Thursday, February 7, 2013

"Daddy let me have strawberry shortcake for dinner!" exclaimed the 6-year-old

This was an eventful week! It started with Sunday where we hosted our first Super Bowl party.  It was so much fun!!! I tried out my friend's (thank you, Sue K for introducing me to some of the yummiest recipes ever when we served together on Wednesday nights!!!) tried and true "Tangy Beef BBQ" recipe and it turned out really well. What a relief! The best thing was definitely not the Super Bowl (though I'm sure the game was exciting).  It was being with our friends and just hanging out :o)

On Monday night, we reunited with our good friend from California, Phil B (next time, we insist the entire B clan visit, too and not just via Skype :o) !!!). He brought over a student from Japan (Hey Taku!) visiting Chicago to stay with us for the next couple of nights.

Tuesday: So. I had my first car accident since my last car accident in '94. The Good News: I'm fine and no one was hurt.  Bad News: Our poor car! While backing out of the garage and being in another zone (perhaps it was an alien abduction), I managed to break off the rear view mirror completely off the car (yup. I had the rear view mirror carcass dangling by a few wires) by scraping up against the garage divider that separates the two spaces. So. Not. Brilliant. I hate that divider feature in our garage because I'm sure it won't be the last time I bump into it!!! I took Taku to the train station after lunch so he could explore Chicago and am learning that 21 year old's can eat...  a lot! I'm amazed that Taku has traveled all over the states staying with friends of friend's, couch surfing, sleeping on the ground at the Amtrak station, etc! He is definitely having the adventure of a lifetime before he has to return back to college in Tokoyo!

Wednesday: Today was Michael's 100 days of Kindergarten.  The weather was beautiful (I think it was in the 30's) so when we came home, I let him try out his new shovel on the driveway (I posted some pics on my fb) if he changed into his boots.  He had so much fun!!! We made snow walls, carved out his name on the snow with his shovel and had fun being together outside!!! It was also WOW (Women of Willow) Wednesday so it was up to Jacob to take Taku and Michael out for dinner.  When I saw Michael, I had to ask what he ordered and he excitedly exclaimed, "I had strawberry shortcake for dinner!!!" Yeah. These are not exactly the words any mother wants to hear from their child's lips right?!?  I was sure he meant for dessert but nope, he was adamant it was what he got for dinner and he told me that he saved half of it in the refrigerator! I checked and it was there! Dessert for dinner would have remained a dream had Krista or I been there!!! Oh well! I'm sure he'll have great memories about this dinner!

Today:  It poured snow and freezing rain or sleet this afternoon. Ugh. My least favorite conditions to drive around in. Thankfully, it was only raining when Taku left this afternoon on the train to his next destination.  We all made it home safely and lounged around on the couch in front of the fire.  It was so cozy! I have a baking project that I wanted to accomplish today but unfortunately, I never got to it. I've been trying to finish reading Fatherless by Dr. James Dobson and Kurt Bruner (it's so good!), but there's always so many things I'm juggling! It's the life of a mom, right?!?

There are always things I want to get to but the other stuff like housework, laundry, etc. seem to just take over! It's easy to get bogged down with the challenges we all face day in and day out, right? I'm so thankful for the hope we have in Jesus Christ!!! Someday, all this stuff will cease to exist because we'll get to spend eternity with our Savior!!!

I love how the Amplified Bible puts Hebrews 6:18b-20a (thank you,

"18 ...we who have fled [to Him] for refuge might have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and hold fast the hope appointed for us and set before [us].
19 [Now] we have this [hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot [c]break down under whoever steps out upon it—a hope] that reaches [d]farther and enters into [the very certainty of the Presence] within the veil,
20 Where Jesus has entered in for us [in advance]..."

Isn't this SO encouraging? Someday, that's us, guys! I can't wait!!!