Our two weeks in Hong Kong have royally messed up our body clocks!!! No surprise, right?!? Michael is wide awake at 2am and going strong. Krista returns to school tomorrow so it should be interesting to hear how her day goes as she fights the jet lag!
It's so easy to forget about savoring all the ordinary everyday blessings you have until you step out of your comfort zone and stay in another country.
Here's the top 10 things I'm so grateful for...
10. Indoor laundry facilities that allow us to do laundry any time we need to. I love having clean clothes any time and all the time!
9. The ability to pick up the phone and call someone to have a conversation. I missed talking on the phone!!!
8. TV in English!!! I'm so sick of Chinese TV!!!
7. The lack of nasty cigarette smoking in your face and hair as you walk past people. Being overseas anywhere is a smoker's paradise and also outside LAX (ick).
6. Our own cars for transportation. Public transportation is crowded, dirty and a pain with all the stops and changes you have to make to get from point A to point B.
5. The ability to communicate on a deeper level. My time with Faith was too short. I need more girl time.
4. Sleeping in our own beds with our own soft comforters and perfect pillows. It's going to take my back, shoulders and neck a long time to recover after this trip!
3. Our time and schedule are our own again. I'm so done with having life dictated and scheduled without the opportunity for input.
2. The beauty of silence and quiet. I can open the front door and be met with silence. Silence is more than golden. It's platinum!!!
1. A home that allows us all to have our own space. You don't realize how important it is until it's absent!
In 1 Thess. 5:18 it says this in the NLT: "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
I'm working on it! :o)
P.S. Hmmmm... Here's my list of what I will miss from Hong Kong:
1. Spending time with Faith and laughing and laughing. A lot! Faith and I go back a long way. We can always pick up where we left off no matter how much time has passed.
2. All the cute things I love that are easily accessible (Hello Kitty & friends!)!!! I wish I had more time to get more stuff.
3. Superior pens and pencils!!! Krista is now set for the next year with writing instruments :o)
4. ICM and the sweet children that come. Check out www.innercityministries.org