We really tried to invite friends over but it was nearly impossible to coordinate so we're staying in our PJ's all day and just hanging out. Krista and I are going to cook together. We're making stuffed chicken breast wrapped in bacon, cheese bread, mashed potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, stir fry green beans and for Michael, petite peas and crumbled bacon. It's a combination of our favorite foods all in one day to be eaten throughout the day :o)
Last night, after our church's Thanksgiving Eve Praise service, we stayed up til midnight playing card games. Naturally, we put Michael down to bed first. We had purchased The Game of LIFE Adventures card game and were eager to try it out. Well, it was a dud. The directions were unclear and after a while, making our story "bigger" than our opponent was rather boring. We switched back to our old standby card game, Monopoly Deal and had a great time! It's addictive and so much fun!!! I can't wait until Michael is old enough to join us in the game, too!
Later this afternoon, we're going to play GIANT sized Dominoes---a game Michael will enjoy and understand easily. And Uno. You can't go wrong with Uno!!! Right now, Michael is trying to get Krista to tell him her password to her iTouch. Yeah. Right. I'm grateful that we enjoy each other's company!
As I reflect back on the year so far, I'm really grateful for our Christian family, the body of Christ. We received so much care, support and prayers when Michael had a febrile seizure. Jacob was amazed by all our praying friends when his mom had heart surgery earlier in the year. And now that Jacob lost his job, we're surrounded by loving friends who are praying us through this new season in our life.
Faith without being tested is not really faith. It's easy to say we trust in God and have faith in Him when everything is going well, isn't it?!? I see it as a daily choice --- believing and trusting God that He has a plan (Jer 29:11), believing in God that He will supply our needs (Phil. 4:18-20) and believing in God that all things work together for the good of those who love God...(Rom 8:28).
Personally, I feel that although Jacob lost his job, he's regained his life. For the first time ever, he's been more plugged in at church through various men's groups and serving in different ministries at church! One of the first decisions he made after losing his job was choosing to get baptized (finally!) and encouraging Krista to join him. Last Sunday, they were both baptized at the 8am service---a historic first for our church!
We're still trying to figure out the dynamics of family and how to be a family who serves together. We're trying to come up with a purpose --- something that defines our family's vision...which we're still working on. It requires re prioritizing our life and now we're contemplating a family missions trip serving in orphanages in Asia early in the new year. We're trying to intentionally have meals together again. We are still trying to figure out "us" and are slowly learning to communicate more effectively through discussions. It's a growing time in our lives and we're all being stretched instead of merely "existing" in one house.
And more than ever, we're reminded over and over again that life is not about acquiring things (things on this earth won't last anyway --- they'll get lost, broken or stolen), status (status is so temporary and dependent on our pride and what others think about us which can change as fast as the wind blows anyway) or money (having lots of it doesn't guarantee the important things in life like genuine relationships, joy, peace, gratitude, health, etc.). We want our lives to count for so much more. The only things we'll ever be able to bring to Heaven with us are people --- people who have been impacted by the gospel of Christ because of our investment in their lives.
So I leave you this verse from 2 Thessalonians 3:5 (NLT)..."May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression
of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ."
Happy Thanksgiving!!!