Yes. It's true. Michael (my 3.5 year old) refuses to wear underwear and use the little toilet with the padded seat. He has told me numerous times that he is going to wear diapers. forever. At this rate, he may end up being the poster child for "Depends!"
Today, I decided he needed to experience wearing his cute little underwear. It took Krista and myself to wrestle a pair on him! He complained it was too big. It wasn't. He complained it was too tight. It wasn't. He complained it was too small. They were 2 T's and he pointed out that he's 3 years old. Sigh. He won today but tomorrow's another day for toilet training 101.
Aren't we all like that sometimes? God nudges us in a direction we may not be comfortable going in, so we argue with him. We insist on staying in our comfort zone. We've all been there, right?!? And then when we finally follow His will, we experience an overflow of His blessings in ways we never imagined!
I'm thankful He's a God of patience and mercy. And grace.
This is my first time ever blogging and I can't believe that my first blog would begin about underwear! Goodness!
Today I started two books. When I'm upstairs doing stuff, I'll try to sneak in some reading time with Lynn Austin's book, While We're Far Apart. I'm on chapter 4 now. While waiting for Krista to get out of school, I brought along my downstairs book, City of Tranquil Light by Bo Caldwell. It's fascinating to read about early China from a missionary's perspective. In between chatting with Michael in the car ("please don't press that button again, ok?" or "look outside and tell me if you see a bee by that bush!"), I made it to the middle of chapter 5!
I won't get to read again until tomorrow, but that's okay because Krista is waiting for me to snuggle and talk in bed. I love being a mother.