We were doing so well this morning. I put Michael on the toilet and he used it properly! WooHoo!
Then he wanted to do "grammar" which essentially is him going on the other computer and spelling words like his name, love, God, etc. And of course, you gotta love those "webdings" and "wingdings!" We were having so much fun (with me trying to sneak in some work on my computer while he was blissfully spelling his "sentences") that I forgot to check the clock. And remind him it was bathroom time. Three accidents later (yes, three changes of clothes which equals to NO more training underwear because now I'm out!), he was in the bathtub while I was wiping down the office chair, the floor, etc.
After getting a big fat "F" (and it doesn't stand for "Fantastic" either) in Toilet Training 101 today, here's what I've learned...
Lesson #1: Set the timer so bathroom time is incorporated every hour! Hello??? Three accidents?!? What's up with that, brainiac?!? You should have implemented the timer AFTER the first accident!
NOTE: Oh, before you get highly insulted, italicized sentences are just me talking to myself aka self-talk!
Lesson #2: Search harder for training underwear that comes in a pack of 100 instead of a pack of two!!! I have exactly six pairs of training underwear. Brilliant. And one pack is size 3 T which are currently too large on him. Obviously, when it's been 10 years since you last toilet trained a child, you forget the importance of stocking up on those padded underwear! Which by the way, does diddly-squat when Niagra Falls is happening down south!!!
Lesson #3: Consider paying somebody to toilet train a cute little 3.5 year old at THEIR house so your mess is minimal.
After Michael's bath, I got a diaper out and began putting it on him. Of course he noticed! Here's how our conversation went...
Michael: Mommy, don't I have to wear underwear?
Me: Because mommy made a poor choice of not buying enough underwear and now we're out.
Michael: YAY! No more underwear! I get to wear a diaper again! I love my diapers!
In Psalm 32:11 it goes, "Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones; And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart."
Michael's response goes perfectly with that verse, doesn't it?!?