Okay, it's true. I ordered the entire Fisher Price Little People Nativity collection (everything but the Drummer Boy set) when Michael was one under the "guise" of buying the set for him. The truth is...I LOVE FP's Little People anything! And only buying one set of the collection at-a-time would have killed me. Which is why I had to order the entire thing in one swoop! The whole collection can fit around the skirt of our Christmas tree, but now that Michael loves to play with the pieces, we've put it where it's more accessible for him to play with. Last year, Michael put his little Elmo & Cookie Monster plastic figurines in the manger with Mary, Joseph and Jesus. This year, Michael added Noah and his wife and all the animals from his Noah's Ark play set to the Nativity collection. I think we should get a few more shepherd boys or some zoo keepers, at least....
I'm intrigued by anything miniature. So, when we found the Japanese brand (Iwako) miniature food erasers (that can be taken apart by pieces), I wanted to collect them all! So, we did. Krista and I purchased as many collections as we could whenever we found them from this tiny little San Rio Surprises store in Monterey Park. Over Thanksgiving break, we came upon a store that had the largest collection of these Japanese erasers we've ever seen! I'm embarrassed to admit that we have nearly every full set available out there. I still couldn't resist adding a chocolate Popsicle to our collection though...
Well, I finished The Charlatan's Boy yesterday afternoon and started on A Place of Peace by Amy Clipston. Last night, I finished it and have started on Judith Miller's More Than Words (I'm on chapter 13 now).
Our Christmas tree is up. Check. I've been wrapping Christmas gifts for the past two months, so we're nearly finished with everything now. Check. And now I'm working on Christmas cards. I have about 30+ written and I'm only on the C's in my address book! I've got a long ways to go yet!
At night, it's so peaceful to just stare at the Christmas lights on the tree in the dark.
My eyes get adjusted to their brightness and after I turn them off to go upstairs, it seems extra dark in our house. As believers, God wants us to be lights in this world. In Philippians 2:15, it says, "So that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world..." Imagine how dark this world would be without Jesus.
Let's shine together brightly for Him.