The past couple of days have been perfect days to stay home and read in bed! Michael was sick for a few days and he was happy to stay home for another day if given the opportunity. He loves staying in his comfy pj's and just snuggling in bed. It's a luxury to stay in bed all day and read and one of these days, in a different season of my life, I want to experience that, too!!! As I leave with Jacob in the mornings or chauffeur the kids to school, I love looking at the silhouette of bare trees against the backdrop of a gray cloudless sky. It's simply beautiful!!!
We've been busy whipping the lower level of our house into shape. The other day, while my parents, Michael and I were organizing, I uncovered a stack of pictures I fully intended to scrapbook when Krista was in Kindergarten. They're beautifully cut and stacked nicely, but they'll be lucky to see the inside of my Creative Memories scrapbook album at this point in my life! There were pictures of Krista at 3, 4 and 5 years old. From a tiny child in the pictures to the young woman she has blossomed into, I wonder where the time has gone. Have you noticed that the older you get, the faster time seems to go by?
It seems like just yesterday when Krista was crying over my writing assignment in 5th grade and now she's discovered a passion for writing her own stories and other things. And it really feels like just yesterday when Krista was holding Michael gingerly in her arms on the couch and now he's 5.5 years old and soon-to-be 6!!!
How do you make the most of every moment when you're caught up in living life? There are kids to drop off, music lessons, sports activities, play dates to organize, homework and more homework! Life can get busy and whiz by you if you're not careful about it and intentional in your relationships.
It's why I love being a part of a small group fellowship. You have to slow down to make plans to meet regularly, share a meal and grow together as a community. Consider investing in people, and not so much in things. After all, the only things you can take to Heaven with you are the people you've lead to Jesus, right? God's plan for us is in Micah 6:8, "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God?"
Now that's a legacy worth leaving behind :o)