The craziest conversation is going on between Krista and Michael right now all spoken in an Enligh accent...
Krista: That sounded Scottish, Michael, not British.
Michael: Yes, I'm a Scottish man.
Krista; Do you even know what Scottish is?
Michael: Yes. It's something in a brownie.
Krista: Do you mean butterscotch?
Michael: No, Scottish is in a brownie. Not butterscotch!
Krista: There's a difference between butterscotch and Scottish.
Michael: No, they're the same. Just one has more letters in it than the other.
When I told Michael I needed my computer to blog about their conversation, he exclaimed, "Yea! I'm going to be famous!"
I've been reading Beyond the Farthest Star by Bodie & Brock Thoene. I told Michael it was time for bed, but he insisted he wasn't tired. Then Krista told him he needed to go to sleep...
Michael: Why do mommies and daddies get to stay up all night? Call me Little Daddy because I'm going to stay up all night.
Krista: Why are you Little Daddy?
Michael: Because I'm little and I want to be a dadddy so I'm Little Daddy. Get it?
You gotta love it, right?!? :o) I love what Proverbs 17:22 says! "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength."(NLT)
Krista and Michael's entertaining conversation keep me laughing throughout the day! They're both better than medicine to me :o)