On the way home from church the other day, Jacob announced that it was time for all boys to take their nap. Without missing a beat, Michael quipped in a squeaky high voice, "I'm a female! Now where's my purse?!?"
I'm grateful he's still a napper even though he's been fighting the whole nap thing recently... which doesn't surprise me! Krista stopped napping by 3. He usually begs, "Oh please, oh please, can I skip a nap today? It's been years since I skipped a nap!!!" Years?!? Really?!? He's still napping but will eventually graduate to quiet time :o)
I can't believe I packed a 45 gallon tub of pictures. And there's still more to go. It's a good thing I love bubble wrap but I am highly annoyed at the inferior tape and dispenser!!! AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!
Michael was sitting on his knees at the table playing with the iPad, when all of a sudden, he exclaimed, "Hey! My foot is buzzing!" It was Jacob's phone vibrating from the pocket of his jacket---which happened to be hanging on the back of Michael's chair!
I've noticed that whenever Krista comes and gives me a hug, Michael immediately runs over and manages to squeeze himself in between us while butting Krista out of the way! Of course this leads to some tight and pushy maneuvers on both of their parts. Krista was able to hold Michael down and he yelled, "Female! Get Out Of My Body!" We were cracking up because we knew he meant to say, "Get off my body!" They're both very entertaining!!!
As we delight in our children and their entertaining antics (!), the Bible says the Lord takes delight in us, too. I love the NLT's version of Zephaniah 3:17..."For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
Isn't this a great reminder of God's great, enduring and unconditional love for us?!?