Yesterday, we were working on some pages and the instructions were to put a check mark on the object that has more beads, windows, etc. Michael put a check mark on the right objects and then proceeded to put an "x" on the objects that had less. Then it was time to practice drawing circles. I showed him how he needed to trace the circle and draw two circles by himself. I pointed out how the top of the circle had to touch the line on top and the bottom of the circle had to reach the line on the bottom. When I checked his work I saw that he decided to draw 4 circles (good for taking the initiative and drawing more but not good when it comes to following directions! I'm beginning to see a pattern here...!). His first circle was within the perimeters and then the other circles resembled wilted peas in size and look! After working on it together, he decided he was "too exhausted" and "needed a break!" Doing Kindergarten together once he turns 5 should be very interesting!
Yesterday, I finished Valley of Dreams and started reading The Healers's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson (my upstairs book) and for my downstairs book, I started on Passion to Action: How God Uses Ordinary People in Extraordinary Ways an inspiring book written by Jay & Beth Loecken with Laura Morton (this book is something every family should get and read together!!!)! I finished reading both of these books now and will be posting my reviews soon! I'm glad October will be over soon (I'm so not a fan of Halloween) because that means Michael and I can go into a store without him getting scared of all the creepy Halloween decorations and disturbing images. This is the stuff nightmares are made of!
I am constantly amazed by God's faithfulness! We see it in our own lives and we see it in the lives of others. A blessing found in Jacob's unemployment season is the extra time he has now that his schedule isn't consumed by work. Jacob and I want to purposely set aside time (now that he has an abundance of it!) to minister to our friends who are in need, hurting, lonely or just in need of some encouragement. We want to make the most of our time investing in others so we can Make A Difference (Go M.A.D.!!!) for the Kingdom of God. We want to remind the people God has blessed in our life that they are not alone in their pain and in their need.
This morning, I was reminded to look up another favorite verse I used to read a lot on the air when I was doing afternoons at the radio station. I think the NLT's version of Isaiah 43:2 is extra meaningful...
"When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you."
This one is for you :o)