Sunday, August 28, 2011

"I Need to Do More Homework!!!" and "Did You Buy Me Another Work Book?!?"

We went to church this morning at 8am because we were planning to have lunch with our friends Clifton and Yuwen in Irvine.  It was nice to catch up with them again and see some other old friends (the Kuo's and the Wu's) while meeting some new ones, too.  I have great memories of hanging out during our YAF days!

I'm finally reading Roadside Assistance by Amy Clipston downstairs and my upstairs book is Lost Melody by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith.  It's been challenging to find time to read with a verbal 4.5 year-old! The concept of quiet time is such a challenge for him because it requires him to pause his talking.  Which has yet to happen.  Sigh.

 Isn't it amazing how different every child is?!?  When Krista was 3, we hired a tutor for her.  Mrs. Habegger was a wonderful teacher, but unfortunately, Krista was not interested in learning at that time in her life! She was resistant to reading (thank goodness, that's not the case now!), learning her colors (every color was "blue" no matter how I tried to teach her the different colors and to this day, it's still her favorite color!) Brain Quest cards (we bought so many packs from Costco, but she was so not interested in them at all!) and doing workbooks (I bought all the cute Fisher-Price ones hoping she would be attracted to the bright pictures and cute characters, but all she wanted were the cute stickers!)! All in all, combined with her lack of interest and the issues she had with fluid in her ears, learning was just a challenge.  Looking back, I realize now that she just wasn't ready yet.
Fast Forward to Now:  Thankfully, she's a diligent, focused and hardworking student! 

Although learning was not interesting to her when she was 2 through 5, she loved performing.  We had nightly performances of the circus and dance shows from her.  Sadly, we never captured all those wonderful moments on tape! She loved having her picture taken and would constantly pose for us.  She loved being with grown-ups, dancing at concerts and traveling.  She was probably one of the best travelers ever!

Michael, on the other hand, is completely different.  He LOVES learning and anything to do with learning.  I think he started speaking in complete sentences at 1.5.  By 2, he knew the alphabet and the sounds that went with each letter.  He loved counting, too and learned to count to 100 by 5's and by 10's.  We went through Brain Quest for 4's-5's because I couldn't find the one for preschoolers (probably tossed away by Krista at that age!) and he zipped through them!.  At 3, he learned to count all the way to 100 by 1's.  He also loved to add double numbers (hello, Chop Suey! Chop Suey would say "I no likee!" when the wrong answer was given and "I likee!' when the answer was right).  He also started learning sight words and learned how to write his name, and the words, "Krista, Mommy, Daddy, and Love."  We purchased 8 workbooks for him and he finished them in 4 days.  And wanted more.  We went through another pack of Brain Quest for 2nd graders, but it was too challenging, so I purchased a pack for 1st graders and that worked better for him.  Crazy, right?!?  Now at age 4, he's learning to sound out words as he reads from level 1 reading books.  He continues to do his Kindergarten workbook pages and loves to play the adding game on the iPad.  He loves electronic devices and can figure out so many things on the computer, the phone, etc.

He is extremely uncooperative when it comes time for pictures and being taped (I call him a director's nightmare!).  Like Krista was allergic to learning, he's allergic to being caught on camera! Sigh.  I barely can get any good pictures of him and by the time he grows up, I may only have about 1 small file of pics from his childhood.  Isn't that so sad?!?

I'm glad God made our children so different from each other! We're learning to appreciate their difference! In the same way, we can learn to appreciate the differences found in the members of the body of Christ, right?  We all have different gifts and each member is important! I'm reminded of this again in 1 Corinthians 12.

I like how the NLT (New Living Translation) puts 1 Corinthians 12:18: "But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it."


I Corinthians 12:27 says it best from the Contemporary English Version: "Together you are the body of Christ. Each one of you is part of his body. "

It's good to remember that together, we are the body of Christ!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The "Official" First Day of High School and The Stalker

Imagine this...every class you're scheduled for doesn't have you listed on the class roster.  AND, you don't bring the "official" schedule of classes that's been printed off the school's website; instead, you have a customized "unofficial" version of the schedule that's more user friendly with every class plugged in the right rotation for the block schedule (complete with the room numbers!).  The only thing it was lacking was color coded blocks to differentiate week A from week B.  Oh well! Maybe next time...! You quickly realize that this is NOT helpful when the teacher asks to see your class schedule...the one that's been sent from the school.  Ya think?!?

In every class, when the teacher read off the class roster, there was one name they all struggled to pronounce...It sounded like Noh Nay or sometimes it was just pronounced as Noh Nee or as None.  In fact, when no one answered to that name, the teacher figured it belonged to another foreign exchange student that hadn't arrived yet.  After all, there were already students from China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan so the odds ofanother foreign exchange student at Grace were pretty high.

If  your name wasn't called, you had to go up and sign your name on this list.  Krista was usually one of three that had to go up and put her name on the list and when she heard that this Noh Nay  / Noh Nee  / None person was in every one one of her classes with her exact schedule, her first thought was:  STALKER!!!

By the third period, Krista and Mrs. Ashford (Krista had her this summer in Expo Comp class) figured it out.  And the "Stalker Mystery" had them practically rolling on the floor hysterically!!! If I had been there, I would have joined them!!!  And here's what happened...

When I was filling out the application online for Grace, there was a space for the student's nickname.  Apparently, I typed in "None" because Krista only goes by Krista.  We did name her that so by shortening it to Kris or something like that would be downright insulting and annoying to the parents---particularly to the matriarch of the house who read through every A through K name in the Baby Name book before finding the perfect name and meaning!

It appears that whomever was responsible for getting out the class rosters must have gone by the student's nickname and last name.  And, of course, Krista's would be "None Lee!" I have to say that Noh Nay Lee is growing on me.  It has quite an exotic ring to it, too, dontcha think?!?

Names are important!  You can see that throughout scripture.  In the NASB version, Proverbs 22:1 puts it like this: "A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold."

I'm glad Krista was able to laugh about today (I know I sure did!!!)!!! And, yes, I sent an email to all her teachers :o)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

"Mmmmm! What Sauce Did You Use to Make This Chicken So Tender?"

Last night, we celebrated having our good friends home again (the Beccue's).  They've been gone for the past 11 months traveling around the world serving and expanding their horizons! Krista and I made our stuffed chicken breast wrapped in bacon and served with mashed potatoes while Jacob helped saute the green beans and garlic (he also peeled all the potatoes in record time!).  It was so relaxing just hanging out, listening to their stories and watching Shaun the Sheep!You can still follow their adventures and see Tim's amazing photography at!

As I got Michael ready for bed, he asked me the question that's the title of this blog entry! I love how verbally expressive he is!!! He definitely loves food (he's so good at showing appreciation for it!) and is always interested in helping me make things.  He and Krista are so good in the kitchen compared to how I was at their age!!!

Krista begins high school on Tuesday already.  I'm hoping her school polo shirts that we picked up are not still in the bag all wadded up...! I don't want her to go to school looking all wrinkled especially since she'll be getting school pictures taken on the first day.  I may need to introduce her to the iron and the ironing board...!

We haven't done piano or typing lessons for the past month so I'll get back on track with Michael with those two things once Krista is back in school again.  Two days ago, I finished wrapping all of Michael's birthday gifts (even though his birthday isn't until December 23rd), all his monthly Christmas gifts (the 25th of every month comes sooner than I always expect!) and one of Krista's birthday gifts.  Things get so hectic in the fall that I need to do whatever I can to get ahead! I hope to finish buying and wrapping everything for Christmas and Krista's birthday by the end of September.  And then I can figure out what I want to do about Christmas cards.  Is it improper etiquette if I just do a Facebook Christmas Card or one on my blog?  I'll have to think about that one some more...! it worth spending the money and time on Christmas cards and pics that will eventually get tossed in the trash anyway?  For the record, I keep Christmas pics from close friends and love seeing how they've changed over the years.  Thank goodness for Rubbermaid storage containers!  

Melaleuca Product Opinions...

Here are my favorite Melaleuca products:

1.  Renew™ Intensive Skin Therapy works equally well as my Clinique Dramatically Moisturizing Lotion and it costs a lot less, too! Now that's a bonus! :o)

2.  PreSpot™ 4x Laundry Stain Remover is the best stain remover on the market in my opinion.  I use it for removing drool stains on Michael's pillow case, blood stains on his clothes from nose bleeds, dirty marks from his white bucket hats, etc.

3.  Melaleuca® Original Shampoo seems to really work well for both Krista and me.  Krista also likes the Melaleuca Hair Masque but I don't feel a difference between my other non Melaleuca conditioner and the Melaleuca conditioner (the Hair Masque).

The cleaning products are free from harsh chemicals so I don't mind Michael helping me clean now.  Do they work better than Lysol, Windex, etc.?  I think they work equally well but the benefit of not breathing in toxic fumes is a definite plus for me! I also like that they come in a concentrate so I think I can use it longer since I'm adding water to the concentrate in my special spray bottle that gives you the directions for mixing the water & concentrate (I think they should include it with the  product instead of making you purchase the bottle).  The MelaPower® 6x Detergent doesn't clean any better than my Tide laundry detergent, but it doesn't contain caustic chemicals or unnecessary fillers either.  And, it's gentle on the clothes.  If you're looking to have a chemical free house, then Melaleuca products are for you!

This is what I don't like about Melaleuca....I don't like that you have to purchase the pump for the Renew skin care therapy (it depends on the size of the Renew skin care therapy you purchase) and for the laundry products separately.  And you have to purchase spray bottles for the spot remover and for the household cleaners separately (it comes in a concentrate so you need to dilute it first).  Actually, you can probably use any spray bottle but the Melaleuca spray bottles have the lines on the bottle so you know how much concentrate and water you need.  And, shipping and handling is hard to pay for when we usually get free shipping when we order online.  I would order a lot more if I didn't have to pay for the shipping and handling!!!

All in all, I'm a satisfied Melaleuca customer.  I haven't tried everything or totally converted our household to all things Melaleuca, but I will continue to purchase my favorite things that work for our family from them!

I'm thankful our lives are so full.  I stay busy with a 4.5 year old and my 13.5 year old.  If I didn't have skating, reading, blogging, keeping up with school stuff and my newsletter, MOMSnext, household stuff, children stuff, etc. I would have too much time to wonder about things like...

Where will we be in a year or two?  God can do anything, right?  I'm living life one day at a time and since I have no control over my future, I have to accept whatever adventure God may bring into our life! And hopefully, it doesn't involve sleeping outdoors in a tent!!! Will Jacob still be employed if his company decides to downsize?  Look at all the big corporations that are letting people go.  Job security can change in the blink of an eye.  Will we see religious persecution in our lifetime?  Sadly, this is probably more of a reality because of our country's leadership and the conscious effort they're making to eliminate anything related to God.  What will happen to my brother in the next couple of years?  Will there be another terrorist attack on our home soil?  I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when the horrific events occurred on 9/11.  Will we survive the next big earthquake?  I've heard nightmare stories about the Northridge one.  Will I ever see my sister and her family again if they come across issues in their country?  I wonder who will get cancer next in our family?  We have a family history... Will termites and ants decide to make our house their home?  Hey! This can be a reality b/c we're living in termite and ant territory here! Will the price of food go up so much we're forced to dig up roots or plant a garden and live off the earth?  This could be a genuine concern since I've been scarred by my childhood and have always vowed I will never have a garden!!! And so we don't! Will the price of chocolate go up so high we can't afford it any longer?  Actually, I like chocolate but I don't depend on it for the survival of my well-being :o)

LOL! In all seriousness, I am thankful we can place our unknown future in the hands of an all-knowing God.  It's why I love the Amplified version of the verses from Philippians 4:6-9...

"6Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.
    7And God's peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
    8For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].
    9Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you."

I'm choosing to trust in God (who has a track record of keeping His promises since the beginning of time).  How about you?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Working" Things Out the Sibling Way

We were in the car after church and Jacob asked where we wanted to go for lunch.  Krista and Michael both said their choices simultaneously.  Krista said, "Natural Cafe" while Michael called out "Panera Bread!"  Here's the conversation...

Jacob:  Then you both better work this out or we'll just go home for lunch.

Krista:  Michael, if you pick Natural Cafe, I'll give you some of my Nerd Rope.

Michael:  Okay, Krista! Daddy, let's go to Natural Cafe!!!

Done.  Bribery always works with Michael ;oP

We spent yesterday in LA eating, browsing and grocery shopping with Coral, our "second" daughter at school there (!).  Of course, we had to go to Beard Papa's which sells the BEST cream puffs in the world!!! There are two desserts worth getting an allergic reaction to and they are Beard Papa's cream puff's and Trader Joe's Mini Ice Cream Cones in vanilla.  Double Yum!!!

School starts in two weeks.  Already.  It's strange having a child entering high school when it seems like just yesterday, she was in Kindergarten.  I look forward to watching her get stretched, grow up and get more mature as she encounters new things at Grace.  God is doing something powerful in her and I can't wait to see what He will do with her life!!!

It makes me think of the verse in Phillipians 1:6.  In the Amplified Bible, it goes like this, "And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you."

Whew! There's hope for all of us :o)


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Backseat Entertainment

We spent this past weekend in San Diego because of Krista's competition in the State Games of America.  The ride to San Diego was entertaining to Jacob and I because of the conversation from the backseat! I wish I could have recorded it because listening to Krista and Michael arguing and dialoguing in the back made the trip go by much quicker!

Being stuck in traffic was so frustrating when we were making such good time.  But that was nothing compared to the frustration of searching for the illusive building for all registrants at a hotel & resort property.  Krista still had to register on site to get her badge so when we finally arrived at the Town & Country Hotel, we were directed to park in an area for all State Games of America athletes.  Then it was time to hunt down the Garden Ballroom where the registration was supposed to be at.  Naturally, it wasn't there.  We took a tour of the entire property (or so it seemed) in search of the area for registration.  It was so frustrating!!! Hello, people! A few more signs and arrows pointing us to the right area would have been very helpful!!!

Thankfully, we finally found the right place after circling the property with poor Jacob limping because of his injured ankle.  This was probably the worst weekend for him to have an injured ankle since there was so much walking involved.  Ugh and a big OUCH! Then we left the place to go check in at our hotel at the Doubletree.  As I checked in, I asked the front desk person if there were any corner rooms available (it never hurts to ask!) but he told me they were all family suites.  Of course I had to ask him if there were any available, but there weren't (the hotel was booked solid because of all the weekend events) so we got our room assignment and headed to the elevator to go up to room 222.

We walked in the room, set our bags down and Jacob just sat down on the bed to get off his ankle when the phone rang.  I couldn't imagine who would be calling us already since we had just arrived so I debated whether or not to answer it.  I'm so glad I did! It was the front desk guy and he told me that a family suite opened up and he wanted to know if we wanted it.  Is the sky blue?!?  Do birds fly?!?  I had to contain my exuberance and calmly asked how much extra we would be charged to change rooms and he said the magic words:  "We won't charge you extra so if you want it, come down to get your key."  WooHoo!!!

Poor Jacob! He had to get back up and we all went downstairs to get our new room assignment:  825.  When I opened the door to the family suite (I heard the Hallelujah Chorus being sung by the angels!!!), we were delighted to find a roomier area (with a strange unidentifiable odor) -- a bedroom and then a door that opened to another room with bunkbeds, a TV for kids, a desk and a little table and chairs (totally Michael sized!).  I was super excited about getting a family suite because originally I tried to book a room at the Embassy Suites (a simple hotel room is too small when you have 2 children) but unfortunately, they only had king suites left and I wanted a 2 queens suite.

It was the perfect way to start our weekend! That night, we went to the opening ceremonies at the Qualcomm Stadium (home of the San Diego Chargers) and got to see all the athletes parade in.  It was impressive! Then we got to see the Navy Seal Skydiving team and they were spectacular in their precision landing.  Sadly for Krista, we left shortly afterward to get back to the hotel to avoid the delay in exiting the stadium with hundreds of other vehicles and to get some rest before Krista competed on Saturday.

We had a wake-up call at 6am (yawn!) and then left the hotel at 7:30 to get to the rink.  Krista competed at 9ish so she remained with her coach while we went to the bleachers to find a seat.  After 2 skaters, Michael had to go to the bathroom.  Of course, did! This is how he told me...

Michael:  Mommy, do you know why I'm sitting like this? He had his legs crossed and was kind of hunched over.

Me: it because you're cold?!?  Any rink at 8 am is ALWAYS extra freezing cold!

Michael:  Nope.  It's because I have to go to the bad! Whaaaaaaat?!?  Again?!?

So, off to the bathroom we went.  While washing his hands, I suddenly heard music....Krista's music and grabbed him and ran out of the bathroom just as Krista was holding her final pose for the end of the program.  AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! I was so annoyed with Michael and the bad timing of his bladder! Of course, I know he couldn't help it, but still!!!

Thankfully, Jacob hurt his ankle and didn't have to take Michael to the bathroom so he got to see Krista skate so beautifully in her technical program for the first time.  I see her in practice so I knew how nicely the program came together in the past four weeks! She really made an impressive comeback with her skating because in the beginning of the summer, she was clearly not ready to compete.  She didn't make it in the top three (the competition was fierce!), but she held her own as best as she could with a pulled muscle in her back and less preparation time than the average!

Later that evening, our friends, the Chou's came up from Chula Vista to see the competition.  It was so nice to see them since we hadn't seen them for ages! Krista skated to her artistic program and before we knew it, it was over! She didn't feel she did as well as she could have because she rushed her program, but I was so proud of her anyway :o) She really worked hard and we encouraged her to skate for God without getting distracted by her competitors.  Competitive skating is one of those things where you just have to love competing and do it with the right heart attitude and motivation while not take the judging seriously.  It's such a subjective sport when it comes to competitions so the key is to compete against yourself and your last scores, have fun and most of all, skate for the glory of God.

I Corinthians 10:31 says it best from the ESV (English Standard Version,) "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

P.S.  I posted Krista's technical and artistic program on my facebook account:

Technical Program:

Artistic Program:

Friday, August 5, 2011

One More Day...

Happy August!!! I finished the painstaking job of gluing gross after gross of Swarovski crystals on both of Krista's competition dresses a few days ago, so now I can breathe easier.  Then for the past three days, I've been playing with my other crystal beads and making book markers, diaper bag ID charms and Christmas ornaments.  It's been fun playing and being creative!

Tomorrow is the Opening Ceremonies and then Krista competes in two events on Saturday.  For her technical program, she's skating to a score from the movie August Rush.  And for her artistic program, she'll be skating to Laputa's Theme.  She's pulled a muscle in her back so she's in pain, but hopefully, it won't prevent her from skating clean and well. 

I am so proud of her comeback.  When she returned to skating regularly in June, I was really concerned with the lack of speed in her spins and the general sloppiness in her skating and posture.  After working hard every day at the rink, her skating has improved by 110%!!!  She's proven that she can nail every element in her programs in a short amount of time, so in my book, she's won already. 

And by next week, we'll only skate two to three days a week (Hallelujah!), so we'll get a break and be home sometimes! Woo Hoo!!! And, we're finished with our school supplies shopping, so I won't have to fight the crowds doing their school shopping.  It's a great feeling :o)

I'll close with the Contemporary English Version of Psalm 9:1.  "I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart and tell about the wonders you have worked."
