Michael has been sick since last Friday. I think we're past the febrile seizure part (I hope!) now because he hasn't been running a fever consistently in the past two days. His coughing, though, is a totally different story. It's what wakes him up throughout the night. And us, too! And causes him to gag. Poor little thing. If only he could sleep standing up...I did try to prop him up on some higher pillows but he wasn't comfortable that way and wanted to sleep normally.
I slept in his room for about three nights and couldn't do it any longer. I can say with conviction that my back and the air mattress will never be friends. I had to go see the chiropractor and the soft tissue massage therapist earlier this week because of that mattress! Thankfully, after the adjustments and my bed, things are better again.
This week has been insane. But, it's been a good insane (I'll bet you didn't even know there was such a thing, dijya?!?). The 7th grade girls Affirmation Tea was such a God thing. All the preparation paid off (thank you, Nicki!). The chocolate theme was a hit! Come on, chocolate and middle school girls. Should that even surprise you?!? It's clearly a no brainer! My 8th grade girls (all but 2) were able to be there to serve their little sisters and cater to their palate needs. Plus, they had special Scriptural Blessings for their 7th grade sisters and we were able to roll them up (like a scroll) and tie them with an organza ribbon. The Affirmation activity went really well and I'm so excited that the girls will have them to read over and over again. Hey, I still have mine from AFC's family conference eons ago. And though I don't really look at it much anymore, I remember reading it a lot after the conference was over.
Then, all the little details that go with planning our MOMSnext meeting and upcoming "Chocolate, Chuckles and Chicks" night (April 3...be there or be square!!!) has been keeping me busy and away from leisure reading...Ha! Is there such a thing for moms?!? It's more like this...let's see if I can make it to the next paragraph before somebody needs me for something! It's just a season, right?!? I did get to start The Journey by Wanda E. Brunstetter and I'm loving it so far. I'm not loving the fact that it's currently AWOL...
Earlier this week, I was inspired by the cold weather to make corn chowder and my cheese bread (thank you, Jenny & Dave!!!). My friend Nicea came by to drop off 2 Costco sized boxes of Hershey's Bars (Relax! They weren't for me! Sheesh! I did tell her that if they were dark chocolate, she might have cause for concern, but leaving milk chocolate with me was safe) after her shift at work and ended up coming in and hanging out for a bit. It was fun! She came at the right time because I was baking up a storm!
Anyway, and since the cheese bread made such an impression (poor Jacob only got one slice! That's why if you snooze, you lose...!), I decided to make it again tonight. It was a great plan. I started putting the ingredients together when I heard Krista yelling, "That was NOT nice, Michael!!!" She was upstairs supervising the miniature child in hand washing. And what did that angelic child do? He hit his sister! Clearly, he was feeling better. Okay, we have this rule in our house that "hands are made for hugging and helping and NOT for hitting. Take a guess why we've had to install that rule?!? Yes, this is a repeat offense which I needed to address. So, I stopped in the middle of my task and had to remind Michael because of his poor choice.
I tried to pick up where I left off, but I was feeling discombobulated. And rightly so. When the timer rang, I looked at the saddest cheese bread I've ever laid eyes on! I quickly realized, OH! I forgot to add the baking powder in! Just brilliant. Anyway, I had to make another one and thankfully, it turned out. Yes, it helps to put in ALL the necessary ingredients! But by then, Jacob wasn't hungry anymore and I made it for his benefit! Oh well! There's always tomorrow...perhaps :o)
Whew! Aren't you glad God doesn't get distracted by "stuff" like we do?!? I love how the CEV puts
Malachi 3:6..."Descendants of Jacob, I am the LORD All-Powerful, and I never change. That's why you haven't been wiped out,"
Enough said, right?!?