I may not be able to get this in writing, so blogging about it is the next best thing! Michael heard the word "marry" and he wanted to know what it meant...
Michael: What does marry mean?
Me: (scrambling to think of an age appropriate response) Remember how I pray about your "future spouse" at night? Well, one day, you will be old enough to get married and have a wife and your own home. Then I can come visit you, right?
Michael: No! I don't want my own home! I want to stay with you when I get married! I promise! Somehow, I don't think this is going to fly with his future spouse...
Me: What do people do when they get married?
Michael: Ummmm...they get a baby.
Me: Where do they get the baby?
Michael: From the hospital after they get married.
Me: Then what do they do?
Michael: They go home and rock the baby to sleep. And they sing a song to the baby like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or any song.
Me: What happens when the baby cries?
Michael: Maybe give them some milk. And if that doesn't work, they try doing music or try putting him to sleep.
Me: What do mommies do all day?
Michael: They type and work.
Me: What do daddies do all day?
Michael: Daddies go to work. They work hard. Do you know why it's called work?
Me: No, tell me.
Michael: Because you work and that's why it's called work!
Wisdom from a 4-year-old!
I haven't had time to shop lately, but then our recent graduation dress emergency came up (graduation is on Saturday). Thankfully, on the second day of power shopping, we found the perfect dress and shoes at the first store we went in! Then I thought I would look around for something for myself but there wasn't anything I was interested in. Is it me or are there a lot of designs on dresses resembling mold specimens from a Petri Dish these days?!? Take a closer look the next time you're out and about. You'll see what I mean.
I finished working on my blessings for the 8th grade girls before graduation. Whew! The letters are rolled up and tied up by a satin ribbon. I can't wait for them to get it!!! I wished we could have gotten the yearbook by now, but due to some unexpected complications, I'm back working on it...again! I've asked myself, "What is God trying to teach me through this situation?!?" and the verse that comes to mind is from Romans 5:3-5. The New Living Translation puts it this way: "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment."
I'm banking on that!