But where's everybody when I need a witness for the amazing facts I was given from the Wii Fit last night?!? Of course, it figures no one was around when I was on the Wii last night torturing myself with the aerobic steps. I did it twice and then tried the advanced aerobic steps. Okay, even I had to laugh when I kept falling off the Wii! The steps go so fast that I'm surprised I don't have a nervous breakdown trying to follow those footprints on the screen! I decided to do it twice (without falling down twice as much!) and then do the body test where you are weighed and given your BMI.
O----k--a--y. I was elated. For a moment. According to the Wii Fit Plus body test, I had dropped 22 lbs since the day before! In fact, instead of being announced I was "overweight," I was being congratulated on meeting my goal 6 months early!!! Seriously?!? This is the kind of celebration that needs to involve Trader Joe's Coffee Blast ice cream, right?!? Except I remembered how I added on an additional 3 lbs the last time I celebrated (with Michael, whom of course, lost 3 more lbs after eating his Trader Joe's peppermint ice cream which is SO NOT fair, I might add!), so ice cream was not an option.
This morning, I told Jacob about my amazing weight loss (part of me knew the Wii was dead wrong, but part of me was hoping it was true!!! Can't a girl dream a little?!?) and his predictable reaction was this (here's my paraphrase)...?
"Great. You broke the Wii. I'm not surprised because the Wii is a computer and you always break computers by the way you use them." Usually, the first words out of his mouth about technical issues are, "What did you do?!?" Can I help that the computer seems to break down after I'm the last one to use it?!? I hear from other women that this is the typical response from their husbands, too when the computer goes on the blink after they've been using it! Of course, this is why this is one of the reasons why I tell Jacob he's missing the gift of encouragement! He so needs to go to Giving Encouragement 101!!!
I demonstrated my lack of skills at the advanced aerobics step today for Krista and Jacob at noon for entertainment purposes (I only fell off once and landed straight on my back on the floor!!! Did I mention my lack of coordination and athletic proneness...?!?) and we found out why the Wii got my weight loss messed up. Sadly, now the Wii reflects that I've gained 22 lbs in one day!!! It's so insulting! Ya know, that's a lot of ice cream and I didn't even get to enjoy it!!! Oh well, but that's reality for you.
Michael's appetite for meals seems to have diminished since he was sick (however, his appreciation for snacks has increased way over time!). But last night, I found that if I added some crumbled bacon to the chicken and pasta, he was all gung ho about his meal! Tonight, I did the same thing and after eating it, he asked for more! It's a good thing we stocked up on some Costco sized bags of crumbled bacon (you can't always find them) because it's going to come in handy the next time he's not enthusiastic about lunch or dinner!
I started A Billion Reasons Why by Kristin Billerbeck yesterday and finally finished it today. I loved the story about a girl's dilemma in marrying for stability and security vs a relationship with fireworks and being madly in love! Katie McKenna wonders what God wants for her. Loved it!!! My only complaint is the cover. I love the picture, but Kristin describes Katie McKenna as having pale skin and red hair (she's Irish through and through) and the girl on the cover looks Italian! So, what's up with that?!?
Michael and I were playing "The Thankful" game the other day in the car. He was thankful for Heaven because he was going to get a new body there where he can eat anything and not be allergic to anything! We started talking about Heaven and I was telling how the Bible tells us that there will be no more pain, sorrow or tears there. Michael wanted to know where we live in Heaven and I told him about the verse in John 14:2 where Jesus says, "In my Father's house are many *mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." The KJV says "mansions" but other translations say "rooms." I kinda like the idea of a mansion better, don't you?
When things break or go south, I usually console Michael by asking him, "Remember where we live, Michael?" and he will reply, "We live on earth where things break and get lost, but in Heaven, nothing breaks and gets lost because we're with Jesus! I can't wait for Heaven, can you?!?" No, I can't either, sweet baby boy because I'm pretty sure there's no exercising in Heaven since we'll be praising and worshipping God! Hallelujah!!!