My last post was all about being on febrile seizure watch with Michael and thank God, he made it through his fever without a seizure. This week, Krista caught what Michael had last week but unfortunately, she has one more week of summer school left and unless she's throwing up, she's going to have to drag her body to class. Sigh. I miss the days when summer break was all about hanging out, sleeping in (past 6:30am!) and shopping, ya know?!?
Yesterday, I was reading to Michael before his bedtime and he asked the question every mother wishes to bypass...
Michael: Mommy, why do you have those big bubbles? He says this as he presses against my chest!!! Why don't I have any of those bubbles? He says this as he presses against his own chest!!!
Me: Ummm...Michael, see, God made boys and girls different. This is mommy's chest which are actually called breast. Hello, not balloons! God gave them to mommies so our clothes look better on us. Boys don't need them because God made us different. Okay, I know. Totally lame answer, but I was flabbergasted by his question! I will explain more another time after I've collected my wits which promptly scattered to the wind this time around!
Michael: But why do you say I can't touch you there? Stink! Why does this child have the memory of an elephant?!? I told him that it wasn't an appropriate thing to stick his hand down my shirt when I was holding him...shortly after he turned 3!
Me: Well, Michael, it's not an appropriate area to touch on a mommy now that you're growing into a big boy. Will you remember that? And we want to practice appropriate behavior, okay? Thankfully, he nods his head and oh, look at the's time for the blessing and prayer now!
On Friday night, Krista and I made stuffed chicken breast (a play off of Chicken Cordon Bleu), mashed potatoes and stir fried string beans in sesame oil. It was our post Father's Day meal we had originally intended to cook... I love cooking with Krista! It's now another one of my favorite things to do with her. She's amazingly confident in the kitchen and I love that she enjoys being in there with me. We'll have to sit down some time once summer school ends so we can plan some meals together.
After I put Michael down for the night, I slipped out to go to dinner #2 with my friends Nicea and Yvonne at a new Tapas place in town. By the time I arrived (late!!!), the parking lot was full and I had to park in a different country... or so it seemed! We were all catching up so the two times the server came, we weren't ready to order yet. And then when we were ready to order, our server was no where to be found! We should have gotten a clue of how and what the service would be like when a server came with our coffee and dessert (now remember, we hadn't even ordered our main entrees yet!)! It belonged to the next table over. Finally, our server arrived and we ordered off the tapas menu. We waited and waited and waited for our food. There wasn't even any complimentary bread on the table to stave off Nicea & Yvonne's hunger (thankfully, I had eaten a few bites of our dinner before coming)! Finally, after waiting forever, our first tapas dish arrived: Jerk Chicken on Sweet Potato Fritters. The two pieces of chicken and the other stuff on the dish were quickly polished off and then the wait began. Again!
Our second course (Ahi Tuna Tacos) was brought over by another server who presented it as "Calamari." Ummmm...I'm thinking it might be helpful if include pictures of the food with the name of the food for the servers because this was clearly not calamari!
To make a long story short, we were offered food we never ordered four different times! The servers clearly didn't have a seating chart so it was up to the guests to call out if they saw something they ordered going to another table! Yikes! The food was good (when it finally arrived), but the service was pretty poor. We did talk to the manager and voice our concerns and he shared they were short on kitchen staff, but still...! He invited us back another time on their tab...ah, no thank you. But, thankfully, the company made the evening adventure very enjoyable! :o)
We bought a new workbook for Michael and he's been begging every day throughout the day, "Please, can I do some school work???" I have to limit him to 3-6 pages a day or we'll go through the book in two weeks! I'm also trying to teach him piano and typing. I'm not sure how successful we'll be since his fingers don't have the extension required for both things, but we'll give it a try anyway!
Meanwhile, I'm still taking the Melaleuca vitamins and I'm still not feeling any differently. And, they're no longer making me feel tired at night so I think my body must have adjusted to them. I tried out a few of their cleaning products: Sol-U-Guard disinfectant (works like Lysol or Chlorox but without the harmful chemicals) and Tough & Tender All Purpose Cleaner (works like Fantastik cleaner without the harmful chemicals) and I have to say I really love them!
I just put in an order for Sol-U-Mel (which is supposed to remove any stains on carpets, walls, etc.), MelaMagic Heavy-Duty Cleaner (cuts grease and other stuff so I'm going to try it on my tiled floors), the Tub & Tile bathroom cleaner (my friend Keri raves about this product) and the PreSpot Laundry Stain Remover (I can't wait to try this on all the recent stuff Michael got blood on from a bloody nose! I sprayed them all with Shout but they still came out of the washing machine stained so now they're air drying until I can try the Melaleuca product). I'll let you know. Michael was in the bathtub the other day while I was cleaning the toilet and the only reason I could clean while he was in the same room was because I knew there weren't any toxic chemicals in the air. Now that's a plus!
Yesterday, I finished reading A Place Called Blessing by John Trent (author of The Blessing) and Annette Smith. It was a great story that incorporated the five elements of The Blessing and I loved it! It was so powerful and moving. Today, I'm reading The Blessed by Ann H. Gabhart and aslo Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle's Erasing Hell (written in response to Rob Bell's Love Wins where he pretty much dismisses Hell!) downstairs and upstairs, I'm reading Megan's Hero by Sharon Gillenwater. I've got a deadline coming up, so I'm trying to fit in as many books as I can in my schedule.
My schedule is full this season, but I know someday when Krista and Michael have grown up, I'll miss the craziness of life we currently share! I'm blessed!!! There is a season for everything, isn't there? I'll close here with King Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes 3:1-11...
"1TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven: 2A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted,(A)
3A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up,
4A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6A time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away,
7A time to rend and a time to sew, a time to keep silence and a time to speak,(B)
8A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.(C)
9What profit remains for the worker from his toil?
10I have seen the painful labor and exertion and miserable business which God has given to the sons of men with which to exercise and busy themselves.
11He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end."