Since our "big" move across the country, I've come to realize that I have entered another season of my life. I've defined it as the season of children. For the past couple of months, I've been wondering where all my time is going. I haven't been able to read more than one book at a time or finish it in a day (this drives me the craziest I think!), keep up with my newsletter or blog anymore. Why?!?
And as I reflect on life here, I realize that there are a few factors that weren't present when we were living in California. One being the fact that Michael no longer takes his 2.5-3 hour naps now (prime reading time!!!). I've tried giving him quiet time, but he is a child that craves company (translation: being in the same space as me!). And when he's in his room having quiet time, he's forever asking when he can come out of his room while asking a host of hilarious questions that makes "quiet time" anything but quiet! He is so funny! I love this stage he's in---he's cuddly, snuggly, hilarious and so inquisitive!!! He loves conversation so I spend part of my day hanging out with him and when Krista gets home from school, it's her turn to hang out with me.
It's a wonderful life! The other day, we had some stuff going on in the morning that created unnecessary stress. When I picked Michael up from school I asked him how his day went and as I expected, he replied, "It was terrible!"He wasn't happy about the morning and I asked him what happened that made him so unhappy about it. So, this is how our conversation went from there...
Michael: I don't remember what happened this morning. I just know that I didn't like it. Mommy, I only have 10 spaces in my brain so when something happens in the morning, it goes into the first space in my brain. And then I can't remember it because then I go to school and I can only remember what happened it school because it takes up three spaces in my brain.
Me: Oh. So what goes into the other spaces then?
Michael: Well, then after school, I put things in the fifth, sixth and seventh space and then at the end of the day, everything else goes into the eighth, ninth and tenth space.
Me: Then what happens when you need more spaces?
Michael: Oh, then I start over again.
Me: Michael! Did you know that most boys and men do what you just said? The grown-up word for that is compartmentalize! You put your thoughts into little spaces like the spaces of a waffle. Do you know what most women do?
Michael: No. What?
Me: We don't do spaces because all our thoughts are joined together and manage to run all over and connect together.
Michael: Oh, you mean like a giant spaghetti?
Me: Yes!!! I can't believe you get it! There's a book by this author I interviewed and her book is called, "Men are Like Waffles and Women are Like Spaghetti! And it's totally about how we think differently!
I was totally blown away by my Kindergartener's perspective on how males compartmentalize their thoughts!!! I wish I could get a peek into his little brain...!!!
The other day, he was saying something in the car and I couldn't hear him, so I asked if he could repeat it a little louder. And this is what he says to me...
Michael: Oh, I get it. You couldn't hear me because sound bounced off the window and then never got to you and that's why you couldn't hear me, right?
Me: Yeah. It kinda works like that. How did you know that anyway?!?
Michael: Oh, I just thought it up. It's like the light and how it reflects the moon and then bounces back to us so we can see it.
And then we got home and talked about his day at school! This little baby is growing up fast! I want to hold on to these years and savor the moments we have together. Meanwhile, after Krista finishes this year, it will mean that we only have two more years left with her before she leaves for college. I love hearing about her day! She shares details class by class and it gives me a glimpse of what her day has been like in her shoes. We laugh a lot and her unique perspective and insight on life makes me smile! I can't wait to see what God's plans are for her!!!
So, when you come visit me here and don't see a blog update, you'll know why :o) Here are the ten things I choose to be joyful about today...
1. Sparkly crystal beads---they make me smile :o)
2. A full dishwasher reminds me of a wonderful weekend we had with our friends, the Beccue's visiting from California.
3. Our basement is still dry despite the frequent rainy days!!! I am praying for God's protection over our basement :o)
4. Today marks a milestone for Jacob: He's been with the company for exactly 1 year today!
5. Two sick children meant that I got to spend another lovely day with them!
6. While Michael was doing some school work, I had time to post some reviews on and on
7. A refrigerator full of left overs are nearly finished :o)
8. Monopoly Deal---a game Michael loves to play and usually beats me at, but today, I won all the rounds. We're practicing good sportsmanship---being a good winner and a good loser.
9. Time out with my friend Mary Ann planned for tomorrow to do art! I can't wait!!!
10. Jacob came home after picking up Krista from her tutoring session at school with a milk tea boba drink for me!!! It was an unexpected surprise :o)
I loved what Paul said to the church in Ephesus in Ephesians 1:15-19. I like how The Message puts it...
"That’s why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldn’t stop thanking God for you—every time I prayed, I’d think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength!"
And I thank God for you, too :o)