Friday, February 24, 2012

Giving Up For Lent

I was joking around with my friend Nicea that for Lent I was giving up exercise ("NO!!! You've barely started exercising again!" she shrieks and then we started laughing hysterically, of course!) and I knew Krista would appreciate her reaction so I told her about it.  Krista and Michael's response immediately afterward were so entertaining...

Krista: Well, for Lent, I'm going to give up talking in school then! Michael, what are you giving up?

Michael: Ummm....(Long Pause) I'm going to give up sleeping! Yeah! I'm going to stay up forever!!!

We were laughing so hard that I forgot to explain the meaning of Lent to him! Until yesterday...

Michael:  Mommy, don't forget I'm giving up sleeping for Lent!

Me:  Michael, nice try, but you can't give up sleeping for Lent.  It has to be something else.

Michael:  Then, I give up... (Long Pause) Taco Bell! (we had just passed one!)

Me:  Taco Bell?!?  We don't even eat at Taco Bell!!! How are you going to give up something we don't even go to?!?  I better explain what Lent is about!

And so I did :o)

Ever since I told Michael that he can go on the Wii Fit Plus for PE, he has been going at it every day! I'm so impressed by his dedication!!! As usual, he is hysterical to watch because he throws his whole body into every routine and it's just funny to watch him wiggling around (especially when he's doing the boxing routine!)!!! And we all love that his Wii character looks just like him, too!  While our goals on the WFP are to lose weight, his goals have to be about gaining weight! Jacob and I joke between us (secretly) that he's our "scrawny chicken!" Michael would be so irate if he heard that!

Nights at our house are so peaceful.  After Michael's bath, we do our little routine and then I give the blessing and pray with him for all our friends and family before putting him down for the night.  I am so thankful we can go directly to God with our needs and know that He is listening!

I love how the Amplified Bible puts Hebrews 4:16... "Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]."


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Mommy, I Need To Tell You Something..." and "Who's Got Fat Fingers?!?"

My allergies have been going C-R-A-Z-Y with the rapid changes in the weather, the wind and who knows why else! Every night for the past 3 weeks, my eyes are so itchy that my only relief is to rub them.  I know, I know! Rubbing them is NOT a good thing but they're killin' me so I end up with very puffy eyes every morning.  Ugh.

The eczema on all my fingers has also been flaring up for the past 3 weeks so it's been rather uncomfortable being in my skin! I know things can be worse and are worse for so many others I know so I don't mean to come across complaining but I found a solution! 2 Benadryls last night knocked me out completely.  For the first time in a long time, I woke up without swollen fingers and my eyes weren't as puffy as they've been.  Hallelujah for medicine!!!

Tonight after putting Michael down to bed, Krista and I traded responsibilities.  I loaded the dishwasher while she made us popcorn.  Krista's been sick so she was just laying low, so we watched some of our favorite shows we recorded.  Unbeknownst to us, Michael had gotten out of bed to go to the bathroom and smelled the popcorn.  Krista heard him say, "Mommy, I need to tell you something" so I went upstairs...

Me:  Michael, why aren't you in bed?

Michael:  Because I wanted to tell you something.

Me:  What do you want to tell me?

Michael:  [Long pause] Mommy, can I stay up later next time so I can have some popcorn too?  Like now?  Because I like popcorn, too!

Me:  Nice try, Michael.  It's time for you to go night night now.  Maybe I'll make you some popcorn tomorrow without butter or salt just like mine is downstairs.

Michael:  But I don't like it that way!

Me:  Well, that's what I'm eating downstairs and now it's time for you to return to bed.  I love you!

Sometimes it's tricky finding a way to transition a child's one track mind back to the subject of sleep, right?!?  We moms have to do what a mom has to do!

We all like to laugh a lot at our house.  A few weeks ago, I randomly made up a ridiculous chant to entertain Krista and Michael and then totally forgot about it until today.  Michael remembered it and started wiggling his tiny fingers while chanting, "Who's got fat fingers?"  I was in tears from laughing so hard!!! It's such an oxymoron of a statement hearing it from him since he has the tiniest and skinniest fingers ever!!! There's always a lot of silliness going on over here :o)

Joy and laughter are definitely gifts from God! I love what it says in James 1:17 (NLT)... "Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow."

So, join me and choose joy :o)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

"When I Eat Dreamsicles, I'm a Dream!" and Other Silly Saying from a Five-Year-Old

Michael has been building up a storm with his Legos.  Part of the reason is because he wants to prove to me that his brain is still creative even though he loves playing on the iPad.  Every building project he finished, he comes to me and says this, "See, Mommy! My brain is still creative even though I play the iPad.  Now can I play my games???" I can't wait til his Kindergarten curriculum arrives so the iPad can retire back to a "weekends only" schedule!

The other day, I told Michael something tasted like an orange dreamsicle and it made him very excited! He exclaimed to me, "When I eat dreamsicles, I'm a dream!" I know he was being silly but I hope this isn't the beginning of an overinflated ego!

For the past couple of hours, Jacob and I have been listening to everything from Arioso by Bach to The Prayer with Celine Dion and Josh Groban to Who Am I by Casting Crowns! It's been fun finding music on  Choosing and mixing the eclectic mix of music made me think back to the days of hand selecting the music for my afternoon playlist at 99.1 FM WAWZ (now Star 99.1 New York).  Wow! It seems like a lifetime ago!

I do miss the fun and excitement of concerts, meeting and greeting, interviewing artists and authors and just leading worship on the radio.  And, I miss the camaraderie we shared in the early days of my radio career and am so glad I got to be a part of a team that loved Jesus and was a ministry!

So, fast forward to now...!
Can I just confess something?  I never wanted to be a mom.  At least not until 7 years into our marriage.  I know! It sounds horrible, doesn't it?  I think it was the fear of messing up an innocent child's life and not knowing how to be a "real" mother.  I had figured out that maybe by 7 years of marriage, I would be ready.  But! Thank God, He doesn't make plans dictated by our fears, right?!?  I fell in love with Krista after she was cleaned up and placed in my arms (yes, it took me nearly the entire 9 months of pregnancy to get my mind used to the fact I was going to be a mother...but that's because I'm a slow learner!) and now I cherish the relationship I have with Krista and with Michael---both at very different stages in life.

I am so thankful for the parenting resources that are available today that weren't around when my parents were, well, trying to be parents.  I'm thankful for other Christian moms, for groups like MOMSnext and MOPS to put things in perspective, for excellent books on parenting, relationships, etc. and most of all, for prayer!!! As a mother, I depend entirely on God's wisdom to help me as I parent my children.

So, yes, while I miss the fun of being in radio, I love being a mom more!!! It's fufilling, exciting, frustrating, exhilarating and punctuated with so many joyous moments!!!  It's scary because when I reflect back on the excitement of being in a career I love, I find equal excitement over my son's curriculum that's coming sometime next week!!! Hmmm....Concert vs Curriculum.  I'd pick curriculum any day! It's amazing to me how God can change our hearts if we're willing to let Him work in us.

 February is the month of Love and I'm grateful to be surrounded by my loving family and friends God has brought in my life.  I love you all!!!

1 John 4:11-12 goes like this...: “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.”  ESV (English Standard Version)

Monday, February 13, 2012

"I Only Need One New Shoe" and Other Stark Differences Between Boys & Girls

It's 2:03 AM.  As you can see, my body still thinks I'm on Hong Kong time.  AARRGGGHHHHH!!! My body is taking A LOT longer to adapt back to normal time than Krista's---who's been back to school since last Monday and has been functioning at full capacity.  My theory is that the degeneration of the human body goes on fast forward after you've hit your 30's so enjoy it while you can all you 29 year olds and under!!! Well, for now, I am dreaming about thinking coherently during the day and sleeping normally at night... someday, right?!?

When Krista was Michael's age, she had about 5 pair of shoes depending on the season.  She LOVED getting new shoes.  Let's be honest here.  I loved that she loved getting new shoes so I could make sure all her clothes and shoes were coordinated perfectly! Girls are SO much fun to dress up!!! A trip to the Stride Rite store was part of her regular routine.

Now flash forward to Michael's life at this age... First of all, it's like pulling teeth to get him to replace his old shoes.  His one pair of shoes.  He doesn't like the process of trying on new shoes.  He doesn't like getting his feet measured.  He doesn't like walking around and testing the new shoes.  He will only try on sneakers.  Boy, I cringe to think what will happen when he has to be fitted into dress shoes for a formal event! And, the sneakers have to be navy blue with green accents somewhere.  They need to have some light up factor to sell him on the pair.  And, the bottom has to have some look to it where I can convince him that it may increase his running and jumping speed.  Whew! It's exhausting trying to convince him that he needs new shoes.  I've been trying to convince him for 3 years to try on slippers and he's still not sold on the idea.

We were on the way to the shoe store and Michael informed us that he only needed one new shoe (the right one has gotten ripped up pretty badly and then little fingers helped pull apart the rubber on the tip of the shoe).  Thankfully, I had taken him to get sized up for new shoes before we left for Hong Kong so he was kind of prepared mentally.  We had also looked at our options and picked out the shoe he agreed would work.  Naturally, we couldn't find the pair he liked.  Or maybe, I couldn't remember which pair we had pre-picked out! Either way, it's a legitimate possibility with the way my brain has been leaking like a sieve these days!

We finally found a pair, had him test walk around and race Krista to determine if they increased his speed and they were great.  But, the lights on the right shoe weren't working and there weren't any other sizes available.  Of course.  We tried on a few more and finally found one that worked for him. The funny thing is that he found a pair that he liked and he was willing to settle for the black shoe with yellow accents because he really liked how they lit up.  But, I wasn't willing to pay the price for  that pair no matter how cool the lights were.   The new ones are light ups and they glow in the dark.  And best of all, they were on sale!

Clothes and shoes are not a big deal to Michael.  So unlike Krista at his age! But, it's not a battle I want to fight (you gotta pick your battles, right?!?) because in the end, the right shoes and the right clothes do not make a person.  It's all about their hearts and what motivates them in their actions, deeds and thoughts.  God cares about our hearts more than our outward appearance.

In 1 Samuel 16:7,  the Lord says this to the prophet Samuel about the kingly candidate, Saul, "But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them.  People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.

What does God see in your heart?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Daddy! You Give Up Too Quickly!"

It was a little after 2am the other morning.  Yes, most normal people should be sleeping peacefully, but unfortunately, for us, jet lag is still playing havoc on our body clocks! Michael was way too awake and was playing Balloons or Chicken Battle with Jacob.  Jacob started getting really tired after an hour or so and decided he didn't want to play any more.  Michael quickly exclaimed, "Daddy! You give up too quickly!" What's  funny is that Jacob has often said this to Michael when he wants to give up because something is too challenging! Don't you love it when your children start using the phrases you use on them...against you?!?

Today was one of those days reminding me why I'm so thankful to be back home again.  And her name is Nancy B.  We spent a wee portion of the afternoon (in between my runs back and forth to Grace & Center Point) hanging out, sharing insights and just laughing.  Nancy is one of the best listeners I know and her wit and sense of humor are some of the things I love and appreciate about her!

I love how the NLT puts Proverbs 13:20, "Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble."

So, with whom are you walking with these days?!?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Five Star Books & More by The Reading Mom newsletter

The February issue is posted and ready for you :o) Happy Reading!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

"I'm Not Tired!"

Our two weeks in Hong Kong have royally messed up our body clocks!!! No surprise, right?!?  Michael is wide awake at 2am and going strong.  Krista returns to school tomorrow so it should be interesting to hear how her day goes as she fights the jet lag!

It's so easy to forget about savoring all the ordinary everyday blessings you have until you step out of your comfort zone and stay in another country.

Here's the top 10 things I'm so grateful for...

10. Indoor laundry facilities that allow us to do laundry any time we need to.  I love having clean clothes any time and all the time!

9. The ability to pick up the phone and call someone to have a conversation.  I missed talking on the phone!!!

8. TV in English!!! I'm so sick of Chinese TV!!!

7. The lack of  nasty cigarette smoking in your face and hair as you walk past people.  Being overseas anywhere is a smoker's paradise and also outside LAX (ick).

6. Our own cars for transportation. Public transportation is crowded, dirty and a pain with all the stops and changes you have to make to get from point A to point B.

5. The ability to communicate on a deeper level.  My time with Faith was too short.  I need more girl time.

4. Sleeping in our own beds with our own soft comforters and perfect pillows. It's going to take my back, shoulders and neck a long time to recover after this trip!

3. Our time and schedule are our own again. I'm so done with having life dictated and scheduled without the opportunity for input.

2. The beauty of silence and quiet. I can open the front door and be met with silence.  Silence is more than golden.  It's platinum!!!

1. A home that allows us all to have our own space. You don't realize how important it is until it's absent!

In 1 Thess. 5:18 it says this in the NLT:  "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 
I'm working on it! :o)

P.S.  Hmmmm... Here's my list of what I will miss from Hong Kong:

1.  Spending time with Faith and laughing and laughing.  A lot! Faith and I go back a long way.  We can always pick up where we left off no matter how much time has passed.

2.  All the cute things I love that are easily accessible (Hello Kitty & friends!)!!! I wish I had more time to get more stuff.

3.  Superior pens and pencils!!! Krista is now set for the next year with writing instruments :o)

4.  ICM and the sweet children that come. Check out

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"I'm A Little Daddy" "Are You "Scottish?" and "I'm Going To Be Famous!"

The craziest conversation is going on between Krista and Michael right now all spoken in an Enligh accent...

Krista:  That sounded Scottish, Michael, not British.

Michael:  Yes, I'm a Scottish man.

Krista;  Do you even know what Scottish is?

Michael:  Yes.  It's something in a brownie.

Krista:  Do you mean butterscotch?

Michael:  No, Scottish is in a brownie.  Not butterscotch!

Krista:  There's a difference between butterscotch and Scottish.

Michael:  No, they're the same.  Just one has more letters in it than the other.

When I told Michael I needed my computer to blog about their conversation, he exclaimed, "Yea! I'm going to be famous!"

I've been reading Beyond the Farthest Star by Bodie & Brock Thoene.  I told Michael it was time for bed, but he insisted he wasn't tired.  Then Krista told him he needed to go to sleep...

Michael:  Why do mommies and daddies get to stay up all night?  Call me Little Daddy because I'm going to stay up all night.

Krista:  Why are you Little Daddy?

Michael:  Because I'm little and I want to be a dadddy so I'm Little Daddy.  Get it?

You gotta love it, right?!? :o) I love what Proverbs 17:22 says! "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength."(NLT)

Krista and Michael's entertaining conversation keep me laughing throughout the day! They're both better than medicine to me :o)