August is just around the corner and in the blink of an eye, school and a more rigid routine will be here. This is the first summer Michael and I haven't been at the ice rink everyday waiting for Krista while she skates. I'm sad for Krista who wishes she could skate more; but at the same time, I confess that it's been a nice treat to just hang out with the kids at home, new friends and have very little on my schedule!
We picked out a Lego set for Michael and he's been having so much fun building again! I love what he said as we were building and talking about growing up...."Maybe I'll be an engineer when I grow up. Then I can build houses for people who are poor and they can have it for free."
I love his heart! I miss our Legos which are somewhere in storage in Somewhere, USA! We've been collecting Lego Creator houses (I think we have 3 now) and
have the fire station, the police mobile station and the marina. Our intentions are to build a Lego city in Michael's bedroom once we are moved into our "real" house... someday!
House Update: Well, we are still waiting to hear what's the hold up on our latest offer. We upped our offer a week ago and our realtor is trying to get some answers from the listing agent. And in the meantime, we're plagued with questions such as "Should we withdraw our offer?" "Should we continue to wait?" "Is this delay in action a divine sign to move on?" I don't know!!! I am still looking as new inventory comes up on the MLS, but there hasn't been much to look at lately.
Every day I'm assaulted by doubts and questions, but I have to make a mental effort (Phil 4:13) to recall God's faithfulness and choose to trust in Him even when things don't make sense. Or when they're not going as fast as I'd like! It's a daily battle and we're taking it one day at a time! I love knowing that God's Hands are on us whatever season in life we're in. I'll keep you posted with updates when I can :o)
I opened a facebook account for Krista so she could stay in touch with her friends. We talked about boundaries and friend policies now that she has an account. But one day, Michael asked her, "Krista, when are you starting a Tweeter account?" When she responded by laughing hysterically because he pronounced it "Tweeter" instead of "Twitter," he said, "You know, the one with the little bird?" None of us have a clue on how he even knows about Twitter!!! Don't you love his pronunciation of it?!?
We have been so blessed!!! Here's a quick recap...
We are
meeting so many new friends and reconnecting with old friends!!! Krista
is getting plugged in with the youth group and loves Impact. Michael is
enjoying Promise Land and his new friends Daniel and James :o) Jacob is
overloaded with work, so please keep him in your prayers. I'm grateful
he's employed and I'm thankful I get to stay home with my favorite
daughter and son, catch up on correspondence with friends and enjoy a
relaxed schedule!!! We currently have no mortgage (yet!) or car payment hanging over our heads. My favorite sister is coming to visit with the family in a few weeks!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Wish you were here, too :o)
I love what Psalm 108:3-6 says from the New Living Translation (thank you,
3 I will thank you, Lord, among all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations.
4 For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
5 Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth.
6 Now rescue your beloved people. Answer and save us by your power.
The praise song by The Maranatha Singers, "Be Exalted, O God" is running through my head right now!