Okay, yesterday was "the day" we were supposed to find out which offer the owners decided to accept. But nothing happened. Then, we found out that the husband was out of town and was returning late last night. I felt a peace about waiting because I knew choosing to trust in God was His Will for me as opposed to spending my free time dreaming about my renovation plans for the house!
I posted our prayer request on Facebook and through email (thanks for praying and for all the encouraging words!!!) and felt your love!!!
A few minutes ago, our realtor called me and delivered the news: Another offer came in and the owners took it. In the span of a few seconds, a flurry of emotions swept through me. Finally! We got an answer instead of being in limbo land. I felt a sting of rejection. Ouch! I felt disappointed. Oh man! I was so ready to move out of here and get settled! I felt doubt. Should we have upped our offer?!? And then, I gave myself a mental kick in the pants. Duh! STOP the doubts! STOP the whining! Get OUT of Egypt, you Moron (a reference from my Bible study on Hebrews in the fall with one of the most hilarious Bible teacher's ever, Lauren Rush)!!!
As quickly as those other emotions came in and then got quickly booted out, I felt God's peace flood through me. God. Is. In. Control. Either He IS or He's not, right? Trust is a daily choice and when you think back through God's Word and his record of keeping promises and being faithful, you can know with peace that He's got you covered. God knows our needs and He knows what's best for us because He's our faithful Father!!! Letting go and surrendering the desires of your heart equates to pure freedom in just letting God do His thing!!!
An email from Bible teacher, Michele Telfer is a nugget of wisdom I want to share with you if you're waiting on an answer from God, too. She said, "If the answer to this is "No" ... I always say don't see it as God's rejection, but God's protection." Amen, Amen and Amen!!!
I love BibleGateway.com!!! The Amplified Bible puts Psalm 27:13-14 in this way...
13 [What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living!
14 Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.
So, get out of that pit of doubt, and come to Jesus!!!