Monday, June 13, 2011

Goodbye Middle Schooler, Hello High Schooler!!!

Life has been so hectic for the past few weeks that I've barely had time or the energy to record my thoughts and blog.  I've been baking a lot and now I think I'm pretty burnt out on baking.  I think in the past three weeks, I've made over 500 baked goods---maple syrup cookies, cream puffs, chocolate crinkle cookies (I'm throwing out that recipe b/c it comes out way too dry---a very annoying fact after spending so much time doubling & tripling the recipe...ARRRGGGHHH), chocolate toffee cookies, white chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, molten lava chocolate cookies, molten lava peanut butter cookies, etc.  Tonight, I tried making my own whip cream and found that it's a lot yummier than Cool Whip!!!

On Saturday, June 11th, the pilot class of LOMSAA had their 8th grade graduation ceremony.  It was so meaningful and surprisingly, I didn't end up using the entire box of Kleenexes I found under the chair! One of our moms made a 10 min CD of pics from the class and everyone of them looked like babies compared to what they look like now (thank you, Andrea and Livi!!!)! What a difference a year makes! The class was decked in their royal blue robes (which happen to be their gift to the 2012 graduating class...there's going to be a lot of hemming needed!) which were steamed by one of our 7th graders (thank you, Paula!)Thank goodness, because they were looking pretty wrinkled when they came out of those boxes!

The 7th grade families blessed us by setting up, decorating (the balloon arch was very cool and the reception area was simply lovely!), getting all the cakes (okay, the dynamo Laine duo are incredibly CREATIVE and AMAZING! Just look at the world's most personalized cake...

and one of the 7th grade moms (thank you, Melanie!) baked some delicious confections that made me wish I didn't have my wheat allergies! They also organized and did the clean-up after so I will forever be grateful to this special class of 7th graders. 

What made the graduation ceremony so meaningful was the individual blessing Krista's teacher, Mrs. Gourley bestowed on each 8th grader (hello, tear jerker moment!!!) as they received their diploma.  They say "a picture is worth a thousand words," so take a look!
Class of 2011

Thank You, Shannae for blessing us with your photography skills!

You may see this on a future Christmas card...!

The Pledge of Allegiance

The lovely balloon arch...hmmmm, I wonder how many balloons it took to make this arch?!?

This picture captures the personality of this tight class!

This was the class gift to Mrs. Gourley---brilliant idea, guys!!!

This was the cake at the after party capturing a special moment from their class historical trip this past spring.   
This class is bursting with potential and I can't wait to see what God will do in each and every one of their lives as they enter this next season of life.  Ecclesiastes 3:14 from the Amplified Bible has been running through my mind lately.  Here's what it says... "I know that whatever God does, it endures forever; nothing can be added to it nor anything taken from it. And God does it so that men will [reverently] fear Him [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is]."

CONGRATULATIONS to LOMSAA's pilot class!!!  I love you all and can't wait to see what God does in your life!!! 
Always remember Romans 8:38-39 and Jeremiah 29:11!!!