Sadly, my side of the blanket died before Jacob's ever did (he never really turned his side on!), so we got rid of it. I miss a pre-warmed bed!
I started Bake Until Golden by Linda Evans Shepherd and Eva Marie Everson last night and finished it earlier this evening (thanks to a long wait at Beau Image for my haircut). It was SO good and I can't wait to try some of those recipes at the back of the book!
Krista's been busy doing school work this week and Michael's been building with his legos and playing with his trains. In between things, the two of them have been playing on their DS thingys. Michael loves his work books and can't wait to do the next lesson! He is every teacher's dream come true!
Are you thinking about New Year's resolutions? I've decided that I need to get back to exercising again after taking off for the last four years. Okay, you exercise freaks, you can close your mouths now!!! Unfortunately, exercising by osmosis is not really working for me because I continue to expand in places that are better contained. Very annoying!
But, I'm still debating whether to include exercising on my list of New Year's resolutions since historically, I've always broken all my resolutions by January 2nd anyway.
It makes more sense to make a resolution that's based from the Bible because you know it's true and you're not in control of unresolving it! Like this...
In 2011, I will have peace through God because in John 16:33, it goes “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
See, now I won't be able to break my New Year's resolution. Brilliant, if I say so myself!