I was joking around with my friend Nicea that for Lent I was giving up exercise ("NO!!! You've barely started exercising again!" she shrieks and then we started laughing hysterically, of course!) and I knew Krista would appreciate her reaction so I told her about it. Krista and Michael's response immediately afterward were so entertaining...
Krista: Well, for Lent, I'm going to give up talking in school then! Michael, what are you giving up?
Michael: Ummm....(Long Pause) I'm going to give up sleeping! Yeah! I'm going to stay up forever!!!
We were laughing so hard that I forgot to explain the meaning of Lent to him! Until yesterday...
Michael: Mommy, don't forget I'm giving up sleeping for Lent!
Me: Michael, nice try, but you can't give up sleeping for Lent. It has to be something else.
Michael: Then, I give up... (Long Pause) Taco Bell! (we had just passed one!)
Me: Taco Bell?!? We don't even eat at Taco Bell!!! How are you going to give up something we don't even go to?!? I better explain what Lent is about!
And so I did :o)
Ever since I told Michael that he can go on the Wii Fit Plus for PE, he has been going at it every day! I'm so impressed by his dedication!!! As usual, he is hysterical to watch because he throws his whole body into every routine and it's just funny to watch him wiggling around (especially when he's doing the boxing routine!)!!! And we all love that his Wii character looks just like him, too! While our goals on the WFP are to lose weight, his goals have to be about gaining weight! Jacob and I joke between us (secretly) that he's our "scrawny chicken!" Michael would be so irate if he heard that!
Nights at our house are so peaceful. After Michael's bath, we do our little routine and then I give the blessing and pray with him for all our friends and family before putting him down for the night. I am so thankful we can go directly to God with our needs and know that He is listening!
I love how the Amplified Bible puts Hebrews 4:16... "Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the
throne of grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners),
that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in
good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming
just when we need it]."