Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Daddy! You Give Up Too Quickly!"

It was a little after 2am the other morning.  Yes, most normal people should be sleeping peacefully, but unfortunately, for us, jet lag is still playing havoc on our body clocks! Michael was way too awake and was playing Balloons or Chicken Battle with Jacob.  Jacob started getting really tired after an hour or so and decided he didn't want to play any more.  Michael quickly exclaimed, "Daddy! You give up too quickly!" What's  funny is that Jacob has often said this to Michael when he wants to give up because something is too challenging! Don't you love it when your children start using the phrases you use on them...against you?!?

Today was one of those days reminding me why I'm so thankful to be back home again.  And her name is Nancy B.  We spent a wee portion of the afternoon (in between my runs back and forth to Grace & Center Point) hanging out, sharing insights and just laughing.  Nancy is one of the best listeners I know and her wit and sense of humor are some of the things I love and appreciate about her!

I love how the NLT puts Proverbs 13:20, "Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble."

So, with whom are you walking with these days?!?