacob's planning because any trip over 6 hours would have killed us all! This was our first road trip for this length of time and I'm kinda liking the idea of man's modern invention called airplanes...!

I loved spending time with my sister and the family and it was great seeing so many of my aunts and uncles and cousins again!!! I just wish we could have more time together and less stress in planning mini rendezvous! But all in all, we really maximized our time in MD & VA, so I'm very grateful that it happened :o)

On the day after Thanksgiving, Jacob and I introduced my sister to Black Friday shopping---she had no idea we would be shopping so early (I'm still yawning from getting up at such an ugly hour!!!)!!! If only we could have shopped longer in MD where the sales tax is lower than the North Shore...!!! Oh well.

Coming home, we stopped in Pittsburgh and when we woke up the next morning, a mini blizzard introduced Michael to his first snow storm! He informed us he was ready to move back to California!!! As you can see, he doesn't do cold and bulky coats very well!

Now, fast forward to the present...
Wednesday, November 28, 2012: I took Michael to see a Pediatric Orthopedic doctor regarding some random leg issues he's been having.  The visit went well and thankfully, there's nothing serious.  Michael is pretty flexible so his leg issues are from his joints locking up occasionally.  Thankfully, he can do 10 squats a night to build up strength in his legs so it was a painless visit (except for the fact that he had to remove his socks and change out of his pants to wear these huge disposable shorts that were ugly and uncomfortable!!! And surprisingly, I think he was more traumatized by the weirdo shorts than having to remove his socks since he's my mini sock boy!).

I was trying to make a left turn against the traffic to get out of the medical office complex (where are traffic lights when you need them?!?) and it was C-R-A-Z-Y!!! We had to make a run to Trader Joe's so I was trying to figure out the best way to get there. Then, out of the blue, Michael goes...

Michael: "Mommy, I want to accept Jesus as my personal Savior.  Can you help me?" Oh. My. Stars. Here, my little boy is asking me about the most important decision he will make in his life and I was in the middle of trying to maneuver through crazy traffic!!!  I wish I could have handled this holy moment better, but I was half-way out of the lot and half-way in the road already!

Me:  Michael, that is such an important decision you're making but can you please hold your thoughts while mommy focuses on getting us alive and safely on the road first?!?

There was finally a break in traffic and as I drove toward Trader Joe's, we talked again about what it meant to accept Jesus as his personal Savior.  This has been an ongoing conversation for the past two years.  We have been reading books about Heaven and God and this past summer, we introduced Michael to The Jesus Film project for children from Krista's younger days.  I've been debating internally about walking him through the steps to accept Christ (he's been asking to do it for the past 2 years) because I want him to clearly understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

We talked through basic theology 101 again (sin separates us from God, we need a Savior because we deserve death, Jesus paid the price through His death and resurrection, etc) and I knew Michael understood what the Gospel is about.

We came home and after putting things away, we both headed upstairs to the office.  I called him over to me and asked if he would like to pray and accept Jesus as his personal Savior.  He climbed into my lap and said he was ready to accept Jesus and we prayed together.  It. was. unbelievably. amazing!!! I will continue to talk to him about what it means to be a follower of Jesus and as he grows up, I pray that he will understand the importance of deepening his relationship with His Savior through Bible reading, prayer and connecting with other like-minded believers in church, serving, etc.

For now, I know the angels in Heaven are rejoicing over one little five-year-old boy who made a decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ :o) I know this because the NLT (New Living Translation) puts Luke 15:10 in this way:  "In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”

What a GOD thing!!! I am so excited for Michael!!! :o)