I am sore. I am tired. I am falling apart!!! This week, our church had VBS and our theme was PandaMania: God is wild about YOU! The church was transformed into a bamboo forest and I'm sorry to say we weren't available to help out with the set up. It was amazing!!! Ugh! I'm so mad at myself for forgetting my camera this morning! I wanted to go around and take pictures of all the amazing sets and props, but unfortunately, being that my brain is fried and doesn't function that well in the morning, I forgot it!
For the second year in a row, I've been in the preschool crafts room (the crafts are so fun and the children are adorable---two great combinations that keep me coming back!). Today was day 5 and the end of VBS and it was so sad taking everything down. LOCC is full of innovative and creative people (hello, Mr. Doug!)---it's probably why every church around the corner wants to do the same VBS as us just so they can use our props and decorations!
It's an exhausting week coming from graduation and the end of the school year to a full week of VBS! And then next week Krista begins her Expository Composition class at Grace and she'll be skating every day after 6 hours worth of class so we'll continue to be anything but bored! I dream of days where nothing is on my schedule and I can just sit and read. I dream of sleeping in. The operative word is "dream" because sitting around and sleeping in are not options when class begins at 8am next week!!!
This is totally random, but it just occurred to me that I'd make a pathetic guard/night watchman/security person. Being glued to computer monitors to watch the security cameras would put me to sleep! I'm thankful God never needs to sleep. He's watching over us 24/7! In fact, Psalm 121:3 puts it like this from the Amplified Bible: "He will not allow your foot to slip or to be moved; He Who keeps you will not slumber." Now that's a comfort!